Package: 0ad-dbg Description-md5: a858b67397d1d84d8b4cac9d0deae0d7 Description-sl: Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (debug) 0 A.D. (pronounced "zero ey-dee") is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. In short, it is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. The project is highly ambitious, involving state-of-the-art 3D graphics, detailed artwork, sound, and a flexible and powerful custom-built game engine. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: 2ping Description-md5: 2543c220a763445976d1348c5b593743 Description-sl: Pripomoček ukaza ping za določanje usmerjene izgube paketov 2ping je dvosmerni pripomoček ukaza ping. Uporablja 3-smerne ukaze ping (podobno TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) in primerjavo stanja po dejstvu med poslušalnikom in odjemalcem 2ping za določitev katera smer izgube paketov se zgodi. Package: 2vcard Description-md5: f6f2cb6577ba2821b51ca843d147b3e1 Description-sl: pearl skript za pretvorbo imenika v datotečno vrsto VCARD 2vcard je majhen perl skript, ki ga lahko uporabite za pretvorbo priljubljene vrste datotek vcard. Trenutno lahko 2vcard pretvori le imenike in datoteke vzdevkov iz naslednjih vrst: abook, eudora, juno, ldif, mutt, mh in pine. . Obliko VCARD uporablja na primer program gnomecard, ki ga potrebuje odjemalec e-pošte balsa. Package: 3270-common Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za IBM 3270 posnemovalike in pr3287 3270-common vsebuje datoteke, ki se sklicujejo na druge 3270 pakete Package: 3dchess Description-md5: 12d01b96d7645ee302ebc29cde999e92 Description-sl: Igrajte šah na 3 šahovnicah! Imate tri navpično zložene šahovnice, 96 figur od katerih je večina običajnih šahovskih figur ter 26 mogočih smeri premikanja. Zagotavlja dovolj zahtevno igro za vse razen najboljše igralce. Package: 3depict Description-md5: 246db3da16c5305f24976464271087a5 Description-sl: predočenje in analiza enojno vrednotene podatkovne točke Ta program zagotavlja grafični vmesnik za znanstveno analizo točkovnih podatkov realnih vrednosti (vrednost x,y,z). Program je namenjen predvsem ta uporabo v tomografiji, vendar je lahko uporaben tudi za druge namene. Package: 4g8 Description-md5: 08a3e421414ebaacb3294625688dc573 Description-sl: Zajemanje in prestrezanje paketov za omrežja s stikali 4G8 vam omogoča zajemanje prometa tretjih oseb v okolju stikal na račun rahlega povečanja zamika gostitelju tretje osebe. Z uporabo zastrupljanja pomnilnika ARP in tehnikami zajemanja in ponovne izgradnje paketov 4G8 deluje s skoraj vsemi pretoki prometa TCP, ICMP in UDP IPv4. Package: 4store Description-md5: bd19d7433c49c8266d9772c0651d88a4 Description-sl: RDF zbirka podatkov in poizvedbeni pogon -- ozadnji program zbirke podatkov 4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data. . 4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist. . This package contains the database daemon and related utilities. Package: 6tunnel Description-md5: 48c79c738bde16847fbc9577329a56f0 Description-sl: Posredniški strežnik TCP za ne-IPv6 programe 6tunnel vam omogoča uporabo storitev gostiteljev IPv6 z le IPv4 programi in obratno. Veže se lahko na katerikoli vaš naslov IPv4 ali IPv6 in posreduje vse podatke gostitelju IPv4 ali IPv6. . Uporabi se lahko na primer kot IPv6 zmožen posredniški strežnik IRC. Package: 7kaa Description-md5: 37b0a07b664e6e2e6b3370a23d7a49cb Description-sl: Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries: realnočasovna strateška igra Igra Seven Kingdoms, ki jo je zasnoval Trevor Chan, prinaša edinstveno mešanico realnočasovne strategije z ozirom na trgovino, diplomacijo in vohunstvo. . Igra igralcem omogoča, da tekmujejo proti največ šestim drugim kraljestvom. Igralcem omogoča, da lahko premagajo nasprotnike z zmago v vojni (z vojaki ali orožjem), zajetjem njihovih zgradb z vohuni ali pa jim za kraljestvo ponudijo denar. . V letu 2009 je Enlight Software izdal to igro pod licenco GPL. 7kfans projekt tudi posodablja igro in zagotavlja skupnost za oboževalce. Brezplačni Seven Kingdoms vam bo pomagal nadaljevati vašo zapuščino. Package: 7kaa-data Description-md5: 1a73c20d523b558c525029d969f4827f Description-sl: Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries - podatki o igri Igra Seven Kingdoms, ki jo je zasnoval Trevor Chan, prinaša edinstveno mešanico realnočasovne strategije z ozirom na trgovino, diplomacijo in vohunstvo. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke. Package: 7kaa-dbg Description-md5: 94b511da766e562a77d9789e2b8640a7 Description-sl: Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries - razhroščevanje Igra Seven Kingdoms, ki jo je zasnoval Trevor Chan, prinaša edinstveno mešanico realnočasovne strategije z ozirom na trgovino, diplomacijo in vohunstvo. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: 9base Description-md5: 5faa0be5b1e9e3a928ae7055a1d7cbdd Description-sl: Orodja uporabniškega okolja Plan 9 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk, basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq, sleep, sort, strings, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc. Package: 9menu Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8 Description-sl: Ustvari menije X iz lupine To je enostaven program, ki vam omogoča ustvarjanje menijev X iz lupine, kjer bo vsak predmet menija pognal ukaz. 9menu je namenjen za uporabo z 9wm, vendar ga lahko uporabi tudi katerikoli drug okenski upravljalnik. Package: 9mount Description-md5: c10585cddabe9bab8d46e6fa16c635ca Description-sl: pripomočki uporabniškega priklopa datotečnega sistema plan9 (v9fs) 9mount je niz orodij priklapljanja SUID, ki se uporablja z v9fs za pomoč z linuxovo slabo podporo priklapljanja. . Orodja ponujajo raven varnosti - 9 mount vam bo dovolil priklop ne- lepljivih map do katerih imate dostop pisanja in 9umount vam bo dovolil le odklop razdelkov 9p, ki ste jih sami priklopili. Package: 9wm Description-md5: 41ad7a3fb8957b989a3bd02e7e167200 Description-sl: posnemanje Plan 9 upravljalnika oken 8-1/2 9wm je okenski upravljalnik X, ki poskuša posnemati okenski upravljalnik Plan 9 8-1/2 kolikor je mogoče z omejitvami X. . Zagotavlja enostaven vendar udoben uporabniški vmesnik brez odvečnih okraskov ali nazivnih vrstic. Ali ikon. In je klikni-za-tipkanje. Package: a2jmidid Description-md5: a182a4ee1593f675a64da0a57440bb9a Description-sl: Ozadnji program za stare sisteme ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI Glavni cilj tega projekta je olajšati uporabo starih, ne JACK programov na sistemu z omogočenim JACK MIDI. a2jmidid je ozadnji program, ki podpira samodejno mostenje. V primeru da je prenos sekvenčnika ALSA tako en vhod kot en izhod dobite dve vrati JACK MIDI, en vhod in en izhod. Package: a2ps Description-md5: 732bd45324c6fce1aa914b7b0167c68a Description-sl: GNU a2ps - 'Karkoli v PostScript' pretvornik in lep tiskalnik GNU a2ps pretvori datoteke v PostScript za tiskanje ali ogled. Uporablja lepo privzeto obliko, običajno dve strani na vsaki fizični strani, obrobi okoliške strani, glave z uporabnimi podatki (številka strani, datum tiskanja ali zagotovljena glava), oštevilčenje vrstic, zamenjava simbolov kot tudi lepo tiskanje za širok obseg programskih jezikov. . a2ps se je začel kot pretvornik PostScript, vendar vam zaradi zmogljivih delegacij omogoča uporabo za katerokoli vrsto datotek, na primer strani priročnika, datoteke dvi, texinfo, ... . Among the other most noticeable features of a2ps are: - various encodings (all the Latins and others), - various fonts (automatic font downloading), - various medias, - various printer interfaces, - various output styles, - various programming languages, - various helping applications, - and various spoken languages. Package: a56 Description-md5: e2a5c0e79ee0be60f379e6e2377bc1b4 Description-sl: Motorola DSP56001 zbirnik a56 is an assembler for the Motorola DSP56001 family of microcontrollers. . Zmožen je kodnega prevajanja strojne programske opreme, ki se uporablja v Linuxovem gonilniku dsp56k.c. . Example DSP code for musical effects such as chorus, flange, and reverb can be found at (unfortunately copyright prevents distribution). Package: a7xpg Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645 Description-sl: akcijska igra lovljenja Cilj igre je zbrati vse zlate palice, ki jih lahko najdete na vsaki stopnji in se izognite zaletavanju v kateregakoli od sovražnikov. Medtem ko napredujete skozi stopnje boste srečali težje sovražnike. Če zlato hitro zbirate, lahko dobite kratko obdobje nepremagljivosti. . A7Xpg je še en dragulj Kenta Cho-ja. Package: a7xpg-data Description-md5: 1ab7e6e42cf00b0a9ea4f59b9fbe4717 Description-sl: akcijska igra lovljenja - podatki igre Cilj igre je zbrati vse zlate palice, ki jih lahko najdete na vsaki stopnji in se izognite zaletavanju v kateregakoli od sovražnikov. Medtem ko napredujete skozi stopnje boste srečali težje sovražnike. Če zlato hitro zbirate, lahko dobite kratko obdobje nepremagljivosti. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke za igro A7Xpg. Package: aa3d Description-md5: 258e8b120f0545ac1a4843f1beb1ded5 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik stereogramov umetnosti ASCII Ta program ustvari dobro znane in priljubljene stereograme naključnih pik v umetnosti ASCII. . Zmožnosti: * Visoko kakovostno izrisovanje stereogramov umetnosti ASCII * Visoko nastavljiv * Uporabniku prijazen vmesnik ukazne vrstice (vključno s polno spletno pomočjo) Package: aaphoto Description-md5: 18ea6fb428eb6d3251a8ec5e91ec82f4 Description-sl: Auto Adjust Photo, samodejno popravljanje barve fotografij Auto Adjust Photo je drobno orodje ukazne vrstice za upravljanje slik za samodejno popravljanje barve fotografij. Sliko poskuša narediti boljšo. Program to stori s preučevanjem vhodne slike in nato nastavljanjem najbolj optimalnega kontrasta, game, barvnega ravnotežja in nasičenja zanjo. Package: abacas Description-md5: 4b41b5c137bf37850b7af48a1408fd37 Description-sl: Algoritem, osnovan na samodejni navezanosti na zbirne sekvence ABACAS je namenjen za hitro poravnavo, ureditev, usmeritev, predočenje in snovanje začetnih oligonukleotidov za zaprtje premorov na s shotgun združenih prekrivajočih se delih na osnovi referenčnega zaporedja. . ABACAS uses MUMmer to find alignment positions and identify syntenies of assembled contigs against the reference. The output is then processed to generate a pseudomolecule taking overlapping contigs and gaps in to account. ABACAS generates a comparision file that can be used to visualize ordered and oriented contigs in ACT. Synteny is represented by red bars where colour intensity decreases with lower values of percent identity between comparable blocks. Information on contigs such as the orientation, percent identity, coverage and overlap with other contigs can also be visualized by loading the outputted feature file on ACT. Package: abcde Description-md5: 22395b74cb7f2e1177d8d13885cab659 Description-sl: Boljši CD kodirnik frontend program to cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, and your favorite Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex and/or MPP/MP+(Musepack) encoder (defaults to oggenc). Grabs an entire CD and converts each track to the specified formats and then comments or ID3-tags each file, with one command. . Z abcde lahko kodirate v več vrst z enim samim ukazom z enim samim opravilom branja CD-ja. Omogoča vam tudi branje in kodiranje, ko niste na internetu in kasneje poizvedbo na strežniku CDDB za označevanje vaših datotek. Package: abcm2ps Description-md5: dc3b0135560bf2cbe06ba992dbc0bb85 Description-sl: Translates ABC music description files to PostScript This is the Debian port of the abcm2ps program by Jean-François Moine. The program translates tunes written in the ABC format to PostScript, which can then be viewed using Ghostview et al. or printed on a PostScript printer or through Ghostscript. It supports various semi-standard extensions to the ABC standard, such as multiple voices and staves. . Ta program je močno izboljšana različica abc2ps Michaela Methfessela, ki ni več podprt kot del Debiana. Vsebuje veliko razširitev za pomoč pri črkovnem oblikovanju klasične glasbe. Package: abcmidi Description-md5: 698e90e5569ad6cf07f3d57abc0b5f7a Description-sl: pretvornik iz oblike ABC v MIDI in nazaj Ta paket vsebuje programa `abc2midi' in `midi2abc', ki obliko glasbenega zapisa abc pretvorita v standardno obliko MIDI in obratno. Ustvarijo lahko dopolnitev iz akordov kitare v datoteki abc, kot tudi vstavljanje različnih dogodkov MIDI, poskuse prevoda MIDI v abc za lastno ugotovitev barov, tripletov in naglasov. . Paket vsebuje tudi `abc2abc' (lep tiskalnik/zamenjalnik), `mftext' (program, ki datoteko MIDI izpiše kot besedilo) in `midicopy' (program, ki izvleče določene skladbe, kanale ali časovne intervale iz datoteke MIDI). . The package also contains Yet another ABC to PostScript converter (yaps) which translates tunes written in the ABC format to PostScript, which can then be viewed on screen or printed. It is essentially a (non-exclusive) alternative to abc2ps, being based on the abc2ps PostScript code together with the ABC parser from the abcmidi package. Package: abe Description-md5: 596044af02adbdc05f5d4d7b4af2a338 Description-sl: Stransko drseča igra z imenom "Abe's Amazing Adventure" Drseča igra skakanja po ploščadih, zbiranja ključev in raziskovanja starodavnih piramid, rahlo v slogu podobnih iger za Commodore+4. Igra želi mladim ljudem pokazati vse super igre, ki so jih zamudili. Package: abe-data Description-md5: 567bd7c169d64f2b29dc3c9580d11964 Description-sl: Stransko drseča igra z imenom "Abe's Amazing Adventure" Drseča igra skakanja po ploščadih, zbiranja ključev in raziskovanja starodavnih piramid, rahlo v slogu podobnih iger za Commodore+4. Igra želi mladim ljudem pokazati vse super igre, ki so jih zamudili. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: abgate Description-md5: 8ed397bfde5cea8deeeec8e0c72aad99 Description-sl: Vstavek vrat hrupa LV2 abGate je vstavek vrat šuma LV2 v obliki LV2 za upravljanje šuma. Vrata šuma so sestavni del, ki ojača zvočni signal, ko pade pod določen prag zato da ga je mogoče uveljaviti na zvočni sledi, ki ima eno ali več obdobij tišine, ko se ne bi smelo slišati nobenega šuma. Package: abi-compliance-checker Description-md5: 540b577fa010ac3ef038ebd7b829f7bd Description-sl: orodje za primerjavo združljivosti ABI za souporabljene različice knjižnic C/C++ abi-compliance-checker can be used to help reduce the possibility of an application crashing when the shared libraries it links against have changed. Signatures and data type definitions from two separate versions of a library are compared by examining the shared objects (.so) files themselves, and by analysing the header files (.h) provided for the two versions of the library and their dependencies. . Razvijalci souporabljenih knjižnic, ki si prizadevajo za binarno združljivost med izdajami, lahko to orodje uporabijo tudi za zaznavanje, če so bile po nesreči vnesene spremembe binarnega programskega vmesnika (ABI). . Preverjalnik lahko uporabljate tudi za oceno binarne združljivosti med različnimi Linux distribucijami. Package: abicheck Description-md5: a38281f070a37064c10336aabb05a83f Description-sl: orodje za preverjanje binarne združljivosti ABIcheck je orodje za preverjanje združljivosti programa z binarnim vmesnikom programa (ABI). Zanaša se na podrobnosti definicije ABI, ki jih knjižnica vsebuje. Package: abinit Description-md5: 716f4f6b5757cdff41a09c10ca375dc4 Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains the executables needed to perform calculations (however, pseudopotentials are not supplied). For a set of pseudopotentials, install the abinit-data package. Package: abinit-data Description-md5: 4578d654ca0897253bccf3e98b9209ae Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations (Data files) ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains a set of pseudopotentials and example inputs. Package: abinit-doc Description-md5: 4edc662ae552484e117ff0d2d74e2f4b Description-sl: package for electronic structure calculations (Documentation) ABINIT je paket katerega glavna program vam omogoča izračun skupne energije, gostote nabojev in elektronske strukture sistemov sestavljenih iz elektronov in jeder (molekule in periodične trdne snovi) s teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (DFT) z uporabo psevdopotencialov in osnove ravninskih valov. . ABINIT vključuje tudi možnost za optimizacijo geometrije glede na DFT sile in stres ali za izvedbo simulacij molekulske dinamike z uporabo teh sil ali za ustvarjanje dinamičnih matrik, efektivnih Bornovih nabojev in dielektričnih tenzorjev. Vzbujena stanja lahko izračunate s časovno odvisno teorijo gostotnega funkcionala (za molekule) ali v teoriji perturbacij več teles (GW ocena). POleg glavne kode ABINIT so zagotovljeni tudi različni programi pripomočkov. . This package contains the documentation and tutorials. Package: abiword Description-md5: ce3726e526f8ea76d20e3def9d407546 Description-sl: učinkovit, zmogljiv urejevalnik besedil z možnostjo sodelovanja AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vključuje veliko razpoložljivih vstavkov uvoza/izvoza, ki AbiWord omogočajo sporazumevanje z ODT, WordPerfect in drugimi vrstami. Vključuje tudi vstavke orodij, ki ponujajo živo sodelovanje z uporabniki AbiWord na Linuxu in sistemu Windows (s TCP ali Jabber/XMPP), spletni prevod in podporo slovarja ter več. . Dodatni vstavki, ki za delovanje zahtevajo občutne količine dodatnih programov so v različnih paketih abiword-plugin-*. Package: abiword-common Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273 Description-sl: Učinkovit urejevalnik besedila z veliko zmožnostmi in podporo sodelovanja -- skupne datoteke AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje skupne datoteke, ki se brez sprememb uporabljajo na vseh arhitekturah. Package: abiword-dbg Description-md5: ed01e833aa92f61b62223baad88d7c89 Description-sl: debugging symbols for abiword word processor AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vključuje veliko razpoložljivih vstavkov uvoza/izvoza, ki AbiWord omogočajo sporazumevanje z ODT, WordPerfect in drugimi vrstami. Vključuje tudi vstavke orodij, ki ponujajo živo sodelovanje z uporabniki AbiWord na Linuxu in sistemu Windows (s TCP ali Jabber/XMPP), spletni prevod in podporo slovarja ter več. . This package contains debugging symbols needed for debugging abiword. Package: abiword-plugin-grammar Description-md5: 6accdf3d3fd880aac171af895fb8f340 Description-sl: Vstavek preverjanja slovnice za AbiWord AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje sistem znotrajvrstičnega preverjanja slovnice za dokumente AbiWord. Package: abiword-plugin-mathview Description-md5: 2578fc33b80827c954fcc8789a8fd422 Description-sl: Vstavek urejevalnika enačb za AbiWord AbiWord je polno zmožen, učinkovit program za obdelavo besedil. Primeren je za različne naloge obdelovanje besedil in je razširljiv z različnimi vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje sistem urejanja enačb za dokumente AbiWord. Package: abntex Description-md5: f24f06318565f68622fece1a9de7960d Description-sl: Razred LaTeX za pisanje dokumentov v standardu ABNT AbnTeX je razred za pisanje dokumentov v standardu ABNT. Brazilsko združenje tehničnih standardov (ABNT) je odgovorno za državne postopke standardizacije in potrjevanja. Ta paket vključuje tudi podporo za BibTeX v standardu ABNT. Package: abook Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan ncurser program imenika Program abook je na besedilu osnovan imenik ncurses. Zagotavlja veliko različnih polj uporabniških podatkov. Program abook je zasnovan za uporabo z mutt, vendar ga je mogoče uporabiti neodvisno. Package: abootimg Description-md5: 44be41a806690df16e9af0e9fe965a7a Description-sl: Orodje za branje/pisanje/posodabljanje zagonskih odtisov android Naprave Android uporabljajo poseben zagonski razdelek za zagon kateregakoli operacijskega sistema na napravah. Ti zagonski odtisi vsebujejo odtis jedra, ramdisk, izbiro zagonski nalagalnik druge stopnje in ukazno vrstico, ki je podana jedru med zaganjanjem. Izviri mkbootimg iz Androida lahko le ustvari te odtise, abootimg pa jih lahko tudi izvleče in spremeni. Upravljanje zagonskih odtisov android je zahtevano za prenos drugih operacijskih sistemov na naprave android. Package: abr2gbr Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2 Description-sl: Pretvori čopiče PhotoShop v GIMP abr2gbr je orodje za pretvorbo datotek čopičev Adobe Photoshop ABR in Corel Paint Shop Pro JBR v vrsto GIMP GBR. Package: accerciser Description-md5: 7806dc55e95ea2b46c6c1541f59644ce Description-sl: interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop Za preučevanje in nadzor gradnikov uporablja AT-SPI, kar vam omogoča preverjanje, če program tehnologijam dostopnosti in samodejnim ogrodjem preizkusov zagotavlja prave podatke. Accerciser ima enostavno ogrodje vstavkov, ki ga lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje pogledov za ogled dostopnosti po meri. Package: account-plugin-icons Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: ace-gperf Description-md5: d2820ae34bb525c6060ea2b7be2a7746 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik perfektne funkcije razprševanja ACE ace_gperf je ACE različica gperf. . Both ace_gperf and gperf were written by the same author, and have basically the same options and functionality. ace_gperf simply takes advantage of some of the features provided by the ACE library. Package: ace-netsvcs Description-md5: a0f85c6269f694a60515cd03bb0a69c6 Description-sl: Izvedbe omrežne storitve ACE ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . Ta paket vsebuje gonilniški program in primer nastavitve datotek za povezavo različnih omrežnih storitev ACE statično ali dinamično in dokončano iz stežniških programov. Package: ace-of-penguins Description-md5: d82a08d5d97db2f18fe09492f4031054 Description-sl: igre pasjanse v temi pingvina Ace of Penguins je zbirka iger pasjanjse, ki so jo navdušile pasjanse za MS Windows, vendar s številnimi izboljšavami. . Ta paket vsebuje igre Canfield, Freecell, Golf, Mastermind, Merlin, Minesweeper, Pegged, Solitaire, Spider, Taipei (z urejevalnikom stopenj) in Thornq. . NOTE: If you experience problems with the F1 help key, please make sure you have package xfonts-100dpi installed. Package: acedb-other Description-md5: 97be9ea18a9e2fcbdb88ae5f65465990 Description-sl: Pridobitev zaporedja DNA ali proteina Ta paket vsebuje vse tiste majhne programe, ki jih acedb zbere pod svojo 'drugo' tarčo ali datoteko Make. . efetch:, kratko ime za 'pridobivanje vnosov' zbere podatke o zaporedju iz skupni podatkovnih zbirk DNA in proteinov. Package: acedb-other-belvu Description-md5: 84687f9cec338e45bcbcf6751ec4e156 Description-sl: urejevalnik poravnave več zaporedij Za preučevanje bioloških zaporedij, je splošni princip iskanje povezanih regij med povezanimi proteini, RNA ali DNA. Regije napisane ena poleg druge z ustreznimi položaji enim nad drugim je poravnava. . Belvu je najbolj znan po njegovi perfektni izvedbi Stockholmske oblike poravnave več zaporedij, saj to vzdržuje izvorni projekt. To je primerek, ki se uporablja v podatkovnih zbirkah Pfam in Rfam. Package: acedb-other-dotter Description-md5: ec2a62a2eb69a0c367d649f17a8ccf56 Description-sl: predočenje za posobnost zaporedij Za preučevanje bioloških zaporedij je splošni princip iskanje povezanih regij med povezanimi proteini, RNA ali DNA. . Doter grafično prikaže podobnost zaporedij DNA ali proteinov samemu sebi ali drugemu primerku. Package: acetoneiso Description-md5: e08d195f1b4e97a80c19fd915b777b7f Description-sl: Z zmožnostmi boga program za priklop in upravljanje odtisov CD in DVD AcetoneISO omogoča enostavno ustvarjanje različnih vrst odtisov CD in DVD na vašem računalniku kot da bi bili zapisani na prave CD-je. Program lahko uporabite za priklop in upravljanje odtisov CD in DVD. Podprte vrste odtisov diskov so ISO, BIN, NRG, MDF in IMG. Package: acfax Description-md5: 483ca623e2e18e8a1a0bc71e40c335dd Description-sl: Prejmite fakse s svojim radijem in zvočno kartico acfax vam omogoča prejem faksov z vašo zvočno kartico. Običajno ga lahko uporabite za odkodiranje faksov poslanih preko HF radija ali satelitov. Package: acheck Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a Description-sl: Preveri za pogoste napake prevajanja acheck, program za preverjanje katerihkoli besedilnih datotek, je program za prevajalce, ki omogoča preverjanje in popravljanje pogostih napak prevajanja glede na vrsto datoteke. Dodati je mogoče pravila za nova preverjanja. . V primeru da namestite modul Aspell Perl kot je priporočeno, lahko prikličete Aspell za preverjanje črkovanja besed. Package: acheck-rules Description-md5: 0a4c57c2dd1295b49c48ee4853b41822 Description-sl: Osnovna pravila za acheck Ta paket vsebuje osnovna pravila za preverjanje s skriptom acheck. Package: acheck-rules-fr Description-md5: d7beecddcf60682dbee1ba1649193481 Description-sl: Francoska pravila za acheck Ta paket vsebuje pravila francoščine, ki naj jih preveri skript acheck. . Za stran man si oglejte pakete acheck-rules. Package: achilles Description-md5: 98c4b0ebb5d22ed4131fdbe0005e1bc2 Description-sl: Simulator umetnega življenja in evolucije Achilles je simualtor umetnega življenja in evolucije, ki uporablja živčna omrežja Hebbian in OpenGL/SDL za simuliranje življenja v poenostavljenem okolju. Osnovan je na PolyWorld Larrya Yaegerja. Package: ack-grep Description-md5: e50a48f3af6e02593eb6155b28aaed6e Description-sl: Grep podoben program posebno nemenjen za velika izvorna drevesa Ack is designed as an alternative for 99% of the uses of grep. ack is intelligent about the files it searches. It knows about certain file types, based on both the extension on the file and, in some cases, the contents of the file. . Ack prezre datoteke varnostnih kopij in datoteke v mapah CVS in .svn. Poudari zadete, kar vam pomaga videti kje je bil vaš zadetek. Ack uporablja logične izraze perl. Package: acl2 Description-md5: 11f9e97229e3c77927e661525096d127 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovno binarno datoteko ACL2. Package: acl2-books Description-md5: b254130a33041ec03320e5001226eff7 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: compiled libraries ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje številne prehodno kodno prevedene in predhodno potrjene knjižnice za uporabo pri zagotavljanju teoremov z ACL2. Resni uporabniki bodo nedvomno želeli namestiti ta paket. Package: acl2-books-certs Description-md5: 6db199e882f251b453acf7d17c15ece3 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library certificates ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta datoteka vsebuje zapise potrdil za različne predhodno kodno prevedene knjižnice, ki so v paketu ACL2-books. ACL2 zahteva, da so vse knjižnice pred uporabo potrjene. Package: acl2-books-source Description-md5: 08e659cca46334f8267d3b949c74e9c4 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library sources ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke lisp do kodno prevedenih knjižnic iz paketa ACL2-books. Package: acl2-doc Description-md5: 5c7f73fe4a8d5c6db72b616db6a620bc Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za ACL2. Package: acl2-emacs Description-md5: 785e47d860f1b215d53efbb4f2bef1fc Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje vmesnik emacs do ACL2. Package: acl2-infix Description-md5: 81a2aa4af877764973901ab7dc79e3c8 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix interface ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje pripomočke in knjižnice za dostop do ACL2 preko zapisa infix, ki je podoben tistemu, ki se uporablja v veliko ne-lisp programskih jezikih. Package: acl2-infix-source Description-md5: 6e56cc8795675ff4708abb07184b4eef Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix source ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke do vmesnik infix za ACL2. Package: acl2-source Description-md5: 24b72fcd3b9c9afee8776f2d281499a4 Description-sl: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: source files ACL2 je tako programski jezik v katerem lahko modelirate računalniške sisteme in orodje, ki vam pomaga dokazati lastnosti teh modelov. . Ta paket vsebuje izvorne datoteke lisp do glavne binarne datoteke ACL2. Package: Description-md5: f1dce3574664657fca3749facdf6f613 Description-sl: Analogna ura sidrišča za GNUstep AClock is an analog clock with display of smooth seconds. It stays in the dock. The display is customizable: . * Seconds hand and its ticking rate * Arabic or Roman numbers, AM/PM * Shadows * Colors of the elements * Alarm and ringing Package: acm Description-md5: cff82563ac0dadbfa1dd07d2a9bbf3e4 Description-sl: Večigralski klasični simulator letalskega boja Večigralski klasični simulator letalskega boja. Igralci se drug z drugim spopadejo v zraku z izstrelki, ki iščejo toploto, in topovi. . Glavne zmožnosti vključujejo: * simulacija s 6 prostostnimi stopnjami. * simulacija pristajanja z dvema in tremi kolesi. * strukturna omejitev pozitivne/negativne navpične obremenitve. * običajna atmosfera. * Vreme: dan/noč, megla, veter. * Inštrumenti vključno z magnetnim kompasom, indikatorjem obrata in, kazalnikom hitrosti zraka, višine in nagiba and bank indicator, kazalnikom višine in kazalnikom navpične hitrosti. * Krmarjenje: HSI z računalom RNAV, ADF. * Prikaz na zaslonu (HUD) in inercijski referenčni sistem referenčni sistem. * Auto-piloti: drži višino, drži hitrost vzpenjanje, drži hitrost, sledi radiju VOR, sledi poti letenja ILS, uskladitev rudder/ailerons coordination.???? * Več modelov letal, tako vojaških in civilnih. * dva scenarija: področje Dallas (Texas) in področje Italije s stotinami stez in radijskih postaj. Package: aconnectgui Description-md5: 5eaa182434a2f6f63283b1b178443c4f Description-sl: Grafični upravljalnik povezav sekvenčnika ALSA aconnectgui je grafični pripomoček za povezavo in prekinitev povezave dveh obstoječih vrat na sistemu sekvenčnika ALSA. Vrata s poljubnim dovoljenjem naročnine kot jih ustvari aseqview je mogoče povezati s katerimikoli vrati naprave MIDI. . aconnectgui je začelje za aconnect, ki je napisan neposredno na vrhu vira aconnect in pusti izvirni paket nedotaknjen, saj doda le nekaj izrazov ifdef in nekaj klicev do dela grafičnega vmesnika. Zagotavlja natanko enako zmožnost vendar z grafičnim vmesnikom. . Domača stran: Package: acorn-fdisk Description-md5: 9bb94a8ada79548177ccfe57ec6f8b3c Description-sl: partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines Acorn-fdisk vam omogoča urejanje razdelkov na napravah Acorn. Razume različne oblike preglednic razdelkov, ki se uporabljajo v RISC OS, vključno s Filecore, ICS-IDE, EESOX in Powertec. Package: acpi Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae Description-sl: Prikaže podatke o napravah ACPI Poskuša podvojiti zmožnost 'starega' ukaza apm na sistemih ACPI vključno s podatki o bateriji in temperaturi. Ne podpira stanja pripravljenosti ACPI. Prikaže le podrobnosti o napravah ACPI. Package: acpidump Description-md5: a5c8edd2e468efe26034ff0306cb9680 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: acpitail Description-md5: 9526bed1a52b5851f7cd0355f406f2c3 Description-sl: Pokaže podatke ACPI v slogu repa acpitail pokaže podatke stanja ACPI o bateriji, ventilatorju in temperaturi na način podoben repu. Takoj ko se vrednost spremeni, se nova vrednost pripne trenutnemu izhodu. Package: acpitool Description-md5: 8bfbe99c5e1bf2100b04aac2628220b1 Description-sl: Odjemalec ACPI ukazne vrstice AcpiTool je odjemalec ACPI Linux. Je majhen program ukazne vrstice mišljen kot zamenjava za orodje apm. Osnovno ciljno občinstvo so uporabniki prenosnikov, ker te ljudi najbolj zanimajo stvari kot so stanje baterije, temperature in možnost stanja pripravljenosti. Program enostavno dostopa do vnosov /proc/acpi in /sysfs za dobivanje ali nastavljanje vrednosti ACPI. Podpira tudi različne razširitve za prenosnike Toshiba, Asus in IBM Thinkpad. Package: acpitool-dbg Description-md5: 01184a49d86853dcbfdd8540375870cf Description-sl: Odjemalec ACPI ukazne vrstice (razhroščevanje) AcpiTool je odjemalec ACPI Linux. Je majhen program ukazne vrstice mišljen kot zamenjava za orodje apm. Osnovno ciljno občinstvo so uporabniki prenosnikov, ker te ljudi najbolj zanimajo stvari kot so stanje baterije, temperature in možnost stanja pripravljenosti. Program enostavno dostopa do vnosov /proc/acpi in /sysfs za dobivanje ali nastavljanje vrednosti ACPI. Podpira tudi različne razširitve za prenosnike Toshiba, Asus in IBM Thinkpad. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: ada-reference-manual-2005 Description-md5: 4250e97e282bfdec038e74b7e82ef7af Description-sl: Jezikovni standard Ada 2005 Priročnik referenc ADA je standard ISO, ki opisuje programski jezik Ada. . This package provides the plain and annotated versions of the 2005 ARM in HTML, PDF, info, and plain text formats. Package: ada-reference-manual-2012 Description-md5: d1ac036b959f12e114fb9c7b4547f5a6 Description-sl: Ada 2012 language standard Priročnik referenc ADA je standard ISO, ki opisuje programski jezik Ada. . This package provides the plain and annotated versions of the 2012 ARM in HTML, PDF, info, and plain text formats. Package: adanaxisgpl Description-md5: 6132efbc8fc44ad13f97e10f7d8e676b Description-sl: Akcijska igra v štirih prostorskih dimenzijah Adanaxis je hitro premikajoča se prvoosebna strelska igra, ki se dogaja v globokem vesolju, kjer so spremenjene osnove prostora. Z dodajanjem dodatne dimenzije prostoru ta igra zagotavlja okolje s premikanjem v štirih smereh in šestih oseh vrtenja. Na začetku igra razloži sistem nadzora 4D z grafičnim zaporedjem, nato pa nadaljuje s 30 stopnjami igranja z različnimi nasprotniki, zavezniki, orožji in vrstami izstrelkov. Zmožnosti vključujejo simulirane 4D teksture, nadzor miške in igralnega ploščka in izvirno glasbo. Zaslonski posnetki, filmi in nadaljnje podrobnosti so na voljo na . Priporočen je strojno pospešen 3D, idealno s podporo za jezik senčenja OpenGL. Package: adanaxisgpl-data Description-md5: cf079fb4119672f175f51c8f3cb512d0 Description-sl: Akcijska igra v štirih prostorskih dimenzijah Adanaxis je hitro premikajoča se prvoosebna strelska igra, ki se dogaja v globokem vesolju, kjer so spremenjene osnove prostora. Z dodajanjem dodatne dimenzije prostoru ta igra zagotavlja okolje s premikanjem v štirih smereh in šestih oseh vrtenja. Na začetku igra razloži sistem nadzora 4D z grafičnim zaporedjem, nato pa nadaljuje s 30 stopnjami igranja z različnimi nasprotniki, zavezniki, orožji in vrstami izstrelkov. Zmožnosti vključujejo simulirane 4D teksture, nadzor miške in igralnega ploščka in izvirno glasbo. Zaslonski posnetki, filmi in nadaljnje podrobnosti so na voljo na . Priporočen je strojno pospešen 3D, idealno s podporo za jezik senčenja OpenGL. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke (grafiko in pisave) Package: add-apt-key Description-md5: 2e36413f0fc02b5e59911952d05f29ec Description-sl: Orodje ukazne vrstice za dodajanje ključev GPG v zbirko ključev APT Ukaz add-apt-key zagotavlja priročen vmesnik ukazne vrstice, ki bo vaši zbirki ključev APT dodal nov ključ GPG. . Tistim, ki imajo rajši grafičen vmesnik, bo verjetno ljubši paket gui-apt- key. Package: addresses-goodies-for-gnustep Description-md5: 2bf16a9188fa9fdd2eb7e5023deca43d Description-sl: Upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za GNUstep (dobrote) Ta paket vsebuje nekaj stvari ki so lahko uporabne: adgnumailconverter Orodje, ki bo vaš imenik GNUMail združilo v podatkovno zbirko Naslovi. . adserver Samostojen omrežni strežnik Naslovov. . adtool Orodje ukazne vrstice za upravljanje podatkovne zbirke naslovov. Package: addresses.framework Description-md5: 6aee1d4f51a572e09b86fa0d8729089e Description-sl: Ogrodje začelja API za GNUstep This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . Ta paket je paket odvisnosti, ki je odvisen od datotek razvojnih in izvajalnih knjižnic. Package: Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03 Description-sl: Upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za GNUstep Ta paket vsebuje upravljalnik osebnih naslovov za programski sistem GNUstep. Omogoča arhiviranje celotnih podatkov osebnih podatkov, organiziranje stikov v skupine, vključitev z drugimi programi kot so odjemalci pošte in souporabo podatkov o naslovih z drugimi uporabniki preko omrežja. Package: addressview.framework Description-md5: d06004ed19bd3fe29caeed096f49fc56 Description-sl: Ogrodje prikaza/urejanja naslovov za GNUstep This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . Ta paket je paket odvisnosti, ki je odvisen od datotek razvojnih in izvajalnih knjižnic. Package: adjtimex Description-md5: 1b80fcb84c71e0b80763c87170b3227b Description-sl: Pripomoček nastavitev spremenljivk časa jedra Ta paket vsebuje pripomoček za upravljanje spremenljivk časa jedra. Za napravo, ki je povezana na internet ali opremljena z natančnim oscilatorjem ali radijsko uro je najboljši način za ohranitev natančne sistemske ure uporaba NTP (omrežni protokol časa). Za samostojno ali občasno povezano napravo vam lahko adjtimex pomaga popraviti sistematično napako. Izbirno lahko prilagodi sistemski čas z uporabo ure CMOS kot reference in lahko beleži čase za dolgoročno oceno hitrosti povečevanja napake. Package: admesh Description-md5: 618cfc32b0d16e74aea7a47ac42a2ec2 Description-sl: Tool for processing triangulated solid meshes. Binary Trenutno ADMesh bere le vrsto datotek STL, ki se uporabljajo za hitre prototipe programov, čeprav lahko zapisuje datoteke STL, VRML, OFF in DXF. Nekatere zmožnosti admesh so: zapolnitev lukenj v mrežah z dodajanjem ploskev, popravilo ploskev s povezavo bližnjih ploskev, popravilo normalnih smeri (ploskve bi morale biti v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca) in odstranitev degeneriranih ploskev (ploskev z 2 ali več enakimi točkami) Package: adonthell Description-md5: f315195fa040e0f72c53e8a3c2cee9c4 Description-sl: 2D grafična igra igranja vlog 2D grafična igra RPG, ki so jo navdihnile stari dobri konzolski RPG-ji kot so tisti na SNES. . Ta paket vsebuje programnik Adonthell. Da boste lahko igrali, boste potrebovali tudi igro. Za to izdajo je uradna igra Waste's Edge, ki jo je mogoče najti v paketu adonthell-data Package: adonthell-data Description-md5: 6395bd0065d50a163898515ebb87388e Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke, ki jih potrebuje Adonthell To je uradna igra za Adonthell 0.3 . Kot vdan služabnik elfske gospe Silverhair prispete na oddaljeno trgovsko postojanko Waste's Edge, kjer se pogaja s pritlikavim trgovcem Bjarnom Fingolsonom. Vendar v Waste's Edge ni vse v redu in kmalu ste soočeni z okoliščinami, ki bodo uničile ugled vaše gospe. In vi ste edini, ki to lahko preprečite ... Package: adplay Description-md5: ca1ace79ff4381b414ffeb4fd4683073 Description-sl: Na konzoli osnovan predvajalnik zvoka OPL2 AdPlay je na konzoli osnovano začelje za AdPlug. AdPliug je prosta, splošna knjižnica predvajanja zvoka OPL2. AdPlay/UNIX podpira polen obseg zmožnosti predvajanja vrst datotek programa AdPlug. Kljub temu trenutno edini posneman izhod OPL2 podpira AdPlay, vendar na širokem obsegu izhodnih naprav. Package: adplug-utils Description-md5: 33daa2052c67f06329277d2f24c46fd1 Description-sl: Prosta zvočna knjižnica AdLib (pripomočki) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . Ta paket vsebuje dodatne pripomočke. Package: Description-md5: 918f69ce19833f56c65008bfac25c6eb Description-sl: Molekulski simulator za GNUstep Adun je biomolekulski simulator, ki vključuje tudi zmožnosti upravljanja podatkov in analizo. Razvil ga je laboratorij za računsko biofiziko in biokemijo kot del raziskovalne enote o biomedicinski informatiki na UPF. Package: advi Description-md5: 28ba481a238ab997c6af1b3efc24e7d7 Description-sl: Dejaven pregledovalnik in predstavljalnik slik Active-DVI je pregledovalnik in predstavitvenik DVI napisan v Objective Caml z nekaj učinki za predstavitve, podporo za vzajemne prikaze in vstavek poljubnih programov v predstavitev (od tu pride ime Active v imenu programa :)). . Active-DVI (še) ne podpira pisav postscript (za več podrobnosti si oglejte README.Debian). . Active-DVI ima tudi zmožnost poganjanja vstavljenih ukazov, ki lahko pri ogledu nezaupanih datotek DVI povzročijo varnostne težave. Preberite si README.Debian za več podrobnosti. Package: advi-examples Description-md5: ae407edd46fb02e622b3d1ce1f60b8df Description-sl: Primeri predstavitev za Active-DVI (advi) Active-DVI je pregledovalnik in predstavitvenik DVI napisan v Objective Caml z nekaj učinki za predstavitve, podporo za vzajemne prikaze in vstavek poljubnih programov v predstavitev (od tu pride ime Active v imenu programa :)). . Ta paket vsebuje primere predstavitev za Active-DVI. Package: adzapper Description-md5: cf0a6ffc02ad5c83c9f4230ed8b1558f Description-sl: Dodatek zapper oglaševalnika posredniških strežnikov Preusmerjevalnik za squid, ki prestreže oglaševanje (pasice, pojavna okna, animacije flash, itd), števce strani in nekatere spletne hrošče (kot jih najde). To nudi tako estetsko prednost kot tudi zmanjšanje pasovne širine. . Dodajte eno vrstico v svojo datoteko squid.conf in je nameščen! Uporabi ga lahko tudi posredniški strežnik apache2 ali polipo. Ta paket vsebuje tudi datoteke, ki jih lahko uporabita Konqueror AdBlocK ali Mozilla AdBlock. Package: aegis Description-md5: f266c00348da97bd77e272f3a001f9da Description-sl: Na transakcijah osnovano upravljanje nastavitev programov Aegis zagotavlja ogrodje v katerem lahko ekipa razvijalcev dela na veliko spremembah programa neodvisno, saj Aegis koordinira vključitev teh sprememb nazaj v glavni vir programa s toliko malo motenj kot je le mogoče. . Aegis poenostavi težave povezave z več razvijalci in razvojnimi drevesi z uporabo na transakcijah osnovanega pristopa za nadzor različic skupaj s skladiščem do katerega je mogoče dostopati iz spletnega brskalnika in enovitim mehanizmom preizkušanja. . Za dokumentacijo si oglejte aegis-doc, aegis-tk za na Tk osnovan uporabniški vmesnik in aegis-web za na spletu osnovan uporabniški vmesnik. Package: aegis-doc Description-md5: 454be338e289826d5b5835666484e418 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za aegis Aegis zagotavlja ogrodje v katerem lahko ekipa razvijalcev dela na veliko spremembah programa neodvisno, saj Aegis koordinira vključitev teh sprememb nazaj v glavni vir programa s toliko malo motenj kot je le mogoče. . Aegis poenostavi težave povezave z več razvijalci in razvojnimi drevesi z uporabo na transakcijah osnovanega pristopa za nadzor različic skupaj s skladiščem do katerega je mogoče dostopati iz spletnega brskalnika in enovitim mehanizmom preizkušanja. Package: aegis-tk Description-md5: fa523f962b992606e2998fd614ca875a Description-sl: Uporabniški vmesnik aegis Tk Aegis zagotavlja ogrodje v katerem lahko ekipa razvijalcev dela na veliko spremembah programa neodvisno, saj Aegis koordinira vključitev teh sprememb nazaj v glavni vir programa s toliko malo motenj kot je le mogoče. . Aegis poenostavi težave povezave z več razvijalci in razvojnimi drevesi z uporabo na transakcijah osnovanega pristopa za nadzor različic skupaj s skladiščem do katerega je mogoče dostopati iz spletnega brskalnika in enovitim mehanizmom preizkušanja. Package: aegis-web Description-md5: 8edfe2113b4e8d97e0532c8b9d83ccc4 Description-sl: Na spletu osnovan uporabniški vmesnik aegis Aegis zagotavlja ogrodje v katerem lahko ekipa razvijalcev dela na veliko spremembah programa neodvisno, saj Aegis koordinira vključitev teh sprememb nazaj v glavni vir programa s toliko malo motenj kot je le mogoče. . Aegis poenostavi težave povezave z več razvijalci in razvojnimi drevesi z uporabo na transakcijah osnovanega pristopa za nadzor različic skupaj s skladiščem do katerega je mogoče dostopati iz spletnega brskalnika in enovitim mehanizmom preizkušanja. . Vedite da se aegis-web močno zanaša na podporo cgi-bin, zato spletni strežniki, ki cgi-bin ne podpiraj z aegis-web ne bodo delovali. Package: aeolus Description-md5: c32beaee8e242fa55dd30dc6f5577387 Description-sl: Sintetiziran posnemovalnik cevi orgel Aeolus je sintetiziran (torej ne vzorčen) posnemovalnik cevi orgel, ki bi moral biti dovolj dober, da bodo organisti z veseljem igrali nanj. Je programski sintetizator optimiziran za ta posel z morda stotinami nadzora za vsak premor, kar uporabniku omogoči "uglasitev" svojega instrumenta. . Glavne zmožnosti privzetega instrumenta: trije manuali in en pedal, pet različnih temperatur, spremenljivo uglaševanja, nadzor MIDI, stereo ali izhod Ambisonics, prilagodljiv nadzor zvoka vključno z odmevom velikih cerkva. . Aeolus ne potrebuje veliko CPE in bi moral brez težav delovati na računalniku z 1 GHz CPE in 256 MB pomnilnika. Package: aephea Description-md5: 47087d81cdebd4da0499acbf904e0ab9 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovano orodje avtorstva za HTML Aephea je ogrodje za ustvarjanje HTML. Pravilno oblikovanost HTML prisili z enostavnejšo in strožjo skladnjo, zagotavlja uporabne razširitve in abstrakcije kot tudi pripomočke za dodajanje novih; vse to v ene združenem pristopu, ki je blizu samemu HTML. Nekatere značilnosti Aephea so TeX podobna skladnja, skladi map, ponavljanje in žarišče za slogih preko CSS. . PUD (prenosljiva dokumentacija Unix) je vključena v Aephea. Zagotavlja mini jezike za ustvarjanje strani priročnikov Unix in dokumente FAQ z izhodom tako v HTML kot troff. . Tako Aephea in PUD sta napisana v zoem, programskem/makro jeziku visoke ravni z zmožnostmi filtriranja znakov. . V primeru da želite ustvarjati strani priročnika, vendar vam skladnja troff ni všeč, POD Perl pa je za vas preveč omejen, bo PUD Aephea za vas verjetno uporaben. V primeru da želite da so vaši dokumenti na voljo tako v PDF kot HTML, vendar je Docbook XML pretežak (in niste zadovoljni z baročnimi privzetimi imeni oznak Docbook XML), vam bo PUD všeč. Package: aes2501-wy Description-md5: 2957d37126a89cda1e883e47bbfe5db6 Description-sl: Program uporabniškega prostora za usb čitalec prstnih odtisov aes2501 Command line scanning sofware for AES2501 usb fingerprint reader. The output are grayscale pnm files with quite good quality. . The AES 2501 fingerprint scanner vendor is Authentec and this sensor can be found in: * Medion MD85264 USB sensor * HP nx6125 notebook * HP Compaq 6710b * HP Compaq 6510b * HP Compaq nx6320 * HP nx6325 * HP Compaq nc8430 * HP Compaq nc6320 * Compaq HEL80/81 notebook * Fujitsu-Siemens P7120 notebook. * LG P1 PRO Express Dual notebook. * LG S1 Pro Express Dual notebook * Lenovo 3000 N100 * Lenovo 3000 n200 notebook * Toshiba Libretto U100 * Toshiba Portégé R200 notebook * Targa Traveller 1577 X2 Package: aesfix Description-md5: f7086e2b7b78469b5c63e3f45a50e1c1 Description-sl: Orodje za popravljanje bitnih napak v razporedu tipk AES Ta program prikazuje tehniko za popravljanje bitnih napak v razporedu tipk AES. Uporabite ga z izhodom programa aeskeyfinder. . It is limited to AES-128 key schedules, and it can only correct unidirectional 1->0 bit errors. For the most part it has been optimized for readability rather than performance. Package: aeskeyfind Description-md5: aa5188e8bf75a61f057671bcc1cdcf80 Description-sl: orodje za iskanje AEs tipk in zajeme odtis pomnilnika Ta program prikazuje samodejne tehnike za odkrivanje 128-bit in 256-bit AES tipk in za zajem slike pomnilnika. . The program uses various algorythms and also performs a simple entropy test to filter out blocks that are not keys. It counts the number of repeated bytes and skips blocks that have too many repeats. . This method works even if several bits of the key schedule have been corrupted due to memory decay. Package: aeskulap Description-md5: c2ac231b4aa1fc34ad6b0ade8acf175b Description-sl: Pregledovalnik zdravstvenih slik in odjemalec omrežja DICOM Aeskulap lahko naloži zbirko posebnih slik, ki so za pregled shranjene v obliki DICOM. Poleg tega lahko proizvede za in pridobi slike DICOM iz vozlišč arhiva (znanega tudi pod imenom PACS) preko omrežja. Aeskulap poskusa biti polna odprtokodna zamenjava za komercialno dostopne pregledovalnike DICOM. Package: aespipe Description-md5: 2ddca24ac9f8c8110258c420a625301a Description-sl: Orodje šifriranja AES s podporo zank AES aespipe je šifrirno orodje, ki prebere iz standardnega vhoda in piše v standardnih izhod. Uporablja čipirnik AES (Rijndael). . aespipe lahko uporabite za ne-uničujoče šifriranje na mestu obstoječih razdelkov diska za uporabo z zankovno-AES šifriranim jedrnim modulom povratne zanke. . Uporabiti ga je mogoče tudi kot fiter šifriranja za ustvarjanje in obnovitev šifriranih arhivov varnostnih kopij tar/cpio in za branje/pisanje in pretvorbo z zankovnim-AES združljivih šifriranih odtisov. . Vedite da aespipe ne shranjuje v šifriranih odtisih ne shranjuje podatkov o dolžini, zato ga ni mogoče uporabiti kot splošno namenski filter za šifriranje, ampak samo za določene vrste kot je tar. Package: aewan Description-md5: f35d5e6a27e200b26631a11dd8be37e5 Description-sl: Urejevalnik umetnosti ASCII brez imena aewan je urejevalnik umetnosti ASCII s podporo za več plasti, ki jih je mogoče posamezno urejati, barve, pravokotno kopiranje in lepljenje in inteligentno vodoravno in navpično zrcaljenje (pretvori '\' v '/', itd.). Proizvede tako samostojne datoteke umetnosti in v obliki, ki je enostavna za razčlenitev za vključitev v svoje programe terminala. Package: aewm Description-md5: 6344fca2a8f38283d06980eb574a7188 Description-sl: minimalist window manager for X11 aewm je majhen okenski upravljalnik za X11. Nima lepih zmožnost, vendar porabi malo sredstev in je izjemno enostavnega videza. Moral bi biti dobra referenca izvedbe ICCCM. Vključenih je nekaj ločenih programov za upravljanje izvajajočih se programov, preklop med okni, itd. Package: aewm++ Description-md5: e2bb4e9897a1c23acaba6dc3b6d9a86a Description-sl: majhen okenski upravljalnik napisan v C++ aewm++ je majhen okenski upravljalnik za X11, ki je osnovan na aewm. Obdrži videz in občutek aewm, vendar je napisan v C++ in doda nekaj modernih zmožnosti kot so navidezna namizja. Namigi GNOME WEMH so bili v tej izdaji odstranjeni, ker se želi izvorni paket osredotočiti na stabilnost in majhnost kode. . Ta paket je včasih vključeval appbar, aewm++_fspanel, setrootimage in aewm++_xsession. Ta programe lahko zdaj najdete v paktu aewm++-goodies. Package: aewm++-goodies Description-md5: 251b82684d48b221daf1037633230679 Description-sl: Pripomočki za dopolnitev majhnega okenskega upravljalnika These utilities were previously supplied with aewm++; they are intended to provide some of the typical desktop functionality that aewm++ itself does not include. This package provides: * aewm++_appbar: a small application launcher * aewm++_fspanel: a very small panel * aewm++_setrootimage: draws a gradient on the X root window * aewm++_xsession: keeps an X session alive Note that some of these were named differently in previous releases. Package: Description-md5: bb26edbfa5d2793aef52325764faa7b2 Description-sl: Program za "lepljenje" majhnih sporočilc na namizje Affiche je majhen program, ki ljudem omogoča "lepljenje" majhnih sporočilc na svoje namizje. Narejen je bil za okolje GNUstep. Package: afflib-dbg Description-md5: 605b36cbf83755ed736f72467168cff4 Description-sl: Advanced Forensics Format Library (debug version) The Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) is on-disk format for storing computer forensic information. Critical features of AFF include: . - AFF allows you to store both computer forensic data and associated metadata in one or more files. - AFF allows files to be digital singed, to provide for chain-of-custody and long-term file integrity. - AFF allows for forensic disk images to stored encrypted and decrypted on-the-fly for processing. This allows disk images containing privacy sensitive material to be stored on the Internet. . Ta paket zagotavlja razhroščevalne simbole. Package: afnix Description-md5: 4fa7732d8fdce86e3dbebc4c386022a0 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik in izvajalnik za programski jezik AFNIX AFNIX je večniten programski jezik z dinamičnimi vezavami simbolov, ki podpirajo predmetno usmerjeno paradigno. Jezik vključuje odličen izvajalni programnik. DIstribucija je na voljo z več odjemalci in bogato zbirko modulov, ki so zasnovani tako, da so neodvisni od okolja. Package: afnix-doc Description-md5: 94e8f76cac01cc81fb148a361eb7998b Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik in izvajalnik za programski jezik AFNIX (dokumentacija) AFNIX je večniten programski jezik z dinamičnimi vezavami simbolov, ki podpirajo predmetno usmerjeno paradigno. Jezik vključuje odličen izvajalni programnik. DIstribucija je na voljo z več odjemalci in bogato zbirko modulov, ki so zasnovani tako, da so neodvisni od okolja. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za AFNIX. Package: aft Description-md5: ff4835b187300146cdcd26e4be8dd4d7 Description-sl: sistem pripravljanja dokumentov v "prosti obliki" AFT je sistem za pripravo dokumentov. Je večinoma v prosti obliki, kar pomeni da je malo motečega označevanja. Dokumenti vira AFT so videti podobni staremu besedilu ASCII. . AFT ima nekaj pravil za oblikovanje vašega dokumenta. Ta pravila imajo več z oblikovanjem vašega besedila kot z vstavljanjem ukazov. . Sedaj AFT proivzede precej dober HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, lout in RTF. Lahko ga prisilite v proizvajanje vseh vrst izhodov (svoj lasten XML). Uredi morate le datoteko pravil. Prilagodite lahko celo svoja lastne datoteke pravil HTML za posebne izhode. Package: aften Description-md5: c43d25867dae1515337595088e5e6907 Description-sl: Zvočni kodirnik AC3 Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. Package: afterstep Description-md5: d34d45817d3b122e341c7841a63b70c5 Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik z videzom in občutkom NEXTSTEP AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . AfterStep je nadaljevanje okenskega upravljalnika BowMan, vendar je bilo ime spremenjeno da odraža željo po več kot samo posnemanju in postati pomemben okenski upravljalnik. Package: afterstep-data Description-md5: 3697b2f757ada549aeb0717a85629d58 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za okenski upravljalnik AfterStep AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke in nastavitvene datoteke, ki jih potrebuje AfterStep. Package: afterstep-dbg Description-md5: 195d3e64d4d7e925e15d5566d70e793f Description-sl: Odpati razhroščevalni simboli za AfterStep in njegove knjižnice AfterStep is a window manager based on FVWM which attempts to emulate the NEXTSTEP look and feel, while retaining the configurability of its predecessor. Note that this window manager makes extensive use of the color palette. If you have only an 8-bit color display, it will run as packaged, but you may want to modify the configuration to use fewer colors. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za palete afterspet, libafterimage0 in libafterstep1 Package: afuse Description-md5: 602bf8a6925e536531c3f47c66ff31b9 Description-sl: Samodejno priklapljanje datotečnih sistemov izvedeno v uporabniškem prostoru s FUSE Afuse je na FUSE osnovan datotečni sistem, ki podpira zmožnost samodejnega priklapljanja datotečnih sistemov, ki je podobna Linuxovem autofs. Package: agave Description-md5: 393afef37e1879a45684ffb3cd146f58 Description-sl: snovalnik barvnih shem za namizje GNOME Agave je zelo enostaven program za namizje GNOME, ki vam omogoča ustvarjanje različnih barvnih shem iz ene same začetne barve. Package: agda Description-md5: 65333dc4f3e4d00a90419d96d9785d24 Description-sl: Odvisnostno vnesen funkcionalen programski jezik Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . To je metapaket, ki vsebuje način emacs Agda, izvedljivo datoteko, standardno knjižnico in njeno dokumentacijo. Package: agda-bin Description-md5: f8e26d204d9ccc3a3cfdad460ae35595 Description-sl: vmesnik ukazne vrstice za Agda Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Ta paket vsebuje program ukazne vrstice za preverjanje vrste in kodno prevajanje programov Agda. Program lahko ustvari tudi hiperpovezane, poudarjene datoteke HTML iz virov Agda. Package: agda-mode Description-md5: 7cfcb4a5e7415e1476d23d2fd002910b Description-sl: dependently typed functional programming language — emacs mode Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Ta paket vsebuje vzajemni razvojni način emacs za Agda. Ta način je prednosti način pisanja kode Agda in ponuja zmožnosit kot so vzajemen razvoj, dodelava, preučevanje primerov in tako naprej. Package: agda-stdlib Description-md5: c45346ed5a4053d9d174e9325e0d533b Description-sl: običajna knjižnica za Agda Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Standardna knjižnica Agda vsebuje module za veliko pogostih struktur podatkov in vzorce dokazov. Vključeni so naslednji moduli: - Algebra: določevanja in sklepanje o abstraktnih algebriskih strukturah - Category: uporaba idiomov iz teorije kategorij za oblikovanje funkcionalnih programov - Coinduction: podpora za konduktivno programiranje - Data: vrste podatkov in lastnosti o vrstah podatkov - Foreign: povezava z vmesnikom tujih funkcij - Induction: splošno ogrodje za indukcijo - IO: funkcije povezane v vhodom/izhodom - Level: ravni Universe - Relations: lastnosti in dokazi o razmerjih - Size: velikosti, ki jih uporablja mehanizem vrst velikosti . Ta paket vsebuje celotno knjižnico. Package: agda-stdlib-doc Description-md5: fd3b8a8baa471f456e06046d5280b6e7 Description-sl: standard library for Agda — documentation Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language: It has inductive families, which are like Haskell's GADTs, but they can be indexed by values and not just types. It also has parameterised modules, mixfix operators, Unicode characters, and an interactive Emacs interface (the type checker can assist in the development of your code). . Agda is also a proof assistant: It is an interactive system for writing and checking proofs. Agda is based on intuitionistic type theory, a foundational system for constructive mathematics developed by the Swedish logician Per Martin-Löf. It has many similarities with other proof assistants based on dependent types, such as Coq, Epigram and NuPRL. . Standardna knjižnica Agda vsebuje module za veliko pogostih struktur podatkov in vzorce dokazov. Vključeni so naslednji moduli: - Algebra: določevanja in sklepanje o abstraktnih algebriskih strukturah - Category: uporaba idiomov iz teorije kategorij za oblikovanje funkcionalnih programov - Coinduction: podpora za konduktivno programiranje - Data: vrste podatkov in lastnosti o vrstah podatkov - Foreign: povezava z vmesnikom tujih funkcij - Induction: splošno ogrodje za indukcijo - IO: funkcije povezane v vhodom/izhodom - Level: ravni Universe - Relations: lastnosti in dokazi o razmerjih - Size: velikosti, ki jih uporablja mehanizem vrst velikosti . Ta paket vsebuje hiperpovezano dokumentacijo knjižnice. Package: agedu Description-md5: 9f67a1da7c038e24702713dc5d24e0cc Description-sl: Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space Unix vsebuje običajen pripomoček du, ki preišče vaš trdi disk in vam pove katere mape vsebujejo največjo količino podatkov. To vam lahko omeji iskanje na stvari, ki jih je najbolj vredno izbrisati. . Vendar vam pove le kaj je veliko. Vi pa želite vedeti kaj je preveliko. Sam po sebi du ne bo ločil med podatki, ki so obsežni zato, ker delate nekaj kar mora biti obsežni in med obsežnimi podatki, ki so veliki, ker ste jih enkrat odpakirali in nanje pozabili. . Za ločevanje teh primerov se agedu zanaša na atime datotek. Package: Description-md5: 84aeda73d4cbb1466d3e707eef0e7b08 Description-sl: Upravljalnik koledarja za GNUsetp SimpleAgenda je program za upravljanje vaših koledarjev. Upravlja tako krajevne in oddaljene (webcal) koledarje. Koledarje lahko souporabljate z drugimi programi kot so Evolution, Dates, IceApe Calendar in drugi. Na voljo so naslednje zmožnosti: . * Multiple agendas. * Handle both events and tasks. * Support for local and remote (ftp, http) iCalendar agendas. * Monthly calendar, day view, summary and tasks view. * Create, resize and move appointments easily. * Export individual elements as files and to the pasteboard. * Import .ics files. * Simple text search. * Alarms with multiple backends. Package: aggregate Description-md5: f997a857d65d21bbf877320588a8a99c Description-sl: Zbirnik predpon cidr ipv4 vzame seznam predpon v običajni obliki na stdin in izvede dve optimizaciji za zmanjšanje dolžine seznama predpon. Odstrani odvečne predloge, ki so že vključene v drugo predpono (na primer bo odstranjen, če je doveden tudi in določi sosednje predpone, ki jih je mogoče združiti v eno predpono krajše dolžine (na primer in je mogoče združiti v eno predpono Package: aglfn Description-md5: 40806af3ac24bb24dab5ea0fd03065e5 Description-sl: Seznam pismenk Adobe za nove pisave AGL (seznam pismenk Adobe) preslika imena pismenk v vrednosti Unicode z namenom izpeljave vsebine. AGLFN (seznam pismenk Adobe za nove pisave) je podzbirka AGL, ki vključuje imena pismenk, ki so povezane s PUA (področje za osebno uporabo) in je mišljen za določitev prednostnih imen pismen za nove pisave. Vključen je tudi seznam pismenk ITC Zap Dingbats, ki je podoben AGL, saj preslika imena pismenk v vrednosti Unicode, vendar le za pismenke v pisavi ITC Zapf Dingbats. . Prepričajte se, da obiščete strani določila AGL in razvijalske dokumentacije za podrobne podatke o pismenkah, tolmačenju imen pismenk in razvijanju pisav OpenType. Package: agtl Description-md5: beb821a6116ad18158f611c92a41fe20 Description-sl: Orodja za geografsko pomnjenje AGTL prejme mesta predpomnilnika v področju, ki je vidno na zemljevidu, vključno z njihovimi opisi, namigi, težavnostnimi stopnjami in slikami. Iskanje predpomnilnikov v vaši krajevni zbirki podatkov traja le nekaj sekund. Trenutno izbran predpomnilnik (in tudi vsi drugi, če želtie) je prikazan na zemljevidu in obstaja tradicionalni kompasu podoben pogled, ki vedno kaže na predpomnilnik. Package: aha Description-md5: 0f17d309f135dcc8d21c8650ac0fb8c6 Description-sl: Pretvornik iz barve ANSI v HTML aha (prilagodilnik ANSI HTML) pretvori barve ANSI v HTML. Na primer, če želite objaviti izhod ls --color=yes, git diff, ccal ali htop nekje objaviti kot statični HTML. Package: ahcpd Description-md5: f1c1a025e99acd7afd0c2b29e5c5fdef Description-sl: Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol AHCP je protokol samodejne nastavitve za IPv6 in omrežja IPv6/IPv4 dvojnega sklada, ki je zasnovan za uporabo namesto odkrivanja usmerjevalnika in DHCP na omrežjih, kjer je težko ali nemogoče nastaviti strežnik v vsaki domena oddajanja povezave plasti, na primer mobilna omrežja ad-hoc. AHCP bo samodejno nastavil predpono IPv6, naslov IPv4 za vsakega gostitelja, protokol usmerjanja, strežnik DNS in strežnik NTP. Trenutno lahko nastavi gostitelje za statično usmerjanje za uporabo protokola OLSR ali za uporabo s protokolom Babel. AHCP je razširljiv, zato bi moralo biti dodajanje podpore za druge protokole usmerjanja enostavno. Package: ahven-dbg Description-md5: 3a1af7e6c09ff368d7eb8bfa746679e2 Description-sl: Knjižnica preizkusov enot za Ada (razhroščevanje) Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language. It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit. Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should work with any Ada 95 compiler. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: aiccu Description-md5: 064dfb516e6eb18f4217214256491d71 Description-sl: Pripomoček odjemalca samodejne povezljivosti IPv6 Ta odjemalec nastavi povezljivost IPv6 brez potrebe po ročnem nastavljanju vmesnikov in podobnem. Zahtevana sta račun SixXS ali račun drugega podprtega posrednika tunelov in vsaj en tunel. Te lahko brezplačno dobite na spletišču SixXS. Za več podrobnosti o SixXS preverite njihovo domačo stran. Package: aide-dynamic Description-md5: 3c085f51d721d7dcb93bb05d2c714096 Description-sl: Napredno okolje zaznavanja vdorov - dinamična binarna datoteka AIDE je sistem za zanvanje vdorov, ki zazna spremembe na krajevnem sistemu. Ustvari podatkovno zbirko iz pravil logičnih izrazov, ki jih najde v datoteki nastavitev. Ko se podatkovna zbirka začne, jo je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Program vsebuje več algoritmov povzemanja sporočil (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, itn.), ki ijh je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Več algoritmov je mogoče enostavno dodati. . Ta paket vsebuje dinamično povezano binarno datoteko in ga uporabite le v izjemnih razmerah. Za izogibanje izpostavljenosti knjižnicami s trojanskimi konji je priporočena uporaba statično povezanih binarnih datotek. Package: aide-xen Description-md5: c100d4da9f2f66ebd26e35d911fddc82 Description-sl: Napredno okolje zaznavanja vdorov - dinamična binarna datoteka za XEN AIDE je sistem za zanvanje vdorov, ki zazna spremembe na krajevnem sistemu. Ustvari podatkovno zbirko iz pravil logičnih izrazov, ki jih najde v datoteki nastavitev. Ko se podatkovna zbirka začne, jo je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Program vsebuje več algoritmov povzemanja sporočil (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, itn.), ki ijh je mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje celovitosti datotek. Več algoritmov je mogoče enostavno dodati. . Ta paket vsebuje statično povezano binarno datoteko za XEN omogočene sisteme in bi se moral uporabiti z Dom0 in DomU. Package: aiksaurus Description-md5: 490d8d0f0699612780aa6ff3d1f3facf Description-sl: Tezavri angleškega jezika (pripomoček) Aiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus that is suitable for integration with word processors, email composers, and other authoring software. . Ta paket vsebuje aiksaurus, začelje ukazne vrstice za Aiksaurus. Package: aircrack-ng Description-md5: 9659071ca811e6a5bba38a9345409ece Description-sl: Pripomočki vlamljanja v brezžična omrežja WEP/WPA aircrack-ng je program vlamljanja 802.11a/b/g, ki lahko odkrije 40 bitne, 104 bitne, 256 bitne ali 512 bitne ključe WEP, ko je bilo zbranih dovolj šifriranih paketov. Napade lahko tudi omrežja WPA1/2 z nekaterimi naprednimi tehnikami ali s surovo silo. . Podpira običajen napad FMS skupaj z nekaterimi optimizacijami in nato naredi napad veliko hitrejši v primerjavi z drugimi orodji vlamljanja WEP. Lahko tudi polno uporabi večprocesorski sistem za pohitritev opravila vlamljanja. . aircrack-ng je razvejitev projekta aircrack, saj ga je vzdrževalec projekta nehal vzdrževati. Package: airport-utils Description-md5: 7d4f6f55009c97657fa4f38b7a9d48fc Description-sl: Pripomočki nastavitev in upravljanja za osnovne postaje Apple AirPort Ta paket vsebuje različne pripomočke za upravljanje osnovnih postaj Apple AirPort. . Zavedajte se, da je Apple izdal več različic osnovne postaje AirPort. Izvirni AirPort ("Graphite") je bila osnovna postaja Lucent RG-1000 z drugo blagovno znamko, ki je zmogel 802.11a/b. AirPort Exteme ("Snow") je osnovna postaja 802.11a/b/g, ki jo je izgradil Apple. . For the original Apple AirPort and the Lucent RG-1000 base stations only: - airport-config: base station configurator - airport-linkmon: wireless link monitor, gives information on the wireless link quality between the base station and the associated hosts . Le za osnovne postaje Apple AirPort Extreme: - airport2-config: nastavitvenik osnovnih postaj - airport2-portinspector: nadzornik preslikav map - airport2-ipinspector: pripomoček nadziranja vmesnikov WAN . For all: - airport-modem: modem control utility, displays modem state, starts/stops modem connections, displays the approximate connection time (Extreme only) - airport-hostmon: wireless hosts monitor, lists wireless hosts connected to the base station (see airport2-portinspector for the Snow) Package: airstrike Description-md5: bd343ce010d39e17acb4bfa3e5a4b5d0 Description-sl: 2d igra boja, ki sledi tradiciji iger 'Biplanes' in 'BIP' Airstrike je 2d igra, ki sledi tradiciji iger Intellivision in Amiga 'Biplanes' in 'BIP'. Vsebuje robusten progranik fizike in več drugih razširitev izvirnih iger. Igra jo lahko ena ali dve osebi. Package: airstrike-common Description-md5: bf5e9f248c4c7da18fc2f973c405a3e6 Description-sl: 2d dogfight game - data files Airstrike je 2d igra, ki sledi tradiciji iger Intellivision in Amiga 'Biplanes' in 'BIP'. Vsebuje robusten progranik fizike in več drugih razširitev izvirnih iger. Igra jo lahko ena ali dve osebi, vendar bo v prihodnosti morda imela omrežno igranje in naprednejše računalniško nadzorovane sovražnike. Grafika je bila ustvarjena s sledilnikom žarkov Povray in bi jo moralo biti lahko razširiti in spremeniti. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: aj-snapshot Description-md5: deac30a568faac29bb95742595309aee Description-sl: naredite posnetke povezave JACK Aj-snapshot is a small program that can be used to make snapshots of the connections made between JACK and/or ALSA clients. Because JACK can provide both audio and MIDI support to programs, aj-snapshot can store both types of connections for JACK. ALSA, on the other hand, only provides routing facilities for MIDI clients. Aj-snapshot is meant to be used from the command line. Package: ajaxterm Description-md5: 9e098aee9d80e3cf59e245095e6a70ea Description-sl: Na spletu osnovan terminal napisan v Pythonu Ajaxterm je na spletu osnovan terminal napisan v Pythonu in nekaj javascript AJAX za stran odjemalca. Uporabi lahko skoraj katerikoli spletni brskalnik in deluje celo skozi požarne zidove. Package: akonadi-backend-mysql Description-md5: 44bbff2187bd34b353f73253edf50334 Description-sl: MySQL storage backend for Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package installs everything what's needed for Akonadi to work with MySQL as underlying data storage engine. By default, a local MySQL server instance will be started for each user. Alternatively, connection to an external MySQL database is supported as well. Package: akonadi-backend-postgresql Description-md5: bd88f5341863115ed0f5865ef888ddfd Description-sl: Zalednje shrambe PostgreSQL za Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . Ta paket namesti vse, kar je zahtevano za delovanje programa Akonadi s PostgreSQL kot spodajležečim programnikom shrambe podatkov. Privzeto bo za vsakega uporabnika zagnan nov primerek krajevnega strežnika PostgreSQL. Nadomestno je podprta tudi povezava z zunanjo podatkovno zbirko PostgreSQL. Package: akonadi-backend-sqlite Description-md5: 904b79b56e98a3db270456d32ff78921 Description-sl: Zalednje shrambe SQLite za Akonadi Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . Ta paket namesti vse kar je zahtevano za delovanje Akonadi s SQLite kot spodaj ležečim programnikom shrambe podatkov. Ker je SQLite vstavljen programnik podatkovne zbirke, ločen ozadnji program strežnika SQL ni zahtevan. . Poleg tega paket vsebuje izboljšan gonilnik QSql za SQLite imenovan "QSQLite3". Uporabiti ga je mogoče za katerikoli program, ki potrebuje dostop do podatkovnih zbirk SQLite preko običajnega ogrodja Qt QSql. Package: akonadi-dbg Description-md5: 58dd297f5d7987fa1880da046427f822 Description-sl: debugging symbols for the Akonadi PIM storage service Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with the Akonadi PIM storage service. Package: akonadi-kde-resource-googledata Description-md5: 25f5b7c9a6d97b1e32efb91929594dd6 Description-sl: Vir Google koledarja in stikov za Akonadi Zagotavlja enostaven dostop do stikov in dogodkov koledarja Google. . Ta paket vsebuje vir koledarja in stikov Google za Akonadi, storitev shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Package: akonadi-server Description-md5: 80144a9a021e5f971cbb61777684d38e Description-sl: Akonadi PIM storage service Akonadi je razširljiva storitve shrambe upravljanja osebnih podatkov (PIM). Zagotavlja skupno ogrodje za shranjevanje in dostop do pošte, koledarja, imenikov in drugih podatkov PIM. . This package contains the Akonadi PIM storage server and associated programs. Package: akonadiconsole Description-md5: f58f659e9446f536b455173966eae2e5 Description-sl: Upravljalniška in razhoščevalna konzola za akonadi Konzola Akonadi je uporaben pripomoček, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti za raziskovanje ali upravljanje Akonadi. Ker ta pripomoček izpostavi notranje dele Akonadi, je zelo uporaben za razhroščevanja, vendar je lahko priročen tudi v drugih primerih. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: akregator Description-md5: 685ce24f3633b431b73038bd0f234211 Description-sl: Bralnik virov RSS in Atom Akregator je bralnik virov novic. Omogoča vam sledenje stranem z novicami, blogom in drugimi strani z omogočenim RSS/Atom brez potrebe po ročnem preverjanju za posodobitve s spletnim brskalnikom. Akregator je zasnovan za lahko uporabo in zmogljivost, ki omogoča priročno branje več sto virov novic. Vsebuje vključitev v Konqueror za dodajanje virov novic in notranji brskalnik za enostavno branje novic. . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: alac-decoder Description-md5: 6c5c744f525fa7c8100d9d2b2e45c520 Description-sl: Odkodirnik zvočnega kodeka Apple brez izgub Enostaven odkodirnik za zvočni kodek Apple brez izgub Package: alacarte Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b Description-sl: preprosto orodje za urejanje menijev GNOME Alacatre je urejevalnik menijev GNOME, ki je enostaven za uporabo in lahko doda in uredi nove vnose in menije. Deluje z določilom menija, zato bi moral delovati s katerimkoli namiznim okoljem, ki uporablja to določilo. Package: alarm-clock Description-md5: 43a6e36226f2b858dd45610b3e449b14 Description-sl: Budilka za okolja GTK Alarm Clock je osebna budilka za namizna okolja GTK+. Podpira pojemanje zvoka, razporejene alarma, možnost dremanja, pasivne opomnike oken, sezname izjem za razporejene alarme, izvoz alarmov in veliko več. Package: alarm-clock-applet Description-md5: 3a3d8618d35c191f006c46f991ff45dc Description-sl: alarm clock panel indicator Alarm Clock je polno zmožna budilka, ki prebiva v obvestilnem področju. Je enostavna za uporabo a dovolj zmogljiva in podpira več in alarmov in ponavljajoče se alarme kot tudi zamike in prilagodljiv obvestilni sistem. . Podprti sta dve vrsti alarmov: budilke in odštevalniki. Obvestilo je izvedeno s predvajanjem zvoka ali zaganjanjem programa. Package: aldo Description-md5: de36683197f16f74b87f7c868c662216 Description-sl: Program za učenje Morseove kode Aldo je orodje učenja morsove kode, ki zagotavlja štiri vrste načinov učenja: bloki, koch, datoteka, callsign. Bloki: določite bloke naključnih znakov, ki so predvajani v morseovi kodi. Koch: dva morseova znaka bosta bila predvajanja s polno hitrostjo (20wnm) dokler jih ne boste mogli določiti vsaj 90%. Po tem bo dodan še en znak in tako naprej. Datoteka: določite predvajane znake ustvarjene iz datoteke. Callsign: določi neključne klicne znake, predvajane v morseovi kodi. Package: ale Description-md5: fc3be6a181259ad7b12bfe19020358da Description-sl: Programnik in izrisovalnik sintetičnega zajemanja ALE poravna in združi več podobnih slik iz digitalizirane naprave (kot je digitalni fotoaparat ali optični bralnik) v eno samo sliko. To opravilo lahko ustvari sliko višje natančnosti z uporabo podrobnosti iz več ločenih slik združenih v končno sliko. Uporabi se lahko tudi za združevanje slik v mozaik ali panoramsko sliko. Package: alevt Description-md5: 4acf956ba2bb55de48f0ad00b1637cc2 Description-sl: Brskalnik teleteksta/videoteksta X11 AleVT je program X11 za brskanje in iskanje strani Teleteksta/videoteksta, ki jih prejme združljiv odkodirnik (trenutno bbtv). . Zmožnosti vključujejo: . * Več oken * Predpomnilnik strani * Iskanje logičnih izrazov * Vgrajen priročnik . Dodatni pripomočki ukazne vrstice lahko . * prejemanje časa iz teleteksta/videoteksta * zajem slik in njihovo zapisovanje na disk . Teletekst/videotekst uporabljajo TV kanali za prenašanje strani z besedilnimi podatki (prenaša se preko nevidnih vrsticah preiskovanja). Package: alevtd Description-md5: d6a59fb90040662cf3b59d5050a42882 Description-sl: Ozadnji program HTTP za strani teleteksta Ta paket vsebuje ozadnji program HTTP, ki pošilja strani teleteksta kot HTML. Package: alex Description-md5: bc94d454c7a2f43370b4ac0cf89a5863 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik leksičnih preučevalnikov za Haskell Alex je ustvarjalnik leksičnih preučevalnikov za Haskell iz podanega opisa žetonov za prepoznavo v obliki logičnih izrazov. Je podoben orodju lex ali flex za C/C++. Package: alex4 Description-md5: 3566f87583f865118de0e26a364d6511 Description-sl: Alex the Allegator 4 - retro ploščadna igra Vodite aligatorja alexa skozi džunglo in rešite njegovo punco Lolo pred hudobnimi ljudmi, ki iz nje želijo narediti par čevljev. Zagotovljene imate veliko ploščadnega igranja v štirih lepih barvah. . Ta igra vključuje vgrajen urejevalnik zato lahko oblikujete in z drugimi delite svoje zemljevide. Package: alex4-data Description-md5: ad8fd6932daabde0a312d1bb925c8e41 Description-sl: Alex the Allegator 4 - podatki igre Vodite aligatorja alexa skozi džunglo in rešite njegovo punco Lolo pred hudobnimi ljudmi, ki iz nje želijo narediti par čevljev. Zagotovljene imate veliko ploščadnega igranja v štirih lepih barvah. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke igre. Package: algotutor Description-md5: c41d775ec41f2b56ed5bc23de583267b Description-sl: Program za opazovanje vmesnih korakov algoritma algotutor je vzajemni program za opazovanje vmesnih korakov algoritmov ("animacija algoritmov"). Ciljno občinstvo so študentje računalništva in/ali kogarkoli, ki se uči algoritme in/ali podatkovne strukture. Podatkovne datoteke lahko ustvarite v obliki običajnega besedila (dejansko brezimnih razpršilih perl, vendar to ni pomembno) in pustite izvajanje algotutor skozi preddoločen algoritem. Nato lahko stopite korak nazaj in naprej skozi zaporedje izvajanja algoritma na različnih stopnjah podrobnosti. Package: alice Description-md5: 3deea78573d420609be015425a85dd98 Description-sl: Na spletnem brskalniku (WebKit ali Gecko) osnovan odjemalec IRC Alice is an acronym for "Altogether Lovely Internet Chatting Experience" which is an IRC client that is viewed in the web browser. Alice runs in the background maintaining connections and collecting messages. When a browser connects, it will display the 100 most recent messages for each channel, and update with any new messages as they arrive. . Alice also logs messages to an SQLite database. These logs are searchable through the web interface. . Za namizna spročila namestite libdesktop-notify-perl. Package: alien-hunter Description-md5: 5f7c91ddef3ac915fd4f61d66745892f Description-sl: Interpoliran spremenljivi red motivov za določitev vodoravno pridobljene DNA Alien_hunter je program za napoved dogodkov vodoravnega prenosa genov (HGT) z izvedbo interpoliranega spremenljivega reda motivov (IVOM-jev). Pristop IVOM izkoristi pristranskost sestave z uporabo distribucij motivov spremenljivega reda in v primerjavi z drugimi načini stalnega reda bolj zanesljivo zajame krajevno sestavo. Izbirno je mogoče napovedi razčleniti v 2-stanski skriti Markov model (HMM) drugega reda, v ogrodje zaznavanaj točke spremembe za optimizacijo lokalizacije mej napovedanih področij. Napovedi (oblika embl) je mogoče samodejno naložiti v pregledovalnik genoma Artemis, ki je brezplačno na voljo na Package: alienblaster Description-md5: da1f8f1a6453d62874036331e075d65f Description-sl: Klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre Vaša misija je enostavna: zaustavite invazijo nezemljanov in jih razstrelite! . Alien Blaster je klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre, ki vsebuje veliko različnih orožij, posebnih predmetov, nezemljanov za razstrelitev in velikega hudobnega vodjo. . Podpira tako enoigralski način in sodelujoči način dveh igralcev za dve osebi, ki igrata na istem računalniku. Package: alienblaster-data Description-md5: ba7f91b87a7940dd88d237ce23043f59 Description-sl: Podatki igre za Alien Blaster Vaša misija je enostavna: zaustavite invazijo nezemljanov in jih razstrelite! . Alien Blaster je klasična 2D igra postreli vse kar leze in gre, ki vsebuje veliko različnih orožij, posebnih predmetov, nezemljanov za razstrelitev in velikega hudobnega vodjo. . Podpira tako enoigralski način in sodelujoči način dveh igralcev za dve osebi, ki igrata na istem računalniku. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisno predstavnost igre. Package: aliki-dbg Description-md5: 7b50c5a3978b98ba2b15950ee0ebb1b6 Description-sl: Debugging symbols for aliki Measure Impulse Responses using a sine sweep and deconvolution. For more complete introduction to this method, see . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: allegro4-doc Description-md5: 9b7366b5ced0412260a68241fb797240 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za knjižnico Allegro This package contains the Allegro documentation in various formats, FAQs and other documentation about the Allegro library and the source of the example programs. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: alleyoop Description-md5: c3889e05484349a29c98219527ef10af Description-sl: Začelje za potrjevalnik veljavnosti pomnilnika Valgrind Alleyoop je začelje GNOME za preverjalnik pomnilnika Valgrind, ki vključuje zmožnosti kot napredno preprečevanje napak in zagon urejevalnikov na mestu napake v izvorni kodi. . Valgrind vam pomga najti težave z upravljanjem pomnilnika v vaših programih. Ko program poženete pod nadzorom Valgrind, so vsa branja in pisanja v pomnilnik preverjena in klici v malloc/new/free/delete so prestreženi. Package: alltray Description-md5: f5178c13da0872ed400fdbf9afa64b52 Description-sl: Usidra katerikoli program v sistemsko vrstico S programom AllTray lahko katerikoli program brez lastne ikone vrstice (kot je Evolution, Thunderbird, Treminalu) usidrate v sistemsko vrstico. Ponuja zmožnost, da klik na gumb "zapri" program skrči v sistemsko vrstico. Dobro deluje na okoljih GNOME, KDE, Xfce4*, Fluxbox* in WindowsMaker*. (*) - brez podpore povleci in spusti. Omogočite z možnostjo "-nm". Package: almanah Description-md5: 034aeb320a1186c1cafc6b4acaefdfb1 Description-sl: Program za olajšanje upravljanja osebnega dnevnika Almanah je majhen program za lažje upravljanje osebnega dnevnika. Ima osnovne zmožnosti urejanja in povezovanja kot so: . - dodajanje povezav vnosom dnevnika do druge vsebine - šifriranje podatkovne zbirke - podpora za iskanje in tiskanje. Package: alpine Description-md5: 3ddd074b130edc15ad4419408e6d3266 Description-sl: Na besedilu osnovan odjemalec klepeta, prijazen za novince, vendar zmogljiv Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Vsebuje polno zbirko podpore poštnih protokolov kot sta IMAP in SMTP in varnosntnih protokolov kot je TLS. Za svoj vmesnik uporablja curses. Package: alpine-dbg Description-md5: 2baca85b27c5856fb76ea255777c7ede Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli na besedilu osnovanega odjemalca e-pošte Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Vsebuje polno zbirko podpore poštnih protokolov kot sta IMAP in SMTP in varnosntnih protokolov kot je TLS. Za svoj vmesnik uporablja curses. . Ta gradnja shranjuje razhroščevalne simbole v paket alpine. Package: alpine-doc Description-md5: d36b0af30efaab3c303df1eb7e7202ef Description-sl: Dokumentacija besednega odjemalca e-pošte Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Ta paket shranjuje dokumentacijo za alpine. Package: alqalam Description-md5: 6a39533e68c6a515eb89f058f569b09d Description-sl: Qur'an sestavljanje makrov za TeX/LaTeX AlQalam (``the pen'' in Arabic) is a freely available system intended for typesetting the Qur'an, other traditional texts, and any publications in the languages using the Arabic script. Package: alsa-oss Description-md5: 7e1413025cd44f9937186b01e353aed0 Description-sl: ALSA filtri za programe OSS This package contains a program loader, aoss, which wraps applications written for OSS in a compatibility library, thus allowing them to work with ALSA. . There are two ways of getting an application to work with ALSA if the application was written for OSS. The first way is to load the special ALSA drivers that emulate the OSS kernel interface; these allow the application to open /dev/dsp0 and other OSS device files. The second way is to wrap the application in the libaoss library provided in this package; the wrapper causes the application to access native ALSA device files such as /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c instead of OSS device files. . Use of the alsa-oss library is recommended over the use of OSS-emulation drivers if you want to use ALSA's PCM plugin layer. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. . Oss je prosta različica Odprtega zvočnega sistema. Package: alsa-source Description-md5: 53e1b4fbfd16b147221d407941e1a35f Description-sl: Viri gonilnika ALSA This package contains the source code for the ALSA drivers. The source code can be compiled into an alsa-modules package using the m-a utility (available in the module-assistant package). Please note that the kernel headers must be installed to compile these modules. Please read the README.Debian file for more information about loading and building modules. . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. Package: alsa-tools Description-md5: 4d64eace7e51fb1fc1a18ed780ee5e62 Description-sl: Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware Zbirka konzolnih orodij za posebno zvočno strojno opremo: . as10k1 - An assembler for the EMU10K1 (EMU10K2) DSP chip hda-verb - send HD-audio commands to Intel HDA devices sbiload - OPL2/3 FM instrument loader for the ALSA sequencer us428control - Controller utility for Tascam US-X2Y Package: alsa-tools-gui Description-md5: 7e9c05fa4ed7725d61d80aa2becaf0fc Description-sl: Grafična orodja ALSA za posebno strojno opremo A collection of GUI based ALSA utilities for specific sound hardware: . echomixer - control tool for Echoaudio soundcards envy24control - control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards hdajackretask - retask jacks on HDA Intel hardware hdspconf - GUI program to control the Hammerfall HDSP Alsa Settings. hdspmixer - tool to control the advanced routing features of the RME Hammerfall DSP. rmedigicontrol - control tool for RME Digi32 and RME Digi96 soundcards Package: alsamixergui Description-md5: ca23b8a234a90d840e92820b52269ef0 Description-sl: Grafični mešalnik zvočnih kartic za gonilnik zvočne kartice ALSA alsamixergui je na FLTK osnovan program mešalnika za uporabo z gonilniki zvočnih kartic ALSA. Podpira več zvočnih kartic z več napravami. . alsamixergui je začelje za alsamixer, ki je napisano neposredno na izvoru alsamixer in pusti izvirni izvor nespremenjen. Doda le nekaj ukazov ifdef in nekaj klicev do dela grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika. Zagotavlja natanko enake zmožnosti vendar z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom. . Domača stran: Package: alsaplayer-common Description-md5: 80e606dafda00973df55a72ed069426f Description-sl: audio player (common files) Alsaplayer is a PCM player designed specifically for use with ALSA, but works great with OSS or EsounD. It's heavily threaded which cuts down on skipping, offers optional and even simultaneous visual scopes, plays mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs, and lots more. . Ta paket vsebuje glavni program alsaplayer in potrebuje vstavek vmesnika in vstavek izhoda. Privzeto bosta nameščena vmesnik GTK+ in izhod alsa. Package: alsoft-conf Description-md5: 9da7d2f7278e7a7adb7b0d6c4cfe6efe Description-sl: Pripomoček nastavitve OpenAL-Soft Enostavno ordoje za nastavitev OpenAL-Soft. Package: altree-examples Description-md5: 36faf63076f27a0aada20ad02635b42a Description-sl: Datoteke primerov za ALTree ALTree was designed to perform association detection and localization of susceptibility sites using haplotype phylogenetic trees: first, it allows the detection of an association between a candidate gene and a disease, and second, it enables to make hypothesis about the susceptibility loci. . This package contains the example files for the ALTree package discussed in its PDF manual. Package: alure-doc Description-md5: f6941b11ff3a319b1c3c3f1eef524f9e Description-sl: AL Utilities REtooled (documentation) ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming. . The purpose of this library is to provide pre-made functionality that would otherwise be repetitive or difficult to (re)code for various projects and platforms, such as loading a sound file into an OpenAL buffer and streaming an audio file through a buffer queue. Support for different formats is consistant across platforms, so no special checks are needed when loading files, and all formats are handled through the same API. . Currently ALURE includes a basic .wav and .aif file reader, and can leverage external libraries such as libSndFile (for extended wave formats and several others), VorbisFile (for Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (for FLAC and Ogg FLAC), and others. External libraries can also be dynamically loaded at run-time, or individually disabled outright at compile time. . Ta paket vsbeuje dokumentacijo ALURE. Package: am-utils-doc Description-md5: 00dcda2a707a353d83a758a9f02f55ba Description-sl: Dokumentacija pripomočka samodejnega priklopnika Am-utils is a set of tools for automounting filesystems: mounting a filesystem "on demand" when it is first referenced, and unmounting it later if it is no more needed. . This is the documentation in HTML, info, texinfo and postscript formats. Package: amanda-client Description-md5: 21af3684379a64cacc51c39152ab1062 Description-sl: Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client) Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This package is suitable for large amounts of data to backup. For smaller solutions take a look at afbackup, tob, ... . Features: * will back up multiple machines in parallel to a holding disk, blasting finished dumps one by one to tape as fast as we can write files to tape. For example, a ~2 Gb 8mm tape on a ~240K/s interface to a host with a large holding disk can be filled by Amanda in under 4 hours. * built on top of standard backup software: Unix dump/restore, and later GNU Tar and others. * does simple tape management: will not overwrite the wrong tape. * supports tape changers via a generic interface. Easily customizable to any type of tape carousel, robot, or stacker that can be controlled via the unix command line. * for a restore, tells you what tapes you need, and finds the proper backup image on the tape for you. * recovers gracefully from errors, including down or hung machines. * reports results, including all errors in detail, in email to operators. * will dynamically adjust backup schedule to keep within constraints: no more juggling by hand when adding disks and computers to network. * includes a pre-run checker program, that conducts sanity checks on both the tape server host and all the client hosts (in parallel), and will send an e-mail report of any problems that could cause the backups to fail. * can compress dumps before sending or after sending over the net, with either compress or gzip. * can optionally synchronize with external backups, for those large timesharing computers where you want to do full dumps when the system is down in single-user mode (since BSD dump is not reliable on active filesystems): Amanda will still do your daily dumps. * lots of other options; Amanda is very configurable. . THIS PACKAGE RELIES ON A RUNNING AMANDA SERVER IN YOUR NETWORK. . Za pomembne opombe si oglejte /usr/share/doc/amanda-client/README.Debian. . Explanation of suggested programs: - gnuplot is needed for plotting statistics of backups Package: amanda-server Description-md5: 62cdb25a2f07b372036cf0d0dedd1b00 Description-sl: Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Server) Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This package is suitable for large amounts of data to backup. For smaller solutions take a look at afbackup, tob, ... . Features: * will back up multiple machines in parallel to a holding disk, blasting finished dumps one by one to tape as fast as we can write files to tape. For example, a ~2 Gb 8mm tape on a ~240K/s interface to a host with a large holding disk can be filled by Amanda in under 4 hours. * built on top of standard backup software: Unix dump/restore, and later GNU Tar and others. * does simple tape management: will not overwrite the wrong tape. * supports tape changers via a generic interface. Easily customizable to any type of tape carousel, robot, or stacker that can be controlled via the unix command line. * for a restore, tells you what tapes you need, and finds the proper backup image on the tape for you. * recovers gracefully from errors, including down or hung machines. * reports results, including all errors in detail, in email to operators. * will dynamically adjust backup schedule to keep within constraints: no more juggling by hand when adding disks and computers to network. * includes a pre-run checker program, that conducts sanity checks on both the tape server host and all the client hosts (in parallel), and will send an e-mail report of any problems that could cause the backups to fail. * can compress dumps before sending or after sending over the net, with either compress or gzip. * can optionally synchronize with external backups, for those large timesharing computers where you want to do full dumps when the system is down in single-user mode (since BSD dump is not reliable on active filesystems): Amanda will still do your daily dumps. * lots of other options; Amanda is very configurable. . Za pomembne opombe si oglejte /usr/share/doc/amanda-server/README.Debian. . Explanation of suggested programs: - perl is needed for some non essential server utilities - gnuplot is needed for plotting statistics of backups - to backup the tape server, you need to install the client too Package: amarok Description-md5: 8cb0abbd7a36a44af04429c5df99b014 Description-sl: predvajalnik predstavnosti za okolje KDE, ki je enostaven za uporabo Amarok je zmogljiv predvajalnik glasbe z inituitivnim uporabniškim vmesnikom. Predvajanje glasbe, ki vam je všeč, in odkrivanje nove glasbe še nikoli ni bilo tako enostavno. Amarok je osnovan na zmogljivi platformi Qt4/ KDE4 in se dobro vključi v namizje KDE. . Veliko dela je bilo vloženega v vključitev programa Amarok 2 z različnimi spletnimi storitvami: - Ampache - Jamendo - - Librivox - MP3tunes - Magnatune - Imenik podcastov OPML . Amarok vsebuje veliko zmožnosti vključno z a ne omejeno na: - Skripti - izboljšajte svojo izkušnjo z Amarokom s skripti, ki jih je razvila skupnost: - Dinamični seznami predvajanja - ustvarite samodejno posodabljajoče se sezname predvajanja. - Pogled vsebine - prilagodite vmesnik s pogledom vsebine, ki ga poganja Plasma. - Pojavni spustilnik - poenostavite dejanja povleci in spusti s tem revolucionarnim menijem sistema. - Prevodi v več jezikov - Upravljanje z zbirko - organizacija vaše glasbene zbirke še nikoli ni bila lažja, saj Amarok vsebuje močne zmožnosti označevanja, preimenovanja in razvrščanja. - Uvažanje podatkovnih zbirk - uvozite zbirke iz Amaroka 1.4 ali iTunes. - Skriptljive storitve - v Amarok vključite druge spletne storitve. Package: amarok-common Description-md5: 7edb06ad8d166860bb6c8a6ff4667004 Description-sl: od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za Amarok Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke, ki jih Amarok potrebuje za pravilno delovanje. Zato za vas ta pakete ne bo uporaben, razen če imate nameščen paket 'amarok' enake različice. Package: amarok-dbg Description-md5: 11a8ecdda53370b64ba5912cbe25c09a Description-sl: razhroščevalni simboli za Amarok Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za vse binarne pakete izgrajene iz izvornega paketa amarok. Močno priporočamo, da ta paket namestite pred poročanjem sesutij Amaroka razvijalcem Amaroka ali vzdrževalcev paketa Debian. Package: amarok-doc Description-md5: b4eb7b0dab4bb7bf23c9243f8c1ee81b Description-sl: Dokumentacija Amarok (knjižica) This package contains Amarok user documentation. It can be opened from the application menu Help -> Amarok Handbook. Package: amavisd-milter-dbg Description-md5: 5ccd4c6f360e771d825a2121691f4be2 Description-sl: amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs - debugging symbols This package provides a milter for amavisd-new that works with Sendmail or Postfix, using the AM.PDP protocol. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za amavisd-milter. Package: amb-plugins Description-md5: a2c2a97bf1d019b4efd71ff5a407eb59 Description-sl: Vstavki ambisonics LADPSA A set of ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour. Mono and stereo to B-format panning, horizontal rotator, square, hexagon and cube decoders. Package: amide Description-md5: 68635d5506489a7fdecefeeeeaf0a618 Description-sl: Program za medicinsko slikanje AMIDE: (Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner) AMIDE is a tool for viewing and analyzing medical image data sets. It's capabilities include the simultaneous handling of multiple data sets imported from a variety of file formats, image fusion, 3D region of interest drawing and analysis, volume rendering, and rigid body alignments. . Amide imports most clinical DICOM files (using the DCMTK library). Package: ampache-themes Description-md5: 458812a0ee93c962d037fe6cb9d44416 Description-sl: Teme za Ampache This is a collection of user contributed themes for Ampache. . Ampache is a web-based audio file manager implemented with PHP and MySQL which allows viewing, editing, and playing audio files via the web. It has support for playlists, artist and album views, album art, random or vote- based play, and per-user play-tracking/theming. Playback may be via HTTP, on-the-fly transcoding and downsampling, Mpd/Icecast, or integrated Flash player. Multiple Ampache servers can be linked together using XML-RPC. Ampache is fully localized in many languages. Package: amphetamine Description-md5: 84628a9130481aaae590448a13c3a80e Description-sl: arkadna igra z edinstvenimi vidnimi učinki Ampethamine je vzmenerljiva igra skoči in teci, ki ponuja nekaj edinstvenih učinkov kot so obarvana osvetlitev, megla in korone. S svojimi čarobnimi orožji se morate bojevati z enajstimi zlobnimi pošastmi. Package: amphetamine-data Description-md5: 0e43c7567c8534fbf1630b85ea8f4701 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro "Amphetamine" This package contains data files used by the game "Amphetamine". . Ampethamine je vzmenerljiva igra skoči in teci, ki ponuja nekaj edinstvenih učinkov kot so obarvana osvetlitev, megla in korone. S svojimi čarobnimi orožji se morate bojevati z enajstimi zlobnimi pošastmi. Package: ample Description-md5: 84366634e2fefc92848aa79a0dee72a6 Description-sl: Enostaven strežnik MP3, ki je enostaven za uporabo Ample (An MP3 LEnder) is a simple MP3 server written in C. It does not support mixing, radio shows, etc. Ample is just intended to be an easy way to remotely listen to your MP3s using the "open location" features in XMMS, WinAmp, and Media Player. Package: ams Description-md5: ec9619dfb2ce2790837d2121ab75fbd3 Description-sl: realno-časovni modular sintetizatorja za ALSA AlsaModularSynth je realnočasovni modularni sintetizator in obdelovalnik učinkov. Njegove zmožnosti: * z MIDI nadzorovana modularna sinteza zvoka. * Realnočasovno obdelovanje učinkov z zajemanjem iz npr. "Line in" ali "Mic in". * Polen nadzor nad vsemi parametri sinteze in učinkov preko MIDI. * Vgrajen brskalnik LADSPA z zmožnostjo iskanja. * Podpora JACK. Package: amsn Description-md5: 0028bb6f77772d094412f479297fa3d4 Description-sl: MSN messenger application written in Tcl Zelo lep program za sporočanje, ki je združljiv z MSN: Deluje zelo podobno kot program MSN za Windows. Idealen za vzdrževanje stikov s tistimi prijatelji, ki še niso doživeli razsvetljenja. Package: amsn-data Description-md5: 26b1a34f40178b87262be4ecc09a4422 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za aMSN This package contains architecture-independent supporting data files required for use with aMSN such as documentation, icons, translations, plugins, skins and sounds. Package: amsynth Description-md5: d4b490921ea66cb8c54e8e4cfb3bbf35 Description-sl: Programski sintetizator dveh oscilatorjev zmožnosti amSynth: * dva zvočna oscilatorja v analognem slogu z zmožnostmi: o sinusni val o žagasti/trikotni val s prilagodljivo obliko, o kvadratni/pulsni val s prilagodljivo širino pulsa, o ustvarjanje šuma o "naključni" val (šum z vzorcem in držanjem) o uskladite oscilatorja o znižanje tona in nadzor obsega * odsek mešalnika z modulacijo zvonenja * filter nizkega prehoda v analognem slogu o 24dB/oktava krivulja o namenska ovojnica ADSR o nadzor odreza in resonance o sledenje višini tipkovnice * ojačevalnik z namensko ovojnico ADSR * LFO modulacije o modulacija do 58 Hz o usmerljiv na vse odseke (višina, filter, ojačevalnik) * učinki o visoko kakovosten stereo odmev (freeverb) o popačenje/drobljenje * enostavno krmarjenje in upravljanje prednastavljenih vrednosti * samostojen odjemalec OSS ali ALSA Midi/zvok Package: amule Description-md5: 5c464e6adf41c7373294617a696146d0 Description-sl: Odjemalec za omrežji eD2k in Kad, podoben eMule aMule je program deljenja datotek od vrstnika do vrstnika, ki je zasnovan za povezavo na omrežja eDonkey in Kad. Vsebuje številne zmožnosti vključno z veliko izvirnega odjemalca eMule, kot: . * spletni podpis, izmenjava virov, stisnjeni prenosi, varna identifikacija in podpora filtriranja IP * boolovo iskanje, ki je lahko krajevno, globalno ali na omrežju Kad * preverjanja za agresivne odjemalce * dodelitev mest za določitev števila oddaljenih odjemalcev * sistemska vrstica dobro deluje v GNOME in KDE * prevodi v številne jezike . Različica ozadnjega programa, ki za izvajanje ne potrebuje grafičnega vmesnika, je na voljo v paketu amule-daemon. Različne pripomočke, vključno z ročnikom povezav ed2k, lahko najdete v paketih amule-utils in amule- utils-gui. Package: amule-adunanza Description-md5: 7488df80c853d4208aa33c92e916a453 Description-sl: client for the eD2k and Kadu networks for for Fastweb clients aMule-AdunanzA is a peer-to-peer file sharing application, designed to connect to the eDonkey and Kadu networks. It is specifically designed for systems located behind Fastweb NAT network. It has a wide range of features, including many of the original eMule and aMule client, like: . * spletni podpis, izmenjava virov, stisnjeni prenosi, varno določilo in podpora filtrov IP * boolovo iskanje, ki je lahko krajevno, splošno ali na omrežju Kad * preverja za agresivne odjemalce * dodelitev mest za določitev števila oddaljenih odjemalcev * sistemska vrstica dobro deluje tako v GNOME in KDE . A daemonized version of the application that does not need a graphic environment to run is available in the amule-adunanza-daemon package, and various utilities of interest can be found in the amule-adunanza-utils and amule-adunanza-utils-gui packages, including the ed2k link handler. Package: amule-adunanza-utils-gui Description-md5: db90aef99a3587b49f73d47e19b142df Description-sl: graphic utilities for aMule-AdunanzA This package contains a set of graphic utilities related to aMule- AdunanzA, the eD2k network client: . * wxcas: displays the contents of your aMule-AdunanzA online signature * alc: computes ed2k:// links for the given input files * amulegui (EXPERIMENTAL): graphic client to control aMule-AdunanzA or the aMule-AdunanzA daemon . Različico ukazne vrstice teh pripomočkov lahko najdete v paketu amule- utils. Package: amule-utils-gui Description-md5: 1103d571c66fea941642f52b6271801d Description-sl: Grafični pripomočki za aMule Ta paket vsebuje zbirko grafičnih pripomočkov, ki so povezani z aMUle, odjemalcem omrežja eD2k: . * wxcas: prikaže vsebino vašega spletnega podpisa aMule, * alc: izračuna povezave ed2k:// za dane vhodne datoteke * amulegui (PREIZKUSNO): grafični odjemalec na nadzor aMule ali ozadnjim programom aMule . Različico ukazne vrstice teh pripomočkov lahko najdete v paketu amule- utils. Package: anagramarama Description-md5: 7df0ae841f315cd1c4853a2482a2ce3d Description-sl: hitra igra sestavljanja anagramov, ki uporablja SDL Imate radi anagrame? Potem boste oboževali igro Anagramarama! Cilj je najti kolikor je mogoče besed v razpoložljivem času. Najdite najdaljšo besedo in napredovali boste na naslednjo stopnjo. Package: anagramarama-data Description-md5: 4e700f84969c3edec5e88de9643118c3 Description-sl: hitra igra sestavljanja anagramov, ki uporablja SDL (podatkovne datoteke) Imate radi anagrame? Potem boste oboževali igro Anagramarama! Cilj je najti kolikor je mogoče besed v razpoložljivem času. Najdite najdaljšo besedo in napredovali boste na naslednjo stopnjo. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za anagramarama. Package: analitza-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-sl: common files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: analitza4-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-sl: common files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: analog Description-md5: 94c964c93f19549fb1bd26d122682b33 Description-sl: Preučevalnik dnevnikov spletnega strežnika Analog is a fast log file processor that generates usage statistic reports for web servers. . Features: - Fast: can process millions of lines per minute; - Scalable; - Flexible: the default output is well suited for many needs but there are many options and 32 alternative report styles; - Internationalized output; - HTML output (compliant with standards); - Handles many log file formats; - Uses a command-line interface or a web interface. Package: and Description-md5: 5b6bdf6ae5748dade0475d36c058ab07 Description-sl: Samodejen ozadnji program Nice The auto nice daemon activates itself in certain intervals and renices jobs according to their priority and CPU usage. Jobs owned by root are left alone. Jobs are never increased in their priority. . The renice intervals can be adjusted as well as the default nice level and the activation intervals. A priority database stores user/group/job tuples along with their renice values for three CPU usage time ranges. Negative nice levels are interpreted as signals to be sent to a process, triggered by CPU usage; this way, Netscapes going berserk can be killed automatically. The strategy for searching the priority database can be configured. . AND also provides network-wide configuration files with host-specific sections, as well as wildcard/regexp support for commands in the priority database. Package: android-libandroidfw-dev Description-md5: e6f58464d4ebdf1df4179fa3b085ae9c Description-sl: Android utility library - Development files Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. In the Google builds of the Android SDK, this library is statically linked, but in the Debian packaging, it is a private shared library. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libcutils-dev Description-md5: 5c61748f1c25910af4c55787dd2d5912 Description-sl: Android utils library for C - Development files This library provides common functionalities for android related tools. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libhost-dev Description-md5: 65be0c4c8a0fb1c35be0bab18760505c Description-sl: Android utility library for cross-platform tools - headers Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-liblog-dev Description-md5: 1209d326abd895ba5f0779818ce2df11 Description-sl: Android logging library - Development files Library providing logging capabilities to android related tools. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libutils-dev Description-md5: e1c670259aa9eab806578205e36736af Description-sl: Android utility library - Development files Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-libzipfile-dev Description-md5: ce64010786e304dac75dbffbb2e78640 Description-sl: Android zipfile library - Development files Library providing zipfile handling capabilities to android related tools. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: android-system-dev Description-md5: 9cb524186737670954c7d74815ebd4fb Description-sl: Android system development headers Headers that define various macros and data structures for the Android code. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: angband-data Description-md5: 7b2836b71cc1739b4cdd4bc99db7ddbf Description-sl: Game data for angband Angband is a single-player, text-based, dungeon simulation derived from the game Moria, which was in turn based on Rogue. It is often described as a "roguelike" game because the look and feel of the game is still quite similar to Rogue (though there are now graphical tiles available if you dislike ASCII gaming). Angband has been in more or less continuous development since the early 1990s. . Ta paket vsebuje od podatkovne datoteke igre. Package: animals-dbg Description-md5: 5099e02b0dd201c7d25d72a8a17dcb7f Description-sl: Traditional AI animal guessing engine (debugging symbols) You think of an animal, and this package tries to guess it... when it's wrong, you teach it about your animal. . To be more flexible and help educational aspect this game does not contain an initial database. This also allows it to be used for non animals like guessing of tools or locations. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za paket animals. Package: anjuta Description-md5: af8d37dc68392d1aa98b519cb3780660 Description-sl: IDE razvoja GNOME za C/C++ This IDE for C/C++ and GNOME/Gtk+ applications has features that enable easy debugging, management of code and GUI design by providing a simple and usable user interface. It also integrates with version control systems like CVS, Git or Subversion. Package: anjuta-common Description-md5: 4aaaed4290abe278e18de84a93204c9d Description-sl: IDE razvoja GNOME za C/C++ - podatkovne datoteke This IDE for C/C++ and GNOME/Gtk+ applications has features that enable easy debugging, management of code and GUI design by providing a simple and usable user interface. It also integrates with version control systems like CVS, Git or Subversion. . This package provides the required data files for Anjuta. Package: anjuta-dbg Description-md5: 85785917175ebe4de6ab4aeffe5a0311 Description-sl: IDE razvoja GNOME za C/C++ - razhroščevalne datoteke This IDE for C/C++ and GNOME/Gtk+ applications has features that enable easy debugging, management of code and GUI design by providing a simple and usable user interface. It also integrates with version control systems like CVS, Git or Subversion. . This package provides the debug files for Anjuta. Package: anjuta-extras Description-md5: 08719358bf19281d5f292abcac89a9d7 Description-sl: vstavki in dodatki za program anuta anjuta-extras contain a set of plugins for anjuta, GNOME development IDE. . The following plugins are included: * Sample Plugin: Sample Plugin for Anjuta. * Scintilla Editor: An alternate editor based on Scintilla * Scratchbox: Change build commands to use scratchbox 1 or 2 Package: anki Description-md5: 6be929a54b8551bbabe9503440075d3f Description-sl: Razširljiv program učenja s kartic Anki je program, ki je zasnovan za pomoč pri pomnjenju dejstev (kot so besede in fraze v tujem jeziku) koliko je mogoče hitro, enostavno in učinkovito. Zato sledi kako dobro ste si zapomnili katero dejstvo in te podatke uporabi za optimalno razporeditev časov pregleda. . Poleg besedila podpira zvoke, slike in izrisovanje izrezkov TeX na karticah. kartice lahko uskladi s strežnikom tako da si jih lahko ogledate na drugih računalnikih, spletnem vmesniku ali mobilnih napravah za katere obstajajo različice Anki. Celotne zbirke kart, ki so jih ustvarili drugi uporabniki, lahko prejmete na enak način. . Anki je mogoče razširiti z vstavki, ki jih je mogoče prejeti in namestiti iz menija. Anki je mogoče uporabiti za učenje česarkoli, vendar so na voljo vstavki s posebnimi zmožnostmi, ki so zasnovani za lažje učenje angleščine in japonščine: vgrajeno iskanje po slovarjih, poročila manjkajočega kanji in več. Package: ansible-doc Description-md5: b4f36330179cb3fdb9f9d31dcd85daf0 Description-sl: Ansible documentation and examples Ansible is a radically simple model-driven configuration management, multi-node deployment, and remote task execution system. Ansible works over SSH and does not require any software or daemons to be installed on remote nodes. Extension modules can be written in any language and are transferred to managed machines automatically. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML in primere. Package: ant-contrib-cpptasks Description-md5: e761f86d260d1e11322c478056ee0ebe Description-sl: Opravila kodnega prevajanja C/C++ za Ant. The cc task can compile various source languages and produce executables, shared libraries (aka DLL's) and static libraries. Compiler adaptors are currently available for C/C++, FORTRAN, MIDL and Windows Resource compilers. Package: antigravitaattori Description-md5: b70e0c6a337822cf5bb35a1f19f899f6 Description-sl: Večigralska dirkaška igra z letečimi krožniki To je večigralska igra letečih krožnikov, ki je bila narejena za tekmovanje iger Assembly 2006. Je odlična in zabavna igra za družino z do štirimi igralci. Vsebuje navdušujočo 3d izrisano grafiko. Package: anypaper Description-md5: cdd61dce9498f757b7a194ccd5f73ced Description-sl: Začelje za wallpapersetter anyPaper is a front-end for wallpapersetter. it let you: Preview of selected image. Six modes of setting wallpaper (fullscreen, normal, tiled, adjusted, scaled and custom scale). User can select the background color, image position, wallpapersetter and screen size. Preview of background before setting no-set option for only handling images (command line). Package: anyremote-data Description-md5: 8840a22bdd11142851e28e2f02e27605 Description-sl: Od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke za anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: anyremote-doc Description-md5: cdacc18f88285652bc5584438ed60656 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . Ta paket vsebuje nepovezano dokumentacijo THML Package: anytun Description-md5: d755d796af614c60eef33123973ca419 Description-sl: Varen protokol tuneliranja anycast Anytun is an implementation of the secure anycast tunneling protocol. It uses an easy openvpn style interface and makes it possible to build redundant VPN clusters with load balancing between servers. VPN servers share a single IP address. Adding and removing VPN Servers is done by the routing protocol, so no client changes have to be made when additional VPN servers are added or removed. It is possible to realise global load balancing based on shortest BGP routes by simply announcing the address space of the tunnel servers at multiple locations. . Currently ethernet, ipv4 and ipv6 tunnels are supported by the implementation. However the protocol allows one to tunnel every ETHERTYPE protocol. Package: aolserver4-daemon Description-md5: ce1514c1c247ca2d3a501f7d9d952453 Description-sl: AOL web server version 4 - program files AOLserver is the web engine that powers America Online. It is capable of serving a very high number of users, and can host hundreds of virtual servers simultaneously within the same process. . It is similar in many respects to Zope, except based largely on Tcl. It is multi-threaded, and has a C API that can be used to extend its functionality. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: aolserver4-nsldap Description-md5: 5a90bbfc4e360af1c39986c0990f8d83 Description-sl: Modul AOLServer 4 za LDAP This module provides support to write an LDAP client in AOLServer4 web server. Package: aolserver4-nspostgres Description-md5: 5cc49f40b423a4807a0075e0c3200e84 Description-sl: Modul AOLserver 4: povezovalnik Postgres This module implements a simple AOLserver database services driver for AOLserver version 4. . A database driver is a module which interfaces between the AOLserver database-independent nsdb module and the API of a particular DBMS. A database driver's job is to open connections, send SQL statements, and translate the results into the form used by nsdb. In this case, the driver is for the PostgreSQL ORDBMS from The PostgreSQL Global Development Group. . This is the official driver for the OpenACS project. Package: apcupsd Description-md5: 5828ed072ad1cdcdd2a3dc847c13d193 Description-sl: Upravljanje porabe APC UPS (ozadnji program) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . It controls and monitors the status of UPS and allows your computer to run for a specified length of time on UPS power, and then executes a controlled shutdown in the case of an extended power failure. Package: apcupsd-cgi Description-md5: 0288cffcc7dcb455848bf077dd6b3995 Description-sl: APC UPS Power Management (web interface) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . Ta paket vsebuje spletni vmesnik. Package: apcupsd-doc Description-md5: 1228fcbdeeb1d4a793e9f026680a7f88 Description-sl: APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo in primere. Package: apel Description-md5: f47e25bd0d765f119fe95698f45a9f76 Description-sl: prenosna knjižnica za emacsen APEL stands for "A Portable Emacs Library". It consists of following modules: . poe.el emulation module mainly for basic functions and special forms/macros of latest emacsen poem.el basic functions to write portable MULE programs pces.el portable character encoding scheme (coding-system) features invisible.el features about invisible region mcharset.el MIME charset related features static.el utility for static evaluation broken.el information of broken facilities of Emacs pccl.el utility to write portable CCL program alist.el utility for Association-list calist.el utility for condition tree and condition/situation-alist path-util.el utility for path management or file detection filename.el utility to make file-name install.el utility to install emacs-lisp package mule-caesar.el ROT 13-47-48 Caesar rotation utility emu.el emu bundled in tm-7.106 compatibility pcustom.el portable custom environment product.el functions for product version information Package: apertium-tolk Description-md5: 43061138f115269ba3ae6f4b454cdf14 Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik za Apertium Na Python in GTK+ osnovan grafični uporabniški vmesnik za sistem strojnega prevajanja Apertium. Prevajajte besedilno med jeziki v realnem času. Uporablja zaledje apertium-dbus. Package: apgdiff Description-md5: 48e4f3af001d7096782511320666f499 Description-sl: Še eno orodje Diff PostgreSQL Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool is a simple PostgreSQL diff tool that is useful for schema upgrades. The tool compares two schema dump files and creates an SQL output file that is (after some hand-made modifications) suitable for upgrades of old schemata. Package: aplus-fsf-dev Description-md5: 2b29868efe57b57613d5a1dbe35a518b Description-sl: Razvojno okolje programskega jezika A+ A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It is freely available under the GNU General Public License. It embodies a rich set of functions and operators, a modern graphical user interface with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter. A+ was created at Morgan Stanley. Primarily used in a computationally-intensive business environment, many critical applications written in A+ have withstood the demands of real world developers over many years. Written in an interpreted language, A+ applications tend to be portable. . This is a metapackage that provides a complete A+ development environment. The A+ run-time environment is provided by the aplus-fsf package. Package: aplus-fsf-doc Description-md5: d3f68c67c84e86d778475d6f359f9c74 Description-sl: Dokumentacija programskega jezika A+ This package contains the HTML documentation and examples for the A+ programming language and development environment. See the package aplus- fsf for the run-time environment, and aplus-fsf-dev for the development environment. Package: aplus-fsf-el Description-md5: 161c59272b88ea2bcd37387cb504df59 Description-sl: XEmacs lisp za razvoj A+ This package contains the XEmacs lisp required for the development of A+ programs. It does the key bindings, sets the font properly, and binds some function keys. The complete A+ development environment is provided by the aplus-fsf-dev package. . To load A+ from XEmacs, load a file with extension .apl, .a or .+, or use the command 'M-x a-mode'. Or, press F4 to start the A+ interpreter. . See /usr/share/doc/README.Debian.gz if you have trouble entering the special A+ characters in XEmacs. . This package is now an empty dummy package because XEmacs is no longer available. If that changes, this package will be resurrected. Package: apoo Description-md5: d0d29ba5ab9cb2a85607d33f28da42f4 Description-sl: Pomoč vodnika po zbirniku A virtual machine (a CPU) created for teaching purposes. All the programs are written in Python and are very easy to extend to incorporate new assembly-like pseudo-instuctions. A gtk2-based interface is provided, to help debugging or just examining the execution of programs. Another program permits a tutor to create exercises and write rules to automatically grade the students' solutions. Package: aprsdigi Description-md5: 84edfbcc343282783b438199f007a272 Description-sl: Digitalni ponavljalnik za APRS aprsdigi is a repeater for the Automatic Position Reporting System, APRS. It also includes aprsmon, a one-way gateway to APRS on TCP/IP. Package: apsfilter Description-md5: 6f92400e4e7bcd0cb0f0543612044aea Description-sl: Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition apsfilter makes printing many file formats much easier. It features on- the-fly decompression and conversion, and works on both PostScript and non-PostScript (via Ghostscript) graphical printers. . Med podprtimi vrstami so: gzip, bzip2, compress, freeze, pack, ASCII, BMP, podatki (PCL, itd.), DVI, FBM, FIG, FITS, GIF, Group 3 faks, HTML, IFF ILBM, JPEG, Kodak Photo CD, MGR, MIFF, PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RLE, SGI, Sketch, Sun raster, Targa, TIFF, troff, WPG, X pixmap, XCF. Dejanska podpora je odvisna od nameščenih programov filtrov.. Package: apt-dater-dbg Description-md5: 3e0bc0616dbb1a250840c798289b8840 Description-sl: terminal-based remote package update manager (dbg symbols) apt-dater provides an easy to use ncurses frontend for managing package updates on a large number of remote hosts using SSH. It supports Debian- based managed hosts as well as OpenSUSE and CentOS based systems. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za paket apt-dater. Package: apt-dpkg-ref Description-md5: 1acdd824e827f066b923938e5151123a Description-sl: APT, Dpkg Quick Reference sheet A quick lookup chart with various APT and dpkg options for handy reference, for those who haven't quite memorized the most commonly used commands. . Ta paket do ustvaril dokumentacijo v različnih oblikah kot sta HTML in PDF. Package: apt-mirror Description-md5: cf7ee1d4e4f7c65e0e14c5bc8da53c06 Description-sl: Orodje zrcaljenja virov APT A small and efficient tool that lets you mirror a part of or the whole Debian GNU/Linux distribution or any other apt sources. . Main features: * It uses a config similar to apts * It's fully pool comply * It supports multithreaded downloading * It supports multiple architectures at the same time * It can automatically remove unneeded files * It works well on overloaded channel to internet * It never produces an inconsistent mirror including while mirroring * It works on all POSIX compliant systems with perl and wget Package: apt-show-source Description-md5: d4cedf9c62e14ae2d9a9387616ae8fa2 Description-sl: Pokaže podrobnosti izvorna koda-paket This program parses the APT lists for source packages and the dpkg status file and then lists every package with a different version number than the one installed. It's very useful if your deb-src sources.list entries point to unstable and your deb entries point to stable. Package: apt-src Description-md5: c1c2aad38a3b3f83fa8835588c7f14b5 Description-sl: Upravljajte izvorne pakete Debian apt-src is a command line interface for downloading, installing, upgrading, and tracking Debian source packages. It makes source package management feel a lot like using apt to manage binary packages, and is being used as a testbed to work on adding source dependencies to Debian. . It can be run as a normal user, or as root. If you want a convenient way to track updates to packages while preserving your local modifications, this is a way to do that. Package: aptoncd Description-md5: bc6539d598b148a0e4ae425f49031ad7 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik namestitvenih diskov za pakete, prejete preko APT Ustvarjalnik odstranljivih skladišč APT in orodje varnostne kopije paketov za na Debian osnovane sisteme. . To orodje vam omogoči ustvaritev medija (CD ali DVD) za namestitev programov preko APT na nepovezanem računalniku kot tudi nadgraditi in namestiti iste programe na več računalnikih brez potrebe po ponovnem prejemanju paketov. Package: aptsh Description-md5: ed5977f655a6cd7b96919ada35f290fc Description-sl: Vzajemna lupina apt Aptsh helps in managing packages by providing nice pseudo-shell, with commands completion and simplified access to Apt's commands. Additional features, like command-queue and orphaned packages searcher are also included. Package: apvlv Description-md5: 4c924a5cb9457b9cbbc4177536ca9799 Description-sl: Pregledovalnik PDF z obnašanjem podobnemu Vim apvlc (Alfov pregledovalnik PDF, ki je podoben Vim) je majhen in hiter pregledovalnik PDF, ki za izrisovanje uporablja poppler. Njegov vmesnik cilja na uporabnike, ki imajo radi obnašanje vim. Datoteko PDF lahko odprete z ':o imedatoteke'. apvlv deluej tudi z zavihki, zato imate lahko v enem programu hkrati odprtih več datotek. Package: aqbanking-tools Description-md5: 20d88ad5862f5d76e55a7312cc0a5687 Description-sl: Osnovni pripomočki ukazne vrstice za domače bančništvo AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. . This package provides a basic command line interface to AqBanking. Package: aqemu Description-md5: 74c630c68b6a2787c29dc71bcd7b19f8 Description-sl: začelje Qt4 za QEMU in KVM aqemu is a Qt4 graphical interface used to manage QEMU and KVM virtual machines. It has a user-friendly interface and allows one to set up the majority of QEMU and KVM options. Package: aqsis Description-md5: d7bfb74855db6d0f0b8f13ba35a7cfe6 Description-sl: Rešitev izrisovanje 3D, ki je združljiv s standardom RenderMan(R), binarne datoteke Asqis je visoko kakovostna, fotorealistična rešitev 3D izrisovanja. Združljiva je s standardnim vmesnikom RenderMan(R) kot ga je določilo podjetje Pixar. . The RenderMan(R) standard has been used in film and television visual effects since its introduction in 1989. Pixar has used their own implementation for all of their award winning CG features, and provided their implementation for use in the visual effects of most major blockbuster films over the last 2 decades. The Aqsis project offers a way for individuals and organisations alike to gain experience with the RenderMan(R) interface without the cost of commercial software licenses. . Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke Aqsis (orodje izrisovanja ukazne vrstice, orodje za kodno prevajanje senčenja v jeziku RSL in orodja za pripravljanje tekstur za optimalno uporabo). Package: aqsis-examples Description-md5: 23b6eca9712da470f168facaf269da84 Description-sl: 3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan(R) standard, examples Asqis je visoko kakovostna, fotorealistična rešitev 3D izrisovanja. Združljiva je s standardnim vmesnikom RenderMan(R) kot ga je določilo podjetje Pixar. . The RenderMan(R) standard has been used in film and television visual effects since its introduction in 1989. Pixar has used their own implementation for all of their award winning CG features, and provided their implementation for use in the visual effects of most major blockbuster films over the last 2 decades. The Aqsis project offers a way for individuals and organisations alike to gain experience with the RenderMan(R) interface without the cost of commercial software licenses. . This package contains examples like scenes, procedurals and shaders. Package: arandr Description-md5: 4ad8fff89583404c30f889cd6fe78cec Description-sl: Enostavno vidno začelje za XRandR ARandR is a visual front end for XRandR 1.2/1.3 (per display options), which provides full control over positioning, saving and loading to/from shell scripts and easy integration with other applications. Package: ardesia Description-md5: 430fa4997b3b54bcd86144111c563c37 Description-sl: Prost program digitalne beležnice You can make colored free-hand annotations with digital ink everywhere, record it and share on the network. . Thanks to Ardesia you are free to open any application and fix your ideas and comments as if you wrote on a classic chalkboard. You can use the tool to make effective on-screen presentation, highlight things or point out things of interest. The tool facilitates the online presentations and demos showing in real time your computer screen to anyone in the network. You can use this tool to enhance your lessons or courses working with your preferred applications and your preferred operating system. Create nice tutorial and demos saving the desktop images with your free hand annotations. Ardesia includes a sketchpad software that allow to free-hand draw geometrical shapes using the shape recognizer. . Ardesia works with all the pointing device; you can use a mouse, a touch screen, a drawing tablet, a cheap&professional wiimote whiteboard or a commercial whiteboard, interactive projector and any other devices supported by your operating system. Package: ardour Description-md5: ca07a57a6bf81c5ab213fc869c4ba6fb Description-sl: Digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (grafični vmesnik gtk2) Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . Ardour skozi projekt ALSA, ki zagotavlja visoko kakovosti in dobro zasnovane gonilnike naprav in API-je za V/I zvoka pod Linuxom, podpira profesionalne zvočne vmesnike. Ardour lahko uporabite s katerimkoli vmesnikom, ki ga podpira ALSA. To vključuje popolnoma digitalni 26 kanalni RME HAmmerfall, Midiman Delta 1010 in veliko drugih. . Ardour ima notranjo podoro za 24 bitne vzorce z uporabo ledbeče točke, nelinearno urejanje z neomejenim razveljavi, uporabniško nastavljiv mešalnik, zmožnosti glavnega/podrejenega MTC, združljivost s strojno opremo nadzorovanja površine MIDI. . Podpira nadzor strojev MIDI zato ga lahko nadzirate s katerimkoli nadzornikom MMC in veliko modernimi digitalnimi mešalniki. . Ardour vsebuje zmogljiv urejevalnik/razporejevalnik zvoka, ki je popolnoma neuničujoč in je zmožen vseh običajnih opravil nelinearnega urejanja (vstavi, zamenjaj, izbriši, premakni, obseka, izberi, izreži/kopiraj/prilepi). Urejevalnik ima neomejene zmožnosti razveljavi/uveljavi in lahko shrani neodvisne "različice" sledi ali celotne datoteke. . Ardourjev urejevalnik podpira standard vstavka LADSPA, ki ga je razvila skupnost. Kateremukoli delu sledi je mogoče pripeti poljubno verigo vstavkov. Vsak trak mešalnika ima lahko katerokoli število vhodov in izhodov, ne le mono, stereo ali 5.1. Vključen je N-smerni sukalnik s podporo za različne modele sukanja Obstajata pošiljanje pred in po pojemanju, vsak s svojimi močmi ojačanja in nadzorniki sukanja. Vsak trak mešalnika se obnaša kot svoje lastno vodilo in zato je število vodil v Ardourju neomejeno. Katerokoli število trakov lahko zmešate v drug trak. . Ardourjeva zmogljivost kanalov je omejena le s številom na vašem zvočnem vmesniku in zmožnostjo pretakanja podatkov naprej in nazaj vašega diskovnega podsistema. . JACK (zbirka orodij zvočne povezave JACK) se uporablja za ves V/I zvoka, omogoča izmenjavo podatkov v idealnem usklajenem vzorcu z drugimi programi in/ali zvočnimi vmesniki strojne opreme. . Ardour je nevtralen do velikosti in hitrosti vzorčenja - podprte so vrste strojne opreme od 8 do 32 bitov, hitrosti ob 8 do 192 kHz. Notranje obdelovanje se izvaja v 32/64 bitni obliki plavajoče vejice IEEE. . Nadaljnje podrobnosti lahko najdete na . Package: ardour-dbg Description-md5: db1257d300a1e0fc9b465b81f759db49 Description-sl: digital audio workstation (debug) Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: ardour3 Description-md5: ca07a57a6bf81c5ab213fc869c4ba6fb Description-sl: Digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (grafični vmesnik gtk2) Ardour je večkanalni snemalnik na trdi disk (HDR) in digitalna zvočna delovna postaja (DAW). Uporabite ga lahko za nadzor, snemanje, urejanje in poganjanje zapletenih zvočnih namestitev. . Ardour skozi projekt ALSA, ki zagotavlja visoko kakovosti in dobro zasnovane gonilnike naprav in API-je za V/I zvoka pod Linuxom, podpira profesionalne zvočne vmesnike. Ardour lahko uporabite s katerimkoli vmesnikom, ki ga podpira ALSA. To vključuje popolnoma digitalni 26 kanalni RME HAmmerfall, Midiman Delta 1010 in veliko drugih. . Ardour ima notranjo podoro za 24 bitne vzorce z uporabo ledbeče točke, nelinearno urejanje z neomejenim razveljavi, uporabniško nastavljiv mešalnik, zmožnosti glavnega/podrejenega MTC, združljivost s strojno opremo nadzorovanja površine MIDI. . Podpira nadzor strojev MIDI zato ga lahko nadzirate s katerimkoli nadzornikom MMC in veliko modernimi digitalnimi mešalniki. . Ardour vsebuje zmogljiv urejevalnik/razporejevalnik zvoka, ki je popolnoma neuničujoč in je zmožen vseh običajnih opravil nelinearnega urejanja (vstavi, zamenjaj, izbriši, premakni, obseka, izberi, izreži/kopiraj/prilepi). Urejevalnik ima neomejene zmožnosti razveljavi/uveljavi in lahko shrani neodvisne "različice" sledi ali celotne datoteke. . Ardourjev urejevalnik podpira standard vstavka LADSPA, ki ga je razvila skupnost. Kateremukoli delu sledi je mogoče pripeti poljubno verigo vstavkov. Vsak trak mešalnika ima lahko katerokoli število vhodov in izhodov, ne le mono, stereo ali 5.1. Vključen je N-smerni sukalnik s podporo za različne modele sukanja Obstajata pošiljanje pred in po pojemanju, vsak s svojimi močmi ojačanja in nadzorniki sukanja. Vsak trak mešalnika se obnaša kot svoje lastno vodilo in zato je število vodil v Ardourju neomejeno. Katerokoli število trakov lahko zmešate v drug trak. . Ardourjeva zmogljivost kanalov je omejena le s številom na vašem zvočnem vmesniku in zmožnostjo pretakanja podatkov naprej in nazaj vašega diskovnega podsistema. . JACK (zbirka orodij zvočne povezave JACK) se uporablja za ves V/I zvoka, omogoča izmenjavo podatkov v idealnem usklajenem vzorcu z drugimi programi in/ali zvočnimi vmesniki strojne opreme. . Ardour je nevtralen do velikosti in hitrosti vzorčenja - podprte so vrste strojne opreme od 8 do 32 bitov, hitrosti ob 8 do 192 kHz. Notranje obdelovanje se izvaja v 32/64 bitni obliki plavajoče vejice IEEE. . Nadaljnje podrobnosti lahko najdete na . Package: aria2 Description-md5: 6860f620b04a6bab4fabdf349698ddd8 Description-sl: Pripomoček za hitro prejemanje Aria2 is a command line download client with resuming and segmented downloading. Supported protocols are HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/BitTorrent and it also supports Metalink. Package: aribas Description-md5: 77c3b742edd36fe9a727451a0230f75f Description-sl: Tolmač za aritmetiko ARIBAS is an interactive interpreter suitable for big integer arithmetic and multiprecision floating point arithmetic. It has a syntax similar to Pascal or Modula-2, but contains also features from other programming languages like C, Lisp, Oberon. Package: ario Description-md5: 2d1cc546089294272f7d7d68b6840b16 Description-sl: Odjemalec GTK+ za Music Player Daemon (MPD) Ario je polno zmožen odjemalec za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe). Vmesnik, ki se uporablja za brskanje po knjižnici je navdihnil program Rhythmbox, vendar Ario poskuša biti veliko lažji in hitrejši. Uporablja GTK, avahi za zaznavanje strežnika MPD in curl za prejem oddaljenih datotek (kot so naslovnice in besedila). Na voljo so različni vstavki kot sta audioscrobbler/pošiljanje ali podpora predstavnostnih tipk. Package: ario-common Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe Description-sl: Odjemalec GTK+ za Music Player Daemon (MPD) (skupne datoteke) Ario je polno zmožen odjemalec za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe). Vmesnik, ki se uporablja za brskanje po knjižnici je navdihnil program Rhythmbox, vendar Ario poskuša biti veliko lažji in hitrejši. Uporablja GTK, avahi za zaznavanje strežnika MPD in curl za prejem oddaljenih datotek (kot so naslovnice in besedila). Na voljo so različni vstavki kot sta audioscrobbler/pošiljanje ali podpora predstavnostnih tipk. . This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files. Package: arista Description-md5: 84e21bcaf0b3c18451ed5db88160cece Description-sl: Prekodirnik večpredstavnosti za namizje GNOME Artista je enostaven prekodirnik predstavnosti. Osredotoča se na enostavnost za uporabo z delanjem zapletene naloge kodiranja za različne naprave enostavne. . Uporabniki izberejo vhodno in ciljno napravo, izberejo datoteko za shranjevanje in gredo. Zmožnosti: * prednastavljene vrednosti za iPod, računalnik, DVD predvajalnik, PSP, Playstation 3 in več. * živ predogled za ogled kakovosti kodiranja. * samodejno odkrivanje razpoložljivih medijev DVD-jev in naprav Video 4 Linux (v4l) * enostavno zajemanje neposredno iz medijev DVD (zahteva libdvdcss) * zajemanje neposredno iz naprav v4l. * enostaven odjemalec terminala za skriptanje. * samodejno posodabljanje prednastavljenih vrednosti. Package: arj Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555 Description-sl: Arhivirnik za datoteke .arj This package is an open source version of the arj archiver. This version has been created with the intent to preserve maximum compatibility and retain the feature set of original ARJ archiver as provided by ARJ Software, Inc. Package: ark Description-md5: 2826617260d5fe4c63c9795973445730 Description-sl: pripomoček arhivov Ark upravlja različne vrste arhivov, vključno s tar, gzip, bzip2, rar in zip, kot tudi odtise CD-ROM. Ark lahko uporabite za brskanje, odpakiranje, ustvarjanje in spreminjanje arhivov. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: ark-dbg Description-md5: 418da27ee77f5bc87d306cc5ccf4630f Description-sl: debugging symbols for ark This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with binaries included in ark. . Ta paket je del modula pripomočkov KDE SC. Package: armagetronad Description-md5: 9dd6c1aabf6a7a38694e3700be689c41 Description-sl: 3D igra velikih hitrosti podobna igri Tron Pravila so enostavna: vozite se na kolesu (neke vrste motor, ki se lahko obrne le za 90 stopinj, za sabo pušča zid in ga ni mogoče zaustaviti) in se morate izogniti zaletavanju v zid in hkrati poskušate doseči, da se vanj zaletijo vaši nasprotniki. . Ideja je osnovana na Disneyevem filmu iz leta 1982 z imenom "Tron". Če ste si želeli biti eden od demonov hitrosti v filmu, je to vaša priložnost. . Igro Armagetron Advanced lahko igrate proti računalniškim nasprotnikom, proti drugim ljudem preko omrežja ali preko mešanica obeh. Package: arptables Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66 Description-sl: Skrbništvo preglednic ARP Arptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of ARP rules in the Linux kernel. It is analogous to iptables, but operates at the ARP layer rather than the IP layer. Package: artha Description-md5: 2305d9a361d5f6a7f9a56af1854bca96 Description-sl: Priročni tezavri osnovani na WordNet Artha so angleški tezavri z možnostmi kot so: * iskanje besed s pritiskom na tipkovno bližnjico (izberite besedilo v kateremkoli oknu in pritisnite tipkovno bližnjico za iskanje) * iskanje osnovano na logičnih izrazih (razširite iskanje z uporabo nadomestnih znakov kot sta *,?, itd.) * pasivna namizna obvestila (definicij besed za neprekinjen potek dela) * predlogi črkovanja (ko natančno črkovanje ni točno/znano) . Ko ga zaženete čaka na prednastavljeno tipkovno bližnjico. Ko izberete nekaj besedila na kateremkoli oknu in pritisnete tipkovno bližnjico, se pojavi poiskana beseda. V primeru da so vam ljubša pasivna obvestila, lahko izberete možnost obvestil. . Ko iskani izraz ni natančen/znan, lahko iskanje razširite z uporabo logičnih izrazov (*,?, itd.) v iskalnem nizu ali s predlogi črkovanja, ko je izraz nepravilen. . Za delovanje iskanja na osnovni logičnih izrazov morate namestiti paket wordnet-sense-index. Package: asc Description-md5: ac145838afe035aea358ef9cc14ce97a Description-sl: Potezna strateška igra Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. Package: asc-data Description-md5: 96de5e4a63d138e8761ef7aff95ac987 Description-sl: data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za igro ASC. Package: asc-music Description-md5: 3343fb144aee5478bf095240c16cdf41 Description-sl: Paket glasbe za ASC This is a music pack for the Advanced Strategic Command game. If ASC detects the presence of these tracks it plays them during game. . Composed by Michael Kievernagel. Package: ascd Description-md5: 12cc18a92e011784339ff4b558d7c4f3 Description-sl: CD predvajalnik in mešalnik AScd is a small CD player and mixer that can be "docked" with AfterStep and WindowMaker window managers. Package: ascdc Description-md5: c5463788465df827b5231baeaea298e1 Description-sl: Menjalnik CD-jev AfterStep ascdc is a small CD changer. It follows the look and feel of the AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: ash Description-md5: dfaa90778ec9574851d009730b4a705a Description-sl: Paket združljivosti za dash This package allows upgrading ash to its replacement, dash. It includes the /bin/ash symlink. It can be removed as soon as /bin/ash is no longer used. Package: asmail Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0 Description-sl: Nadzornik pošte AfterStep asmail is a small mail monitor similar to xbiff. It follows the AfterStep window manager's look and feel and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asmix Description-md5: 3e9700e92d06358584b9820b0307ce78 Description-sl: Prikaže gumb za glasnost The volume knob adjusts the master volume of your sound card. Just grab the knob with the left button of your mouse and drag it around. Package: asmixer Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9 Description-sl: Zvočni mešalnik AfterStep asmixer is a small audio mixer. It follows the look and feel of the AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asn1c Description-md5: 1d69d7783735c14c25f5d3e593082be3 Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik ASN.1 za C This ASN.1 compiler turns the formal ASN.1 specifications into the C code. The compiler is shipped together with conformant BER/DER/XER codecs. The X.509 and GSM TAP3 decoding examples are shipped as well. Package: aspell-af Description-md5: 4ed0b4dd12c937050b3d211e20bb8d92 Description-sl: Slovar afrikaanščine za aspell This is an Africaans dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-am Description-md5: 40587b2617800dcc78d180023cc116b5 Description-sl: Slovar amariščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Amharic language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-ar Description-md5: 2bd33021f309828e666070f978404831 Description-sl: Slovar arabščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Arabic language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-bg Description-md5: 421625eda579191ec44af1516cfec9ee Description-sl: Slovar bolgarščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Bulgarian language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . It contains both Bulgarian-only dictionary and a mixed Bulgarian + English one useful for checking the spelling of mixed texts. Package: aspell-ca Description-md5: ac1a5e69d940eb04be1942837e419d62 Description-sl: Slovar katalonščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for the Catalan language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . It was put together by Joan Moratinos using data from different sources. Package: aspell-de Description-md5: 39cd0f073bca936d349803a5e5b99a9d Description-sl: Slovar nemščine za aspell This package contains German dictionaries for the aspell spell checker. . Dictionaries included are: de_DE (de/deutsch/german), de_CH (swiss), and de_AT, all using the new German orthography from 1996 (neue Rechtschreibung). . The old (1901) spelling is provided by aspell-de-alt. Package: aspell-eo Description-md5: 3441555c663e9cb3488c113f3af8d64f Description-sl: Slovar esperanta za aspell This is the Esperanto dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. The dictionary is based on the words from Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, with additional country/language names. Package: aspell-es Description-md5: ac589503bea8a7693ebcd302926ec681 Description-sl: Slovar španščine za aspell This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the aspell spellchecker. It is based on ispell dictionary put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus Carretero. Package: aspell-et Description-md5: 00e1d25fe3a31d30deb39bbd67432f22 Description-sl: Slovar estonščine za aspell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The wordlists are based on work by the Institute of the Estonian Language, and subsequently improved by Jaak Pruulmann who also created the affix file. Package: aspell-fr Description-md5: c6a3a421f5b63d0c12f61f861b02487d Description-sl: Slovar francoščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for French language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-he Description-md5: 05a360ac8eb9523e7c67df157557d917 Description-sl: Slovar hebrejščine za aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Hebrew language to aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-hu Description-md5: 31c2fc6bfb4afa2c78eca607d0c9c87e Description-sl: Slovar madžarščine za aspell This package contains Hungarian dictionaries for the aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-kk Description-md5: 18d7b9858cc5cf55776acb5372fcef1c Description-sl: Kazakstanski slovar za GNU Aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Kazakh language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-ku Description-md5: b364c258e68043ea5fe908e169f9c3e0 Description-sl: Slovar kurščine za aspell This package contains the Kurdish dictionary for the aspell spell checker. Package: aspell-lv Description-md5: 7a9551effc6dbee3da68402a69baa42d Description-sl: Slovar latvijščine za aspell This dictionary contains Latvian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The dictionary is generated from the MySpell wordlist. . This dictionary is not complete yet, but it is the best free solution at this moment. Package: aspell-nl Description-md5: 834d8c112e3956202905268a05348f4a Description-sl: Slovar nizozemščine za aspell A Dutch spelling dictionary for the spelling checker Aspell. . This dictionary, from the OpenTaal project, uses the official spelling of 2005 and has been officially approved by the TaalUnie. . For a simple word list, see the wdutch package instead. Package: aspell-no Description-md5: 6092f29349df934ebd3f71ce1349fd19 Description-sl: Slovar norveščine za aspell This package provides the Norwegian dictionaries to be used with aspell to check and correct spelling in Norwegian texts. Package: aspell-nr Description-md5: 190f6e331cbfa65a5ca22e4f749eb52e Description-sl: Slovar ndebelščine za aspell This is an Ndebele dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-pl Description-md5: c7edb0acf12dd06047cc5585f2c31946 Description-sl: Slovar polščine za aspell An Polish spelling dictionary for the spelling checker aspell. . It is taken from project Package: aspell-ru Description-md5: b0949eb10201585e2e5da1ec8b1713f1 Description-sl: Slovar ruščine za aspell This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist. Package: aspell-tn Description-md5: 1e9535e1dd2b1c962e4ffbfb5e6f3b01 Description-sl: Slovar tsvangščine za aspell This is an Tswana dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-ts Description-md5: b65ddd359017b1412a4f89a73811bc95 Description-sl: Slovar tsongščine za aspell This is an Tsonga dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-xh Description-md5: 7731670fc8d1b2c940c1226ab6d4b50f Description-sl: Slovar ksoščine za aspell This is an Xhosa dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspell-zu Description-md5: faa076f420f66274f9b408661ffb627d Description-sl: Slovar zulujščine za aspell This is an Zulu dictionary, to be used with aspell. Package: aspic Description-md5: 0e77b0907a94d9d312b529df033d2d9b Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik umetnosti s črtami Aspic is a program that generates line art images from a text description of a picture that contains commands such as "line", "box", "circle", and "arc". Aspic's concept is similar to the "pic" command. Output is either encapsulated PostScript, or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Quite complex pictures can be constructed from Aspic's primitives, which include facilities for positioning text alongside graphics, and the use of colour. Package: asterisk Description-md5: 7512e0d229d5002c76464413517c8449 Description-sl: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . Asterisk can be used with Voice over IP (SIP, H.323, IAX and more) standards, or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through supported hardware. . Podprta strojna oprema: . * All Wildcard (tm) ISDN PRI cards from Digium ( * HFC-S/HFC-4S-based ISDN BRI cards (Junghanns.NET, beroNet, Digium etc.) * All TDM (FXO/FXS) cards from Digium * Various clones of Digium cards such as those by OpenVox * Xorcom Astribank USB telephony adapter ( * Voicetronix OpenPCI, OpenLine and OpenSwitch cards * CAPI-compatible ISDN cards (using the add-on package chan-capi) * Full Duplex Sound Card (ALSA or OSS) supported by Linux * Tormenta T1/E1 card ( * QuickNet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack ( . This is the main package that includes the Asterisk daemon and most channel drivers and applications. Package: asterisk-config Description-md5: e6341811f25f903eb6ed725a945b19f5 Description-sl: Nastavitvene datoteke za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the default configuration files of Asterisk. . With program asterisk-config-custom in the asterisk package, you can create an asterisk-config replacement package. Package: asterisk-dbg Description-md5: 8cb9143535b9b33336c22b307623242b Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package includes the debugging symbols useful for debugging Asterisk. The debugging symbols are used for execution tracing and core dump analysis. Package: asterisk-dev Description-md5: 29fb2eb8b22e0952fe45710ff2b553d1 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the include files used if you wish to compile a package which requires Asterisk's source file headers. Package: asterisk-doc Description-md5: 1f6039c0b5b8c50e4338426f68ddc318 Description-sl: Dokumentacija izvorne kode za Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the documentation for configuring an Asterisk system. Package: asterisk-espeak Description-md5: 1c95aef9393ef961171fa3c024e3bdf7 Description-sl: Modul eSpeak za Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the eSpeak voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-flite Description-md5: b9be22e6118306efe62c81bb71b89039 Description-sl: Modul flite za Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the flite voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-modules Description-md5: a4b7fbab293e8c2c681de69968460381 Description-sl: Naložljivi moduli za Asterisk PBX Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package includes most of the loadable modules of the Asterisk package. There is normally no need to explicitly install it. Package: asterisk-prompt-it Description-md5: e7338f1451e2eca7e06703123e31752d Description-sl: Preizkusni prehodni paket This is a transitional package intended to simplify the migration from asterisk-prompt-it to asterisk-prompt-it-menardi. You can safely remove this package. The name asterisk-prompt-it should be reserved in the future to a virtual package provided by any potential Italic prompts set package. Package: asunder Description-md5: 43a8f205391cf524907c11101a270abf Description-sl: Grafični zajemalnik in kodirnik zvočnih CD-jev Asunder je grafični zajemalnik in kodirnik zvočnih CD-jev. Uporabite ga lahko za shranjevanje skladb z zvočnih CD-jev. Glavne zmožnosti: . * podpira zvočne datoteke WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbic, FLAC in Wavpack * za poimenovanje in oznako vsake skladbe uporablja CDDB * lahko kodira v več vrst v eni seji * ustvari sezname predvajanja M3U * omogoča da vsako skladbo izvaja drug izvajalec * ne zahteva določenega namiznega okolja (le GTK+) Package: asylum Description-md5: 2c18fbb5c2b2f3dab7ac3e0cd5772dc1 Description-sl: surrealistična ploščadna strelska igra Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental instability you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and shut down the malfunctioning brain cells. Guide Sigmund through the Ego, Psyche and Id zones - each one 300 times the size of the screen - to locate the eight renegade neurons, entering them one by one to find and trigger their self-destruct system. . This is a port of Digital Psychosis' 1994 game for the Acorn Archimedes. Package: asylum-data Description-md5: 6c6f7d859658d52ef7ab4528fdf8f832 Description-sl: surrealistična ploščadna strelska igra - podatkovne datoteke This package contains data files required by the game Asylum. Package: asymptote-doc Description-md5: 2f7e3ab8fbae0f76cb0781d5264da521 Description-sl: Dokumentacija in primeri za asymptote Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. This package provides documentation and examples. Package: atanks Description-md5: e17e65ae97c964a6c5e41e7dbebed8c0 Description-sl: Igra bojevanja s tanki Atomic tanks je večigralska igra v kateri poskusite uničiti druge tanke in zaščititi svoje. Za uničenje drugih tankov dobite denar s katerim lahko kupite nadgradnje in boljše orožje za svoj tank. . Ta igra je podobna igri Scorched Earth ali igri Worms. Package: atanks-data Description-md5: 2ba28ec557882b1919101487ae24cb1e Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za tanke Atomic Atomic tanks je večigralska igra v kateri poskusite uničiti druge tanke in zaščititi svoje. Za uničenje drugih tankov dobite denar s katerim lahko kupite nadgradnje in boljše orožje za svoj tank. . Ta igra je podobna igri Scorched Earth ali igri Worms. . This package holds the data files needed for Atomic tanks. Package: atanks-dbg Description-md5: f37b3e24470f619a06e0b6cde5ef71f9 Description-sl: tank-battling game - debug symbols Atomic tanks je večigralska igra v kateri poskusite uničiti druge tanke in zaščititi svoje. Za uničenje drugih tankov dobite denar s katerim lahko kupite nadgradnje in boljše orožje za svoj tank. . This package contains the debug symbols which is useful if you wish to analyse segmentation faults. Package: atfs Description-md5: dcf6027d4393bc8e6617dddc25d4e2de Description-sl: Datotečni sistem z atributi (AtFS) AtFS is a storage system supporting multiple versions of files and associating an arbitrary number of application defined attributes of the form "name=value" with each version. AtFS comes as a function library that is meant as an extension to the UNIX file system. It does this without the need for kernel modifications and without imposing any restrictions to existing file system applications. It is part of ShapeTools, a software configuration management system. Package: atftp Description-md5: f898d8c7e405abc5e5a5efa0aefed626 Description-sl: Napredni odjemalec TFTP Interactive client for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Its usage is mainly for testing and debugging the Atftp server. TFTP client is usually implemented in BIOS and bootstraps programs like pxelinux when booting from LAN. Atftp also supports non-interactive invocation for easy use in scripts. Package: atftpd Description-md5: 3eb0b0a3696106c263bd0289e3d92e83 Description-sl: Napreden strežnik TFTP Multi-threaded TFTP server implementing all options (option extension and multicast) as specified in RFC1350, RFC2090, RFC2347, RFC2348 and RFC2349. Atftpd also supports multicast protocol known as mtftp, defined in the PXE specification. The server supports being started from inetd(8) as well as in daemon mode using init scripts. Package: atheist Description-md5: 6f08d811a9ef89e5040a720e7b99fed4 Description-sl: Splošno namensko orodje preizkušanja ukazne vrstice Atheist allows you to specify the behaviour of your tests in a declarative way using many predefined structures (such as Task, Conditions, Daemons, etc.) and provides detailed statistics. . The programmer describes the test behaviour in a .test file and atheist runs every test found. It is possible to check and prepare the system by writing setup and teardown files that are executed after and before each test. Package: atril-common Description-md5: b2ff604bc6e0b431f9db3e68f333c922 Description-sl: MATE document viewer (common files) Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: ats-lang-anairiats-doc Description-md5: 31d44fdab4fb0808cc78a00ca88fc852 Description-sl: Documentation for the ATS compiler Anairiats ATS is a programming language with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS (ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++ and supports a variety of programming paradigms. . In addition, ATS contains a component ATS/LF that supports a form of (interactive) theorem proving, where proofs are constructed as total functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programming style that combines programming with theorem proving. Furthermore, this component may be used as a logical framework to encode various deduction systems and their (meta-)properties. . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj dokumentacije za jezik. Package: ats-lang-anairiats-examples Description-md5: 3ca187940cc8bab1dca4d073f07d6399 Description-sl: Examples for the ATS compiler Anairiats ATS is a programming language with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS (ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++ and supports a variety of programming paradigms. . In addition, ATS contains a component ATS/LF that supports a form of (interactive) theorem proving, where proofs are constructed as total functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programming style that combines programming with theorem proving. Furthermore, this component may be used as a logical framework to encode various deduction systems and their (meta-)properties. . Ta paket vsebuje nekatere primere jezika. Package: atsar Description-md5: b8ee0ce4fc43ee03d190ac04fe5e64e6 Description-sl: Poročevalnik sistemske dejavnosti Monitor system resources such as CPU, network, memory & disk I/O, and record data for later analysis Package: attal Description-md5: 57aa54b7fd62b2d9c7e7f6b589c306d9 Description-sl: Potezna strateška igra Attal is an turn-based strategy game that can be played alone (against AI) or against other through a network. . You control Lords with armies and you have to fight against opponents and achieve quests. Package: attal-themes-medieval Description-md5: 5a49bc4ace268cbe447107c31f90804a Description-sl: Srednjeveška tema za attal Attal is an turn-based strategy game that can be played alone (against AI) or against other through a network. . This package provides the medieval theme for attal. Package: audacious Description-md5: 2448b9b8910f8d08dd29bbbac89d54cd Description-sl: Majhen in hiter predvajalnik zvoka ki podpira veliko različnih vrst Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . Ta paket vsebuje osnovni predvajalnik in njegov prevod. Package: audacious-dbg Description-md5: 1de0a16fc7c2543cd00c6091ab477bc8 Description-sl: audacious media player (debugging symbols) Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains the debugging symbols. Please install it before reporting crashes, as this makes the backtrace output more usable. Package: audacious-dev Description-md5: 28920a2526440e360b5883b63d424f31 Description-sl: Razvojne datoteke audacious Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC in AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. Podporo za veliko več kodekov lahko dodate z vstavki. . This package contains the development libraries and header files required for developing components for audacious. . Please note that this package no longer contains libaudacious, as libaudacious was dropped in Audacious 1.4. Package: audacious-plugins Description-md5: a3b29e78b259c7b8df48cede64a27258 Description-sl: Osnovni vstavki za audacious Audacious je razvejitev programa beep-media-player ki podpira preobleke winamp in veliko kodekov. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Many module formats and much more! . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. . This package contains the plugins for Audacious. * Audio CD reading * MPEG support (mp3) * Ogg Vorbis support * Windows Media support (WMA) * AAC support * FLAC support * ALAC support * WAVE support * ALSA output * OSS output * Disk writer output * And many more! Package: audacious-plugins-data Description-md5: 1719d6de393b2f9bb46167b11f37780c Description-sl: Data files for Audacious plugins Audacious je razvejitev programa beep-media-player ki podpira preobleke winamp in veliko kodekov. . This package contains internationalized messages and skins for Audacious plugins. Package: audacious-plugins-dbg Description-md5: 6526e01642197e947596d1d51178a910 Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli Audacious-plugins Audacious je razvejitev programa beep-media-player ki podpira preobleke winamp in veliko kodekov. . V privzeti namestitvi so podprti naslednji kodeki: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Many module formats and much more! . Poleg tega je Audacious mogoče razširiti z vstavki in vsebuje druge uporabne zmožnosti kot je podpora LIRC. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the plugins collection of Audacious. Please install it before reporting any crashes, as it makes bug triage an easier process. Package: audacity Description-md5: f3049c5343ef448931624eb10a0c6627 Description-sl: Hiter urejevalnik zvoka, ki deluje na več sistemih Audacity je urejevalnik zvoka s podporo za več zvočnih stez za Linux/Unix, MacOS in Windows. Zasnovan je za enostavno snemanje, urejanje in predvajanje digitalnega zvoka. Audacity vsebuje orodja digitalnih učinkov in preučevanja spektrov. Urejanje je zelo hitro in zagotavlja neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi. . Podprte vrste datotek vključujejo Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MP3, WAV, AIFF in AU. Package: audacity-data Description-md5: 33567c6e9f3ccd4163a600c05ed3f802 Description-sl: Hiter urejevalnik zvoka, ki deluje na več sistemih (podatki) Audacity je urejevalnik zvoka s podporo za več zvočnih stez za Linux/Unix, MacOS in Windows. Zasnovan je za enostavno snemanje, urejanje in predvajanje digitalnega zvoka. Audacity vsebuje orodja digitalnih učinkov in preučevanja spektrov. Urejanje je zelo hitro in zagotavlja neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne podatkovne datoteke. Package: audacity-dbg Description-md5: 5a5d4ccb58c105e0182a4cbf9e91d832 Description-sl: Hiter urejevalnik zvoka, ki deluje na več sistemih (razhroščevanje) Audacity je urejevalnik zvoka s podporo za več zvočnih stez za Linux/Unix, MacOS in Windows. Zasnovan je za enostavno snemanje, urejanje in predvajanje digitalnega zvoka. Audacity vsebuje orodja digitalnih učinkov in preučevanja spektrov. Urejanje je zelo hitro in zagotavlja neomejen razveljavi/uveljavi. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: audex Description-md5: e16b287320daf4b59f0e8935aa099d4e Description-sl: Orodje grabilnika zvoka za KDE Audex je novo orodje grabilnika zvoka za pogone CD-ROM za namizje KDE. . Pomočnik lahko ustvari profile za LAME, OGG Vorbis (oggenc), FLAC, FAAC (AAC/MP4) in RIFF WAVE. Namestite svoj priljubljeni kodirnik. Za WAVE ne potrebujete zunanjega kodirnika. Določite lahko tudi svoj lasten profil, kar pomeni, da audex deluje skupaj s kodirniki ukazne vrstice v splošnem. . Nekatere od zmožnosti so: * Izvleka s CDDA Paranoia. Imeli boste perfektno kakovost zvoka. * Izvleka in kodiranje se izvajata vzporedno. * Urejanje imen datotek s krajevno in oddaljeno podatkovno zbirko CDDB/FreeDB. * Pošiljanje novih vnosov v podatkovno zbirko CDDB/FreeDB. * Orodja za popravljanje metapodatkov kot so velike črke. * Izvleka več profilov (z enim kodirnikom ukazne vrstice na profil). * Pridobi naslovnice z interneta in jih shrani v podatkovno zbirko. * Ustvari sezname predvajanja, ovojnice in na predlogah osnovane datoteke info v ciljni mapi. * Ustvari protokole izvleke in kodiranja. * Ustvari protokola izvleke in kodiranja. * Prenese datoteke na strežnik FTP. Package: auto-install-el Description-md5: 88fe9b5eed875d56b3d3ffc09e5463e2 Description-sl: Samodejna namestitev datoteke elisp Effortlessly download, install, and update Elisp files from the web or from a local buffer. . Easily install packages from the Emacswiki ElispArea (with auto-complete of package name, and easy update of selected packages). . Optionally view changes from previous versions of packages before installation. Package: autodock-test Description-md5: 17207d13a0d0dc51dcec321cc1d8431a Description-sl: Preizkusne datoteke za AutoDock AutoDock is a prime representative of the programs addressing the simulation of the docking of fairly small chemical ligands to rather big protein receptors. Earlier versions had all flexibility in the ligands while the protein was kept rather ridgid. This latest version 4 also allows for a flexibility of selected sidechains of surface residues, i.e., takes the rotamers into account. . This package contain the test files for the AutoDock program. Package: autogrid-test Description-md5: d285530b87e4551d650af86e0e85ebb5 Description-sl: Preizkusne datoteke za AutoGrid The AutoDockSuite addresses the molecular analysis of the docking of a smaller chemical compounds to their receptors of known three-dimensional structure. . This package contain the test files for the AutoGrid program. Package: autokey-common Description-md5: dff860887044de0127679afce2ee3a98 Description-sl: desktop automation utility - common data AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . This package contains the common data shared between the various frontends. Package: autokey-gtk Description-md5: 5b4eada1c1f5004003f28c2b91584130 Description-sl: pripomoček za avtomatizacijo namizja - različica GTK+ AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . Ta paket zagotavlja začelje GTK+. Package: autokey-qt Description-md5: 1169b8a1c2723532fd834ac29000aa32 Description-sl: desktop automation utility - KDE version AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python. . This package contains the Qt frontend. Package: autopsy Description-md5: 37d2fa98885c3d41edc06647219ede8a Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik do SleuthKit The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line digital forensic analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Together, The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy provide many of the same features as commercial digital forensics tools for the analysis of Windows and UNIX file systems (NTFS, FAT, FFS, EXT2FS, and EXT3FS). Package: avahi-discover Description-md5: bd2a23e6143f793e37bb138e29fb30b9 Description-sl: Uporabniški vmesnik odkrivanja storitev za avahi Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški vmesnik za odkrivanje storitev Package: avahi-dnsconfd Description-md5: 116a8cc3e8edfd55e1444b8100a0bf7f Description-sl: Nastavitveno orodje DNS Avahi Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . This tool listens on the network for announced DNS servers and passes them to resolvconf so it can use them. This is very useful on autoconfigured IPv6 networks. Package: avahi-ui-utils Description-md5: 6a2d4e446eb92bf74181ccf3974335d5 Description-sl: Pripomočki Avahi GTK+ Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor. . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj majhnih pripomočkov GTK+ za odkrivanje strežnikov ssh in vnc. Package: avogadro Description-md5: f18c3f1991d48f1decf97743ceaac81f Description-sl: Sistem molekularne grafike in modeliranja Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . Features include: * Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization * Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches * Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces * Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra * Support for crystallographic unit cells * Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry packages * Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting . Avogadro lahko bere vrste datotek PDB, XYZ, CML, CIF, Molden kot tudi izhod programov Gaussian, GAMESS in MOLPRO. Package: avrdude-doc Description-md5: 0b6fe5ae5ad13f400d3869565ce43390 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za avrdude AVRDUDE is an open source utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system programming technique (ISP). . This package contains documentation for configuring and running AVRDUDE. Package: awesome-extra Description-md5: cd635ba5309b9e8ef2e41dc2092859e5 Description-sl: Dodatni moduli za awesome This is a set of additional modules for the awesome window manager. . It contains: * wicked, a widget manager which can fill them with various system information (CPU or memory usage, network bandwidth, etc); * shifty, an extension implementing dynamic tagging; * obvious, a set of several widgets (WiFi link quality, battery usage, etc), superseding wicked; * vicious, a widget manager; * revelation, expose like functionality; * bashets, use your shell scripts as content providers for widgets; * flaw, object oriented library providing a thin abstraction layer above awesome widgets. Package: ax25mail-utils Description-md5: 6c56b35e7f789203c61bdcd1416887d8 Description-sl: Pripomočki hamradio za fbb This package provides utilities to download a message list or messages from a fbb AX.25 bbs: . * axgetlist - read the message list from the BBS * axgetmail - automatically download messages from the F6FBB BBS * axgetmsg - download selected messages from F6FBB BBS * home_bbs - find home BBS or force a home BBS for the callsign * msgcleanup - delete the messages with their lifetime exceeded * ulistd - collect FBB BBS messages list sent via unproto frames * update_routes - update the database of BBS and callsigns Package: axel Description-md5: 72ba87a9746dc0b3e503ee9423aed1f9 Description-sl: light download accelerator - console version Axel poskuša pospešiti opravilo prejemanja z uporabo več povezav za eno datoteko. Uporabi lahko tudi več zrcalnih strežnikov za en prejem. Axel poskuša biti kolikor je mogoče lahek (25-30k v binarni obliki) zato je morda uporaben kot klon wget na sistemih z omejenim prostorom. Package: axel-dbg Description-md5: 65bf2afb78c1dd38b045520621a3839a Description-sl: light download accelerator - debugging symbols Axel poskuša pospešiti opravilo prejemanja z uporabo več povezav za eno datoteko. Uporabi lahko tudi več zrcalnih strežnikov za en prejem. Axel poskuša biti kolikor je mogoče lahek (25-30k v binarni obliki) zato je morda uporaben kot klon wget na sistemih z omejenim prostorom. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za axel. Package: axel-kapt Description-md5: 178a042477ad1bf2a6fa5c350d3a4043 Description-sl: lahek pospeševalnik prejemanja - grafično začelje Axel poskuša pospešiti opravilo prejemanja z uporabo več povezav za eno datoteko. Uporabi lahko tudi več zrcalnih strežnikov za en prejem. Axel poskuša biti kolikor je mogoče lahek (25-30k v binarni obliki) zato je morda uporaben kot klon wget na sistemih z omejenim prostorom. . Ta paket vsebuje na QT osnovano grafično začelje kot ovijalnik okoli programa Axel. Package: ayttm Description-md5: 2007326a18b18cc022591df7a8a9b1a3 Description-sl: Splošni odjemalec hipnega sporočanja Ayttm is an instant messaging (aka chat) client that provides all-in-one chat functionality for several major instant messaging services from one simple program. Ayttm "Contacts" allow you to refer to several accounts of the same person from a single contact name, making it one of the cleanest and simplest clients to use. . Ayttm is the heir of the Everybuddy project, and aims to continue improving the program and addressing its shortcomings. The primary goal is to provide a messenger which is: . * simple: Ayttm should work nicely without having to first go through a complicated configuration procedure. The preferences should be simple and minimal. * stable: Ayttm should not crash when you use it. * intuitive: Ayttm should be almost instantly usable by your mother ;) * flexible: Ayttm supports multiple protocols and they should be supported in an integrated manner (common interface, for example), without limiting protocol-specific features support. Ayttm currently handles Yahoo!, MSN, Jabber, IRC, AIM and ICQ. . It also features support for file transfers, group chat, MSN GnomeMeeting integration, tabbed chat, smiley themes, status tooltips, conversation logging, automatic translation, GPG signing/encryption, typing notifications, spell checking and import of contacts from other clients. Package: azureus Description-md5: 7a683c02b369eda370bb04e3a2af5967 Description-sl: Odjemalec BitTorrent BItTorrent je orodje za distribucijo datotek od soležnika do soležnika. . Azureus ponuja več prejemov torrentov, sisteme čakalne vrste/prednosti (na torrentih in datotekah), možnosti začetka/konca sejanja in hipen dostop do številnih podatkov o vaši torrentih. Azureus sedaj vsebuje enostavno nastavljiv vstavljen sledilnik, ki je pripravljen za uporabo. Package: babel-doc Description-md5: 08cbcb524ba0ea752551d6ffa6630a64 Description-sl: Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) suite documentation Babel is a compiler for the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL), currently under development as a support tool for parallel simulation codes. . SIDL is in the same "phylum" as CORBA or COM, but with an eye toward future extension to data redistribution on massively parallel architectures. In addition, because of the large amount of existing and very important scientific code written in FORTRAN, SIDL is designed with support for that language in mind. . Babel is written in Java, and currently has backends for: FORTRAN 77, C, C++, Java and Python. . Ta paket vsebuje obširno dokumentacijo za babel. Package: babiloo Description-md5: 2f95ad708b2e5a4c2c52b181fd88b6bb Description-sl: slovarski pregledovalnik z večjezikovno podporo Podpira slovarja v vrsti SDictionary in StarDict in HTML prikaz za podprte slovarje. Babillo omogoča prejem več slovarjev z Interneta. . Features: * Support for many languages / fonts rendering. * Don't convert dictionaries, use originals. * Phonetic sounds. * Advanced search. * Collaborative dictionaries. . Ta paket vsebuje začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in skupne datoteke. Package: backintime-common Description-md5: 5443b391aa93ae95afe6c10c40a3d49e Description-sl: Enostaven sistem ustvarjanja varnostnih kopij/posnetkov Back In Time je ogrodje za rsync, diff in cron za namen zajemanja posnetkov in varnostnih kopij določenih map. Porabi malo prostora na disku, saj vzame posnetek le, če se je mapa spremenila in vsebuje trde povezave za nespremenjene datoteke, če se je. Redne varnostne kopije lahko razporedite s programom cron. . This is the common framework for Back In Time. You need to choose a suitable front-end for your desktop environment, like backintime-gnome or backintime-kde. . To back up to SSH or encrypted filesystems, install the additional sshfs or encfs packages. Package: backintime-gnome Description-md5: a008a389f82ed31f1dc37f5055d4c77c Description-sl: GNOME začelje za backintime Back In Time je ogrodje za rsync, diff in cron za namen zajemanja posnetkov in varnostnih kopij določenih map. Porabi malo prostora na disku, saj vzame posnetek le, če se je mapa spremenila in vsebuje trde povezave za nespremenjene datoteke, če se je. Redne varnostne kopije lahko razporedite s programom cron. . To je začelje GNOME za paket backintime-common. V primeru da namestite tudi paket nautilus-actions, ga je mogoče vključiti v upravljalnik datotek Nautilus za zagotavljanje možnosti menija vsebine. Package: backintime-kde Description-md5: fa322b01302ee4d401e3eb064bef6945 Description-sl: KDE začelje za backintime Back In Time je ogrodje za rsync, diff in cron za namen zajemanja posnetkov in varnostnih kopij določenih map. Porabi malo prostora na disku, saj vzame posnetek le, če se je mapa spremenila in vsebuje trde povezave za nespremenjene datoteke, če se je. Redne varnostne kopije lahko razporedite s programom cron. . To je začelje KDE za paket backintime-common. Package: backup-manager Description-md5: 8fc0f3b1192f2c956d4ddc9d6f69ee01 Description-sl: Orodje varnostnih kopij ukazne vrstice This is a backup program, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system. . Written in bash and perl, it can make tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip archives and can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files. Other archives are possible: MySQL or SVN dumps, incremental backups... . Archives are kept for a given number of days and the upload system can use FTP, SSH or RSYNC to transfer the generated archives to a list of remote hosts. . Automatically burning archives to removable media such as CD or DVD is also possible. . The configuration file is very simple and basic and gettext is used for internationalization. Package: backup-manager-doc Description-md5: 381a6cf09e09c6f96802932de6236e65 Description-sl: Paket dokumentacije za Upravljalnik varnostnih kopij Backup-manager is a backup program, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system. . This package provides the Backup Manager User Guide in different formats: HTML, plain text and PDF. Package: bacula-doc Description-md5: aa74f6e41dce21375a71c65cc5ca4d28 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Bacula This package provides the documentation for Bacula, a backup program that permits you to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Package: balazar3-2d Description-md5: d0068eb8f52af50ef0d6b54109cadc54 Description-sl: dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - 2D version Balazar III is a dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support. As you explore the dungeon, you'll gain magical objects, experience and powers, but also... curses ! Balazar III is based on the (French) comics "Le guide Balazar du mauvais sorcier" (Balazar's guide to bad sorcerers). . The game comes in two versions (which are network-compatible): - 3D version destined to computer gamers. The 3D version is graphically more beautiful, as it takes avantages of the nice cellshading algorithms of the Soya 3D engine. - 2D version, currently supporting 640x480 and 800x480 resolutions. It has been designed mainly for hand-held devices (Sharp Zaurus, Nokia N810, Openmoko Freerunner, Asus EEE PC, and the like), although it can be used on computer too. This version has been highly optimized so as it can be run in 640x480 on a Zaurus C1000 (416 MHz ARM processor without graphics accelerators). . Ta paket zagotavlja 2D različico. Package: balazar3-3d Description-md5: af5ab4e79d3ff1f06cef557b188128de Description-sl: dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support - 3D version Balazar III is a dungeon adventure game with multiplayer support. As you explore the dungeon, you'll gain magical objects, experience and powers, but also... curses ! Balazar III is based on the (French) comics "Le guide Balazar du mauvais sorcier" (Balazar's guide to bad sorcerers). . The game comes in two versions (which are network-compatible): - 3D version destined to computer gamers. The 3D version is graphically more beautiful, as it takes avantages of the nice cellshading algorithms of the Soya 3D engine. - 2D version, currently supporting 640x480 and 800x480 resolutions. It has been designed mainly for hand-held devices (Sharp Zaurus, Nokia N810, Openmoko Freerunner, Asus EEE PC, and the like), although it can be used on computer too. This version has been highly optimized so as it can be run in 640x480 on a Zaurus C1000 (416 MHz ARM processor without graphics accelerators). . Ta paket zagotavlja 3D različico. Package: balazarbrothers Description-md5: 5594cafd870385b07ae5f2ca003127db Description-sl: Igra 3D sestavljanke 3D platform universe, two characters and two keys, one for each character, and at the end of the road two princesses to free. Just press a key and the corresponding character will jump on the next platform in front of him. . Simple? Yes! Easy? Not sure! Because nothing will be spared to you: moving platforms, dangerous monsters, vicious traps... will you manage to find your way trough mad levels and free the princesses? You can count only on your agility, your guile... and the unforgettable acrobatics of the Balazar Brothers! Package: balder2d-data Description-md5: 77163a1f6685993ad919ffe5c8007e89 Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za balder2d In Balder2D, players control small probes which shoot tiny projectiles with which they try to destroy each other. It features a 2D overhead view of the playing field. Probes may be human or computer controlled. . A probe can perform the following actions: . * rotate * fire projectiles * "stick" to a wall * push off of a wall . Players may rotate their probes while in flight, but the only way to change the direction or speed of flight is by firing projectiles (which gives a small kick in the opposite direction) or by running into walls or other probes. . These are the common files for balder2d. Package: ballz-data Description-md5: 9ec45aaf4556b78161c744c5b3c52023 Description-sl: B.A.L.L.Z - podatki igre The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran. . This package contains data files required by the game B.A.L.L.Z. Package: ballz-dbg Description-md5: 69c8b960408162872c9860ae821f1bac Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za ballz The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za ballz. Package: baloo-kf5-dbg Description-md5: a0360a6a29741382518fbb82f4c03c35 Description-sl: framework for searching and managing metadata A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: baloo-kf5-dev Description-md5: 40419eee45005eb5f8a28370059a1e92 Description-sl: framework for searching and managing metadata devel files A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne datoteke. Package: balsa Description-md5: 8fd5765c122138010ca60ac02a294a55 Description-sl: e-mail client for GNOME Balsa je visoko nastavljiv in robusten odjemalec pošte za namizje GNOME. Podpira tako strežnike POP3 in IMAP kot tudi vrste krajevnih poštnih predalov mbox, maildir in mh. Balsa podpira tudi SMTP in/ali uporabo krajevnih MTA-jev kot je Sendmail. . Nekatere od drugih zmožnosti Balsa vključujejo: * omogočitev gnezdenih poštnih predalov * tiskanje * preverjanje črkovanja * večnitno pridobivanje pošte * podpora MIME (ogled slik v sporočilih, shranjevanje delov) * Podpora imenikov GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF in vCard * več znakovnih naborov za sestavljanje in branje sporočil * priloge datotek izhodnih sporočil * podpisovanje in šifriranje pošte GPG/OpenPGP . V tem paketu je bila omogočena podpora Kerberos in SSL. Package: balsa-dbg Description-md5: d1837f1e1efd492933ed2ed913c92026 Description-sl: e-mail client for GNOME - debugging symbols Balsa je visoko nastavljiv in robusten odjemalec pošte za namizje GNOME. Podpira tako strežnike POP3 in IMAP kot tudi vrste krajevnih poštnih predalov mbox, maildir in mh. Balsa podpira tudi SMTP in/ali uporabo krajevnih MTA-jev kot je Sendmail. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za balsa. Package: bam Description-md5: 9207035afd1eefe6b9ff8607600e8a61 Description-sl: Hiter in prilagodljiv sistem gradnje Bam uses Lua to describe the build process. It's takes its inspiration for the script files from scons. While scons focuses on being 100% correct when building, bam makes a few sacrifices to acquire fast full and incremental build times. Package: banshee Description-md5: f8a1dbfc7d127f1f51c0c8990de6e6e4 Description-sl: Program za upravljanje in predvajanje predstavnosti Banshee je program za predvajanje in upravljanje predstavnosti za namizje GNOME, ki uporabnikom omogoča uvoz zvoka s CD-jev, iskanje po njihovi knjižnici, ustvarjanje seznamov predvajanja iz izbir v svoji knjižnici, usklajevanje glasbe z/iz iPodov in drugih predstavnostnih naprav, predvajanje in upravljanje video datotek in zapis izbir na CD. Package: banshee-dbg Description-md5: c41dd44b59bfdcddd94aacb4771f284a Description-sl: Media Management and Playback application (debug symbols) Banshee je program za predvajanje in upravljanje predstavnosti za namizje GNOME, ki uporabnikom omogoča uvoz zvoka s CD-jev, iskanje po njihovi knjižnici, ustvarjanje seznamov predvajanja iz izbir v svoji knjižnici, usklajevanje glasbe z/iz iPodov in drugih predstavnostnih naprav, predvajanje in upravljanje video datotek in zapis izbir na CD. . This package contains the debugging symbols for Banshee. Package: banshee-extension-soundmenu Description-md5: c0b5595b4295498911c5925d4c8f76fb Description-sl: Media Management and Playback application - sound menu extension Banshee je program za predvajanje in upravljanje predstavnosti za namizje GNOME, ki uporabnikom omogoča uvoz zvoka s CD-jev, iskanje po njihovi knjižnici, ustvarjanje seznamov predvajanja iz izbir v svoji knjižnici, usklajevanje glasbe z/iz iPodov in drugih predstavnostnih naprav, predvajanje in upravljanje video datotek in zapis izbir na CD. . This package contains Banshee's support for the Sound Menu Package: banshee-meego Description-md5: 31331100fbd849fbf0234c42fedc7c4e Description-sl: Media Management and Playback application - MeeGo extension Banshee je program za predvajanje in upravljanje predstavnosti za namizje GNOME, ki uporabnikom omogoča uvoz zvoka s CD-jev, iskanje po njihovi knjižnici, ustvarjanje seznamov predvajanja iz izbir v svoji knjižnici, usklajevanje glasbe z/iz iPodov in drugih predstavnostnih naprav, predvajanje in upravljanje video datotek in zapis izbir na CD. . This package contains Banshee's MeeGo interface, optimised for running on small devices. Package: bar Description-md5: 890b273b73e077b9a8f5c9477937469d Description-sl: Pokaži podrobnosti o prenosu datotek Bar is a simple tool to process a stream of data and print a display for the user on stderr showing (a) the amount of data passed, (b) the throughput of the data transfer, and, if the total size of the data stream is known, (c) estimated time remaining, percent complete, and a progress bar. . Bar was originally written for the purpose of estimating the amount of time needed to transfer large amounts (many, many gigabytes) of data across a network. (Usually in an SSH/tar pipe.) Package: barcode-dbg Description-md5: 6b0d0b607fb343a181c917b03cedaf94 Description-sl: Utility and library for barcode generation (debug) GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: bareftp Description-md5: f2087e8838177149d960fa94968f290d Description-sl: Odjemalec FTP za GNOME bareFTP je enostaven odjemalec za namizje GNOME. Podpira protokole FTP, FTPS in SSH (SFTP). Podpira tudi: nadaljuj in pripni, dejavni in pasivni način, brskanje med prenosi datotek, vleka in spust zaznamkov. Package: barrage Description-md5: 95e9de208d218397b93fbd3bce886209 Description-sl: Precej uničujoča akcijska igra Barrage je precej destruktivna akcijska igra, ki vas postavi v obseg strelišča s ciljem zadeti koliko je mogoče neumnih tarč v 3 minutah. Nadzirate pištolo, ki lahko strelja majhne ali velike granate na vojake, džipe in tanke. Igranje je enostavno, vendar visokega števila točk ni lahko doseči. Package: bash-static Description-md5: ae0b688f32951bcf52b5c025ab588a4c Description-sl: GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version) Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Bash also incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh). . Statično povezano. Package: bashdb Description-md5: 36b179a348cada9cb32c6e4a920d6fc3 Description-sl: Razhroščevalnik BASH This is a complete rewrite of the Korn Shell debugger from Bill Rosenblatt's `Learning the Korn Shell', published by O'Reilly and Associates (ISBN 1-56592-054-6) with changes by Michael Loukides and Cigy Cyriac. However, this code now depends on a number of debugging support features that are neither part of the POSIX standard nor present are in many POSIX-like shells. Although you can just use bashdb to debug scripts written in BASH, it can also be used just as a front-end for learning more about programming in BASH. As an additional aid, the debugger can be used within the context of an existing script with its functions and variables that have already been initialized; fragments of the existing code can be experimented with by changing them inside the debugger. Package: basic256 Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c Description-sl: učno okolje programiranja BASIC za otroke BASIC-256 je različica BASIC, ki je enostavna za uporabo in zasnovana za učenje mlajših otrok osnov računalniškega programiranja. Uporablja nadzorne strukture kot so gosub, for/next in goto, ki otrokom omogoča enostavno videti kako deluje nadzor poteka. Ima vgrajen grafični način, ki jim omogoča narisati slike na zaslon le v nekaj minutah in zbirko podrobnih vodnikov, ki jim je enostavno slediti in predstavijo koncepte programiranja skozi zabavne vaje. Package: basket Description-md5: 9a3d26e8f03b7a4d2bb8667a9dbca46b Description-sl: multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE Ta program zagotavlja kolikor košar (predalov) želite. Več vrst predmetov (besedila, URL-je, slike, ...) lahko povlečete in spustite vanje. . Predmete je mogoče urediti, kopirati, povleči ... Zato jih je mogoče urediti glede na okus uporabnikov. Basket vam omogoča obdržati vse predmete na enem mestu, imeti podatke pri roki, pisati zapiske ... Package: basket-data Description-md5: b56152e5aeebbdec4421595fe44043f0 Description-sl: data files for BasKet Notepads Ta program zagotavlja kolikor košar (predalov) želite. Več vrst predmetov (besedila, URL-je, slike, ...) lahko povlečete in spustite vanje. . Predmete je mogoče urediti, kopirati, povleči ... Zato jih je mogoče urediti glede na okus uporabnikov. Basket vam omogoča obdržati vse predmete na enem mestu, imeti podatke pri roki, pisati zapiske ... . This package contains arch independent data for Basket. Package: batctl-dbg Description-md5: 5b2084a621b79d52e95663688812331b Description-sl: B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool (debug files) batctl serves as configuration utility, monitoring and debugging application. It allows one to modify the module parameters, reading the logfiles and tables, decapsulate embedded packets on the fly, traceroute to and ping mac addresses, generate sequence number graphs for the Layer 2 Mesh B.A.T.M.A.N. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne datoteke. Package: batmand-dbg Description-md5: 3b17947f6ec9a12a39c01ec4e482e3ee Description-sl: better approach to mobile adhoc networking (debug files) B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a new routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne datoteke. Package: Description-md5: 1381c1d28b4872697bc8521d64744d18 Description-sl: Nadzornik baterije za GNUstep Battery Monitor je nadzornik baterije za prenosnike. Prikaže trenutno stanje baterije (polnjenje/praznjenje in raven energije) kot tudi nekaj podatkov o splošnem zdravju celice. Package: battery-stats Description-md5: 53ec8b3cef33c1499b868a9fb7bc95a1 Description-sl: Zbira statistiko o napolnjenosti baterij prenosnika Ta paket vsebuje battery-stats-collecotr, ozadji program, ki bo občasno zbiral statistko o napolnjenosti prisotnih baterij. . Zagotavlja tudi binarno datoteko battery-graph, ki jo lahko uporabite za ustvarjanje grafov qplot o vzorcih polnjenja/praznjenja baterije. . Opomba: to zahteva omogočen in delujoč APM ali ACPI v vašem jedru. Package: bbmail Description-md5: 20d1d785616f2f1d9ff02121023d8908 Description-sl: Mail notifier for Blackbox/Fluxbox bbmail is a small mail notifier (displays unread and read mail) that can be used in the Blackbox or Fluxbox window managers. It similar to other notifiers such as xbiff but with some additional features: * All the colors an gradients can be changed. * Support for multiple mail boxes and provides a menu showing all of them (and their unread/total mail count) * Support for counting mail through external programs, it can be used to notify on POP or IMAP checkboxes with fetchpop/fetchmail * Possibility to 'copy' Blackbox toolbar style * Ability to start command when new mail arrives (eg. to play sound) . Domača stran: Package: bbtime Description-md5: 85674d75ef96fc3a430344f2e5f0a161 Description-sl: Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers bbtime is a blackbox tool to display the system time in your blackbox slit. It can also display other times as an offset of your local time in a menu. . Note that you don't actually need blackbox or fluxbox for this program to work, but it won't look as good in other window managers. . Domača stran: Package: bcfg2 Description-md5: 74e6c01055382ecfc3cc6934544e1ab2 Description-sl: Odjemalec upravljanja nastavitev Bcfg2 is a configuration management system that generates configuration sets for clients bound by client profiles. bcfg2 is the client portion of bcfg2 system which installs configuration images provided by bcfg2-server Package: bcfg2-server Description-md5: 12db1df31eae9cdfbe7662c2369be48b Description-sl: Strežnik upravljanja nastavitev Bcfg2 is a configuration management system that generates configuration sets for clients bound by client profiles. bcfg2-server is the server for bcfg2 clients, which generates configuration sets and stores statistics of client system states. Package: bcron Description-md5: b0096a3ad09df8c851faa30e734b8583 Description-sl: Bruce's cron system (programs) This is bcron, a new cron system designed with secure operations in mind. To do this, the system is divided into several separate programs, each responsible for a separate task, with strictly controlled communications between them. The user interface is a drop-in replacement for similar systems (such as vixie-cron), but the internals differ greatly. . Ta paket vsebuje programe bcron. Package: bcron-run Description-md5: 41139c0ee1cb3e2c1802df8df3f55b97 Description-sl: Bruceov sistem cron This is bcron, a new cron system designed with secure operations in mind. To do this, the system is divided into several separate programs, each responsible for a separate task, with strictly controlled communications between them. The user interface is a drop-in replacement for similar systems (such as vixie-cron), but the internals differ greatly. . This package sets up the bcron services, and replaces the default Debian cron package. Package: bear-factory Description-md5: 74f8f8f9272db7c3d594f880dcf656d8 Description-sl: Urejevalniki za Plee the Bear This package includes the level editor, animation editor and model editor of the Bear Engine for Plee the Bear. Package: beav Description-md5: ece1300d8cfcc58cec962e14bb855ada Description-sl: Binarni urejevalnik in pregledovalnik beav (Binary Editor And Viewer) is an editor for binary files containing arbitrary data. Text file editors, on the other hand, expect the files they edit to contain textual data, and/or to be formatted in a certain way (e.g. lines of printable characters delimited by newline characters). . With beav, you can edit a file in HEX, ASCII, EBCDIC, OCTAL, DECIMAL, and BINARY. You can display but not edit data in FLOAT mode. You can search or search and replace in any of these modes. Data can be displayed in BYTE, WORD, or DOUBLE WORD formats. While displaying WORDS or DOUBLE WORDS the data can be displayed in INTEL's or MOTOROLA's byte ordering. Data of any length can be inserted at any point in the file. The source of this data can be the keyboard, another buffer, or a file. Any data that is being displayed can be sent to a printer in the displayed format. Files that are bigger than memory can be handled. Package: beef Description-md5: e9159cfe2bf01171f97bb1b9e2857acf Description-sl: Prilagodljiv tolmač Brainfuck Beef is an interpreter for the Brainfuck programming language. . Its main goals are to be confortable for the user and to run most Brainfuck programs unchanged; speed is generally quite good. . Beef performs thorough error checking to make sure malformed programs are not executed; it also supports a bunch of command-line options that can be used for configuration or compatibility purposes. . If GVFS is installed, Beef can use any available backend as either output or (where it makes sense) input source. GNU readline is used for interactive input. Package: belier Description-md5: 0033050cf99922d5a854299561cd9a66 Description-sl: Orodje ustvarjanja povezav SSH Belier allows automated openings of a shell or command executions on remote computers through SSH. The main feature is Belier's ability to cross several computers before joining the final machine. Package: beneath-a-steel-sky Description-md5: 97be6ddeca12a27cff629b7a53eee387 Description-sl: classic 2D point and click science fiction adventure game Znanstveno fantastični triler v mračni poakopaliptični viziji prihodnosti, Beneath a Steel Sky se dogaja v "Union City", kjer so sebičnost, tekmovanje in korupcija med njegovimi državljani preveč pogosta. Tisti ki si to lahko privoščijo živijo pod zemljo in se izognejo onesnaženju in družabnim težavam, ki pestijo mesto. . Igrate vlogo Roberta Fosterja, neke vrste izgnanca, saj je bil vzgojen v oddaljenem okolju zunaj mesta. Robertova mama ga je odnesla ven iz mesta Union City, vendar je na poti helikopter strmoglavil. Ker je pri strmoglavljenju njegova mati umrla, ga vzgoji tamkajšnje pleme. . Leta kasneje možje iz Union City obiščejo in ugrabijo Roberta in ubijejo njegovo pleme. Ko doseže mesto, njegov helikopter strmoglavi, kar mu omogoči pobeg. Odpravi se iskat resnico o svoji preteklosti in iskat maščevanje za pomor svojega plemena. . Ta paket vsebuje le podatke igre. Programnik igre zagotavlja ScummVM. Package: berusky Description-md5: fdeb85b4a0e70546b7d989c048755fba Description-sl: Logična igra osnovana na Sokobanu Berusky je prosta logična igra osnovna na starodavni uganki Sokoban. Stara ideja premikanja škatel v labirintu je bila razširjena z novimi logičnimi predmeti kot so eksplozivi, kamni, posebna vrata in tako naprej. Poleg tega lahko igralec nadzira do pet sodelujočih hroščev. Za zapustitev vsake stopnje (igra vsebuje približno 120 stopenj) morate biti lastnik petih ključev in imeti prosto pot do izhoda. Package: berusky-data Description-md5: 63ae184aa47aebcf8498a358c8db26ca Description-sl: Podatkovne datotke za Berusky Berusky je prosta logična igra osnovna na starodavni uganki Sokoban. Stara ideja premikanja škatel v labirintu je bila razširjena z novimi logičnimi predmeti kot so eksplozivi, kamni, posebna vrata in tako naprej. Poleg tega lahko igralec nadzira do pet sodelujočih hroščev. Za zapustitev vsake stopnje (igra vsebuje približno 120 stopenj) morate biti lastnik petih ključev in imeti prosto pot do izhoda. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za Berusky. Package: between Description-md5: ecd1cb4c9190070f372c8a3a41630510 Description-sl: Igra o zavesti in izolaciji Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer. . You know exactly what you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming, too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and you're alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse seems indifferent. . One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets' erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude, but stale evidence is still evidence. . Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is an "other". Package: bf Description-md5: 2d82df6a87ccdde80c78a35608cfd685 Description-sl: Hiter tolmač Brainfuck bf ('a Brainfuck interpreter') is a simple and fast interpreter for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck. It offers some options to define special behavior, which is nice if you take part in Brainfuck programming contests with special rules. . Ta paket je kodno preveden s podporo S-Lang. Package: biabam Description-md5: a39c7e567ac5ef8203e4adebeb8a629b Description-sl: Bash program za pošiljanje prilog preko pošte A tool that is used for mailing attachments from the commandline. It is similar to using Mutt to send attachments on the commandline, but without the overhead of a complete email client. Package: bibledit-gtk Description-md5: 9bc2f77d155a5410c56de604429c1cbc Description-sl: Oroje za prevajanje Biblije There are many languages still without a translation of the Bible. . Bible translators need a text editor that can input Bible text. Bible text is unique in that it is organized in two distinct hierarchies. One, it has sections and paragraphs, like any other text. Second, it is made up of books that contain chapters that contain verses. Many contemporary Bible translators use the USFM data format for their Bible translations, but the most widespread USFM text editors require Windows. Bibledit-gtk is a multi-platform USFM Bible editor or Scripture processor. . It has been designed for the glory of God and the salvation of people. Package: bibletime Description-md5: afed2027ab606da31c78854102bb44ce Description-sl: Orodje preučevanja Biblije za Qt BibleTime je prosto in enostavno orodje za preučevanje biblije. Uporablja programski knjižnici Qt in SWORD. BibleTime zagotavlja enostavno upravljanje digitaliziranih besedil (biblije, opombe in leksikoni) in zmogljive zmožnosti za delo s temi besedili (iskanje v besedilih, pisanje lastnih opomb, shranjevanje, tiskanje) v obliki modula SWORD. Package: bibshelf Description-md5: ffa65900c960bdf945b7ea7d61d8e40d Description-sl: Organizator knjig za GNOME helps you to keep track of your book collection. You can fill in such things as the book summary, review, rating and the ISBN. Never forget when it was that you read a book, BibShelf lets you save the date so you do no longer need to waste your brain capacity for storing this information. Package: bibus Description-md5: ac5dd00abf5d00da293d5e1e610dafe4 Description-sl: Bibliografska podatkovna zbirka Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with LibreOffice/ in mind. It can directly insert citations and format the bibliographic index in an open Writer document. The main features are * hierarchical organization of the references with user-defined keys * designed for multiuser-environments (share databases between users) * a search engine supporting live queries * on-line PubMed access * import of PubMed (Medline), EndNote/Refer, RIS and BibTeX records. . Bibus will use an SQLite-database by default for storage (via the SQLite3 module available in Python >2.5). But it also supports MySQL-databases. If you want to use a MySQL-database, make sure, that you have the python- mysqldb package installed. Package: bibus-doc-en Description-md5: 9bf16de836d761d5cfd5492194a01dbd Description-sl: Dokumentacija bibliografksih podatkovnih zbirk Bibus Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with LibreOffice/ in mind and can directly insert citations and format the bibliographic index in an open LibreOffice/ Writer document. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo Bibus. Package: bicyclerepair Description-md5: 58612bd05fbcb8e6b7d6a142c47cacc3 Description-sl: Orodje preoblikovanja za python A framework and refactoring tool for Python. IDE Plugins are included for Pymacs, IDLE and Vim. Using Bicycle Repair Man you can rename classes, methods and variables, and all users of them are found and adjusted appropriately. Package: biff Description-md5: 8371ac164838c91c11bf21c401c5054d Description-sl: Orodje za obvestlo o pošti biff is a small program that prints a message to your terminal when new email arrives. Actually, the message is printed by the comsat daemon, and biff just enables/disables the u+x permission flag for the terminal, which comsat uses to determine whether or not to write to your terminal. . biff is mainly of historic interest, since there are much better alternatives (such as xlbiff and gbuffy) that are network-aware and do not require a daemon. Although there are no known security problems, running additional services is often considered risky. . By default, the biff service is disabled. To use biff email notification, you must enable this service by running 'update-inetd --enable biff' after the package is installed. You may also need to modify the configuration of your mail transport agent to enable comsat notification. Package: big-cursor Description-md5: 056b158844159fbfed104792106c6735 Description-sl: Velike miškine kazalke za X This package provides some large mouse cursors for use under X. It's useful for laptop users, for those running X at very high resolutions, and for anyone who finds it hard to see the default mouse cursors. Package: billard-gl Description-md5: c4e33f43bba455925ad4b1ee732ef1f5 Description-sl: 3D igra bilijarda Igrajte igro 8 ali 9 krogel v načinu treninga ali proti prijatelju. Igra vsebuje vodnik, ki začetnikom predstavi uporabniški vmesnik in nadzornike. Pomoč je na voljo za tiste, ki ne poznajo pravil igre 8 ali 9 krogel. Package: billard-gl-data Description-md5: 04a8a619424696f5628b5509e845adc4 Description-sl: Igra 3D biljarda - podatkovne datoteke Igrajte igro 8 ali 9 krogel v načinu treninga ali proti prijatelju. Igra vsebuje vodnik, ki začetnikom predstavi uporabniški vmesnik in nadzornike. Pomoč je na voljo za tiste, ki ne poznajo pravil igre 8 ali 9 krogel. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za billard-gl. Package: binfmtc Description-md5: ecee66ef1f7ec71b9bd11b3337420843 Description-sl: Izvedite C program kot skript Linux binfmt_misc handler for C, C++, Assembly languages, Pascal, Fortran, Java(GCJ). . Using the binfmt_misc interface, binfmtc allows users to seamlessly execute C source code as if they were scripts. . Includes example utilities realcsh.c, realksh.c, which are for your real C scripting pleasures. Package: bino-dbg Description-md5: e98eaa03de7bca5f7d9caf59eb4f8dc8 Description-sl: debugging symbols for bino 3D video player Bino is a video player with support for a wide variety of stereoscopic video layouts and formats. . Bino can display monoscopic videos, as well as videos with the left and right view stored either in separate streams or displayed side by side. It can output these videos for several types of anaglyph glasses or 3D displays. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: bird Description-md5: abde59d9329fee5542ca525a035ae764 Description-sl: Ozadnji program usmerjanja interneta BIRD is an Internet routing daemon with full support for all the major routing protocols. It allows redistribution between protocols with a powerful route filtering syntax and an easy-to-use configuration interface. . This package supports IPv4 and IPv6 versions of OSPF, RIP and BGP. Package: bist Description-md5: bd5f4d898d2a9c759286ba0f4e05e639 Description-sl: Orodje za kemijsko risanje Bist stands for BIdimensional STructures (in Italian it sounds like "beast" in English) and is a chemical drawing tool. It is focused on organic chemistry but it may be useful also for chemists or teachers. . Bist supports many of the formalisms used to describe molecular structures like single bonds, double bonds, stereospecific bonds, charges, resonance arrows, lone pairs, and so on. . It can export both in PostScript and PNG formats. Package: bitmap-mule Description-md5: dc4a9bbaad9c11442ca6a6a33bdca57d Description-sl: Upravljalnik bitnih slik za GNU Emacs BITMAP-MULE is a package to use bitmap in MULE (XEmacs is not supported). . BITMAP-MULE has following modules: . - bitmap.el: kernel of BITMAP-MULE - bitmap-bi.el: functions for Emacs 20.2 or earlier - bitmap-ci.el: functions for Emacs 20.3 or later - bm-utils.el: utility functions. - po.el: tiny BDF font editor - smiley-mule.el: smiley faces encoder/decoder - x-face-mule.el: inline X-Face decoder - x-face-18.el: X-Face decoder for Emacs 18 - gnus-bitmap.el: Gnus/gnus related functions - vm-bitmap.el: VM related functions Package: bitmeter Description-md5: e238e9bad56b65a9699666476624bfb6 Description-sl: diagnostično orodje za zvočno programsko opremo JACK JACK Bitmeter je diagnostično orodje za zvočno programsko opremo JACK. Kot nakazuje njegovo ime, bitmeter deluje na dnu plast JACK V/I in pregleduje 32 binarne števke pri vsakem posameznem vzorcu. . O programu bitmeter razmišljajte kot o detektorju kablov v vaši zbirki orodij. Detektorja kablov ne morete uporabiti za vijačenje vijakov v les ali za merjenje dolžine bakrene cevi, vendar pa je idealno orodje za zaznavanje skritih kablov v zidovih predem začnete z vrtanjem. Program bitmeter boste redko rabili, večina uporabnikov JACK ga ne bo nikoli uporabila, vendar ga je mnogo boljše imeti in ne potrebovati, kot pa ga potrebovati in ne imeti. Package: bitpim Description-md5: 5228a66d15d8759dd628dc4dcb25c695 Description-sl: Pripomoček za sporazumevanje s številnimi telefoni CDMA BitPim vam omogoča ogled in upravljanje podatkov na številnih telefonih podjetij LG, Samsung, Sanyo in drugih proizvajalcev, ki uporabljajo čipe Qualcomm CDMA. Glede na model vašega telefona boste morda lahko dostopali do svojega imenika, koledarja, slik ozadja, melodij zvonenja in datotečnega sistema. Package: bitpim-lib Description-md5: dbc8003117deeee6fbde7b563fe1432a Description-sl: architecture-dependent helper files for BitPim BitPim vam omogoča ogled in upravljanje podatkov na številnih telefonih podjetij LG, Samsung, Sanyo in drugih proizvajalcev, ki uporabljajo čipe Qualcomm CDMA. Glede na model vašega telefona boste morda lahko dostopali do svojega imenika, koledarja, slik ozadja, melodij zvonenja in datotečnega sistema. . This package contains a handful of architecture-dependent helper files. Package: bitstormlite Description-md5: 06ffa1301fffcb7247aa135bc9fbc1d9 Description-sl: Odjemalec BitTorrent osnovan na C++/Gtk+2.0 Ta program je osnovan na jeziku C++ in vsebuje uporabniku prijazen uporabniški vmesnik Gtk+2.0. Ima odlično zmožnost prejema velike količine podatkov iz datotek .torrent. Package: bittornado-gui Description-md5: 7a38c69c4ad22b9cf7ab4bf423e1d4f8 Description-sl: odjemalec bittorrent z grafičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Grafični uporabniški vmesnik do odjemalca bittorrent BitTornado. BitTornado je odjemalec bittorrent, ki je izgrajen na izvirnem odjemalcu BitTorrent podjetja BitTorrent Inc. Ta odjemalec ima grafični uporabniški vmesnik, veliko zmožnosti in je en od izvirnih odjemalcev bittorrent. . Features include: * upload/download speed limitation * prioritised downloading when downloading batches (several files) * detailed information about connections to other peers * encryption (PE/MSE) support (with the recommended python-crypto) * console mode for running from scripts * curses mode for running interactively * tracker for the distribution of files . Ta paket vsebuje grafični uporabniški vmesnik. Za le konzolski in curses vmesnik in sledilnik bittorrent namestite paket bittornado. Za opis kaj je bittorrent si oglejte paket bittorrent. Package: bittwist Description-md5: 5cf90f3b38c9a157818bccc0e20d271c Description-sl: libpcap based Ethernet packet generator bittwist (or Bit-Twist) is designed to complement tcpdump, which by itself has done a great job in capturing network traffic. Bit-Twist can regenerate the captured traffic onto a live network (the packets are generated from tcpdump trace file, generating a .pcap file). . Bit-Twist also comes with a comprehensive trace file editor to allow one to change the contents of a trace file. . Generally, a packet generator is useful in simulating networking traffic or scenario, testing firewall, IDS, and IPS, and troubleshooting various network problems. . Zmožnosti Bit-Twist so: . * runs on Mac OS X (and *BSD), Linux, and Windows; * send multiple trace files at a time; * send packets at a specific speed or line rate in Mbps; * comprehensive trace file editor with control over most fields in Ethernet, ARP, IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP headers with automatic header checksum correction; * append user payload to existing packets after a specific header; * select a specific range of packets and save them in another trace file; * highly scriptable - with proper manipulation you can turn Bit-Twist into an extremely flexible packet generator tool; * if you are teaching Computer Networks classes, you may find Bit-Twist useful as a practical teaching material. It gives your students a hands-on experience to learn various networking protocols etc. Package: bkchem Description-md5: c22af3466e5c7c500d53dc9f5e106335 Description-sl: Urejevalnik kemijskih struktur BKchem is a free chemical drawing program, which is written in Python. . Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-,, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export) Package: black-box Description-md5: ea9112a1fa8eb96d10de942d62f29526 Description-sl: Najdite kristale There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to guess where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots. Package: blackbox Description-md5: 7045fee6354b0d290ca6be346f63eb3a Description-sl: Okenski upravljalnik za X This is a window manager for X. It is similar in many respects to such popular packages as Window Maker, Enlightenment, and FVWM2. You might be interested in this package if you are tired of window managers that are a heavy drain on your system resources, but you still want an attractive and modern-looking interface. . The best part of all is that this program is coded in C++, so it is even more attractive "under the hood" than it is in service -- no small feat. . If none of this sounds familiar to you, or you want your computer to look like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS X, you probably don't want this package. Package: blackbox-themes Description-md5: a69be879d8472b66f01c1c0e7a8d62ed Description-sl: Teme za okenski upravljalnik Blackbox This package contains various themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager. Package: bld Description-md5: c177d0f082d128e40876735409c67f38 Description-sl: Black List Daemon, automatically build blacklists BLD stands for "black list daemon" and is intended to build blacklists using simple rules based on a maximum number of submissions of the same IP address during a minimum time interval. BLD was primarily designed to fight against dictionary-based spams (by making the MTA report to BLD any host that tries to send a mail to an unknown user) but can be used by any application that needs a blacklist based on connection rate limits. . Ta paket vsebuje strežnik. Package: bleachbit Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea Description-sl: izbrišite nezahtevane datoteke s sistema BleachBit izbriše nezahtevane datoteke za sprositev prostora na disku, vzdrževanje zasebnosti in odstranitev šare. Odstrani predpomnilnik, internetno zgodovino, začasne datoteke, piškotke in pokvarjene bližnjice. . Upravlja čiščenje Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, in več. . Poleg enostavnega brisanja datotek šare BleachBit počisti razpoložljiv prostor na disku (za skritje predhodno izbrisanih datotek za zasebnost in za izboljšanje stiskanaj slik), počisti podatkovne zbirke Firefox (za zvišanje hitrosti delovanja brez izbrisa podatkov) in varno razreže poljubne datoteke. Package: blender Description-md5: 90b4f36fda45432800e6a278de5b06b4 Description-sl: Zelo hiter in raznolik 3D modelirnik/izrisovalnik Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih. Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek. Package: blender-data Description-md5: cf40bbb7bd8bb0c71e9c32489ca7949e Description-sl: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer - data package Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih. Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek. . This package contains documentation, libraries and images for blender. Package: blender-dbg Description-md5: 990434f9b0b72cab3211daa465ce603d Description-sl: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer - debug package Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, nadaljnjo obdelovanje, vzajemno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (iger). . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za proizvajanje uporabnih povratnih sledi. Package: blender-ogrexml-1.8 Description-md5: dc7e48c58746c7e7db56faa3286d79ee Description-sl: Blender Exporter for OGRE OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje izvoznik Blender za OGRE. Package: blender-ogrexml-1.9 Description-md5: dc7e48c58746c7e7db56faa3286d79ee Description-sl: Blender Exporter for OGRE OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Ta paket vsebuje izvoznik Blender za OGRE. Package: bless Description-md5: 9c3f0e8bb1caa94ca8855e245f061448 Description-sl: Polno zmožen šestnajstiški urejevalnik Bless je binarni (šestnajstiški) urejevalnik, ki vam omogoča urejanje datotek kot zaporedje bajtov, napisan za namizje GNOME. Glavne zmožnosti programa so: . * učinkovito urejanje velikih podatkovnih datotek, * opravila razveljavitve/uveljavitve več ravni, * prilagodljivi pogledi podatkov, * hitro izrisovanje podatkov na zaslonu, * več zavihkov, * hitri opravili najdi in zamenjaj, * preglednica pretvorb, * napredne zmožnosti kopiranja/lepljenja, * izvoz v besedilo in html (drugi z vstavki), * razširljivost z vstavki. Package: blinken Description-md5: 15b854d36619b85d1beb335cd5aaf853 Description-sl: KDE različica elektronske igre pomnjenja Simon Bliknen je osnovan na elektronski igri, ki je bila izdana leta 1978, ki igralce izzove k pomnjenju zaporedij podaljšujočih se dolžin. Na napravi so 4 različni barvni gumbi, vsaj s svojim značilnim zvokom. Ti gumbi se naključno prižigajo in ustvarijo zaporedje, ki si ga mora nato igralec zapolniti. V primeru da si igralec zaporedje luči pravilno zapomni, napreduje na naslednjo stopnjo, kjer ga čaka enako zaporedje z enim dodatnim korakom. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: blobandconquer Description-md5: 801ca256b9fe0458e14e62922b9e9f97 Description-sl: 3-D ploščadna strelska igra Blow Wars epizoda II. Blon and Conquer je nadaljevanje igre Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. . S porazom Gladova in ponovno pridobitvijo kristalov ognja, časa, prostora in realnosti se je Blobova bitka šele začela. Bob je rešiv veliko Blobov in se boril v veliko bitkah, vendar ima sedaj pred sabo še večjo nalogo. V domačem svetu Blobov so še vedno nezemeljske sile in Bob ponovno poskuša voditi protinapad. Vendar so celo brez Gladova nezemljani izredno dobro organizirani ... Package: blobandconquer-data Description-md5: 78c939728fba01b4dd43bcf25d790170 Description-sl: 3-D ploščadna strelska igra -- podatkovne datoteke Blow Wars epizoda II. Blon and Conquer je nadaljevanje igre Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za blobandconquer. Package: blobby Description-md5: 4eb1e6785c122745a7167b565a026d0c Description-sl: Igra odbojke s kepicami Ta paket vsebuje binarno datoteko odjemalca za Bolley Volley 2. . Blobby Volley is an arcade volleyball game with jumping blobs. It contains a multiplayer mode and several bots. Package: bloboats Description-md5: 72fcfa32095182f5fa84840dd0688239 Description-sl: Boat racing game Bloboats je arkadna igra dirkanja čolnov v hibridnem duhu ploščadnih skakajočih iger podobnim igri Mario in igre elastomania/xmoto. . The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time. . Potovanje se začne na mestu Vodnik nekje v Združenih državah, nekako igralec konča na slavnemu področju HA v Helsinkih. Med potovanjem več podjetij MS rešite pred rokami strahotne pošasti z lovkami Neznanega Gospodarja, ki je dejansko vaš oče. Ali pa morda ni :-). Package: blobwars Description-md5: 04620865cad48eb96542898e371aace3 Description-sl: ploščadna strelska igra Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid is a 2D platform game. It is the first in the Blob Wars series. . Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for all. . In Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in his way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and the evil alien leader, Galdov. Package: blobwars-data Description-md5: e517dc98600ff7b57b375d7cab31f07b Description-sl: ploščadna strelska igra Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for all. . In Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in his way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and the evil alien leader, Galdov. . This package contains the maps, graphics, music and sound for blobwars. Package: blockattack Description-md5: 6fa0969271932e5897a5cc73a027fd8b Description-sl: Ugankarska igra, ki jo je navdihnil Tetris Block Attack je uganka/igra padajočih blokov, ki jo je navdihnil Nintendov Tetris Attack za Super Nintendo. Igra ima veliko akcije za ugankarsko igro :-). . Features: * Based on the classic "Tetris Attack" for the SNES * 5 single player modes: Endless, Time Trial, Puzzle Mode, Stage Clear and Vs. Mode * 2 two player options: Time Trial and Vs. Mode * Puzzle mode has 20+ puzzles * Players can use a custom key setup * Handicap in multiplayer * Highscores are saved * Joypad support * Music and sound effects * Animations * Select puzzle file from a list in the game . Sistemske zahteve: * Ločljivost zaslona: 1024x768 (ni je mogoče spremeniti, vendar jo lahko poženete v oknu) * Tipkovnica * Miška (izbirno) * Procesor: dostojen (preizkušeno na 733 MHz) * Pomnilnik: vsaj 64 MB Package: blockout2 Description-md5: 288f5c5b4d9fbe67dd5636ad0e032803 Description-sl: Tetrisu podobna igra (3D-tetris) BlockOut II is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game edited by California Dreams in 1989. BlockOut II has the same features than the original game with few graphic improvements. The score calculation is also nearly similar to the original game. BlockOut II has been designed by an addicted player for addicted players. BlockOut II is an open source project available for both Windows and Linux. Package: blogilo Description-md5: ae813549c2fd931e8cb3619a096f8913 Description-sl: graphical blogging client Blogilo is a Free/Open Source Blogging client, focused on simplicity and usability. Currently featured: . * A full featured WYSIWYG editor and an HTML editor. * Previewing your post with your blog style, like when you are visiting it at your blog. * Support for Blogger1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (Wordpress supports all of these) and Google GData (used on blogs) APIs. * Support for creating/modifying/deleting posts. * Support for creating drafts and scheduled posts. * Support for uploading media files to your blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType). * Support for fetching your recent blog entries. * Support for adding images to post from your system. It will upload them on Submitting post to blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType). * Support for saving local entries before publishing. * Saving your writing copy to prevent data loss, at configurable intervals. * Internal auto spell checker. (KDE spell checker used so most of languages are supported.) . Ta paket je del modula KDE PIM. Package: blubuntu-look Description-md5: a0f93537c23440d30a8e7d1e5b22b2a9 Description-sl: Videz Blubuntu - metapaket Tema Blubuntu. . This is a metapackage providing all pieces of the Blubuntu theme. Package: blubuntu-session-splashes Description-md5: e743e05113bf95a5e6beb4a35f15b922 Description-sl: Blubuntu look - Session splashes Tema Blubuntu. . This package contains the Blubuntu Session splashes. Package: blubuntu-theme Description-md5: e46d55461548e79c62d61de7dfc45f8c Description-sl: Blubuntu look - GTK+ and Metacity theme Tema Blubuntu. . This package contains the GTK+ and Metacity configuration for the Blubuntu look. Package: blubuntu-wallpapers Description-md5: 1756a9e7185d1ccd87cdcf2f73e01a64 Description-sl: Videz Blubuntu - tapete Tema Blubuntu. . Ta paket vsebuje slike ozadja Blubuntu. Package: bluedevil Description-md5: c6ec1bf024a5119d3bd9fa4a8a899625 Description-sl: Sklad Bluetooth za KDE BlueDevil is a set of components which integrate Bluetooth in KDE. It contains: * A KDE Control Module (KCM) to configure all the Bluetooth-related options. * Integration with the KDE input/output system (KIO), which allows you to discover and explore Bluetooth devices from your favorite file browser. * A wizard to pair your devices and connect directly to services they offer, such as input (mouse, keyboard, Wiimote) and audio (headsets, phones). * A system tray application from where all BlueDevil actions can be done (disconnect devices, send files, configure, etc). * A daemon which listens to incoming requests, for example to receive files or to introduce a requested PIN. Package: blueman Description-md5: 0d53e070801b0cf7f6808bfd0b84a60f Description-sl: Grafični upravljalnik bluetooth Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez. Package: blueproximity Description-md5: f407e4565bb4dddee97fff030e0aafbe Description-sl: Zaklene/odklene vaš zaslon s sledenjem naprave bluetooth Program blueproximity vam pomaga narediti vaše namizje varnejše. To stori tako, da zazna eno od vaših naprav bluetooth, najverjetneje vaš mobilni telefon in sledi njegovi razdalji. V primeru da se premaknete stran od računalnika (meritev v metrih ni mogoča) za dan čas, samodejno zaklene vaše namizje (ali začne drug lupinski ukaz, če to želite). . Ko ste odsotni, se bo zaslon ob vaši vrnitvi za nastavljeno obdobje čarobno odklenil (ali zagnal želeni lupinski ukaz) brez vašega posredovanja. Package: bluetooth Description-md5: c9c3278c19393dc7c6582892d29bf660 Description-sl: Podpora Bluetooth This package provides all of the different plugins supported by the Bluez bluetooth stack. Package: bluewho Description-md5: d494e32ec880f56ecdf5f470fb7ed5fd Description-sl: obvesti ob na novo odkritih napravah bluetooth BlueWho vas obvesti, ko je odkrita nova naprava bluetooth. Zaznavanje lahko zahtevate ali pa se samodejno nadaljuje, dokler ga ne zaustavite. Ob zaznavanju nove naprave lahko sprožite vidno in zvočno obvestilo. . Vsaka najdena naprava bo bila shranjena na seznamu kot bo tudi njegovo ime, naslov MAC in datum in čas zadnjega videnja. Za vsako napravo lahko zahtevate seznam razpoložljivih storitev. Package: bluez-audio Description-md5: 6ef88753dc2a3bf4dc73772736476091 Description-sl: Prehodni paket This is a transitional package to assist with moving people to the BlueZ 4.x stack. Package: bluez-compat Description-md5: 7578ae4b6cefae4a3d0dc8f29f0d1f0d Description-sl: Binarne datoteke združljivosti BlueZ 3.x This package provides the legacy binaries that were reminiscent of the BlueZ 3.x pairing methods. These binaries are not supported, and will go away again in the future. The provided binaries are: . hidd dund pand Package: bluez-utils Description-md5: 6ef88753dc2a3bf4dc73772736476091 Description-sl: Prehodni paket This is a transitional package to assist with moving people to the BlueZ 4.x stack. Package: bmon Description-md5: 3288eb0a673978e478042369c7927d3f Description-sl: Nadzorik prenosljive pasovne širine in ocenjevalnik hitrosti Program bmon je nadzornik širine, ki deluje v ukazni vrstici in podpira različne načine izpisa vključno z vzajemnim vmesnikom curses, lahkim izpisom HTML in enostavnim izpisom ASCII. . Statistiko lahko razširjate preko omrežja z uporabo večsmernega ali enosmernega oddajanja in jih na neki točki zberete za ustvarjanje opisa statistike za zbirko vozlišč. Package: boa-constructor Description-md5: ebd8a4783a582ad3b6400e6dbde1ba85 Description-sl: Orodje RAD za Python in program wxWindows Boa-constructor je IDE usmerjen k ustvarjanju programov, ki delujejo na več sistemih in so izgrajeni na jeziku Python in zbirki orodij grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika wxWindows. . Njegove zmožnosti so: - vidno snovanje ogrodij wxWindows, - preučevalnik in raziskovalnik predmetov, - urejevalnik poudarjanja skladnje s končanjem kode, namigi klicev in brskanja kode za kodo Python, - urejevalnik poudarjanja skladnje za C, C++, HTML, XML, nastavitvene datoteke (slog INI), - ustvarjanje dokumentacije,, - vgrajen razhrošečvalnik Python, - vključena pomoč, - lupina Python, - raziskovalnik, ki lahko brska, odpre/uredi, preuči in dela z različnimi viri podatkov vključno z datotekami, CVS, Zope, FTP, DAV in SSH, - ustvarjalnik pogleda UML. Package: bochs-doc Description-md5: e36971d15c516a5122416a68c7f73396 Description-sl: Dokumentacija izvornega projekta Bochs Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo HTML projekta Bochs. . The documentation is divided into three parts: . * Uporabniški vodnik * Razvojni vodnik * Dokumentacijski vodnik Package: bochs-sdl Description-md5: c1de9e8924d4d41e5077c82fed4d22e9 Description-sl: Vstavek SDL za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains an SDL GUI plugin for Bochs. . Use Scroll-Lock key for full screen. Package: bochs-wx Description-md5: 173269ea6b13541db917fabb97fa5bcc Description-sl: Vstavek WxWindows za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains a WxWindows GUI plugin for Bochs. Package: bochs-x Description-md5: d05bd802b2729b64a9ea369b90b87f71 Description-sl: Vstavek X11 za Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains an X11 GUI plugin for Bochs. Package: bochsbios Description-md5: 9398974e6d90ae7a0272cba21ead91e5 Description-sl: BIOS za posnemovalnik Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains the BIOS of the Bochs project. Package: bogofilter-sqlite Description-md5: 6eb04a1cda23db8196381fcabb2bc183 Description-sl: Hiter Bayezianski filter neželene pošte (sqlite) This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam". . This version substantially improves on Paul's proposal by doing smarter lexical analysis. In particular, hostnames and IP addresses are retained as recognition features rather than broken up. Various kinds of MTA cruft such as dates and message-IDs are discarded so as not to bloat the word lists. . This package provides the sqlite database backend. Package: boinc Description-md5: 79307295fad5fe1f0172f7d981ebfbac Description-sl: metapackage for the BOINC client and the manager Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . This package depends both on the BOINC core client program that is required to participate in any project that uses BOINC, and the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. Package: boinc-amd-opencl Description-md5: 6e0625247955d16f5c815fea6934b5fa Description-sl: metapackage for AMD/ATI OpenCL-savvy BOINC client and manager Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . Regular users (righteously) often find it an unbearable nuisance to care for the configuration of BOINC for the OpenCL-savvy AMD/ATI graphics cards. This package adds a series of dependencies from the non-free section to the regular boinc package. This also meant this binary package to be redistributed in the contrib section of Debian. . This package is not perfect, yet. A major problem for the moment is the availability of the OpenCL driver for 32bit binaries for amd64. If this is planned, install the amd-app package provided through the AMD developer forum. Package: boinc-client Description-md5: 9bd4f63a5f0f805b9edce1e36fefff24 Description-sl: core client for the BOINC distributed computing infrastructure Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo. Več iniciativ različnih znanstvenih disciplin tekmuje za nedejaven čas namiznih računalnikov. Spletišče razvijalcev na univerziteti Berkeley služi kot skupni portal do sicer neodvisnih projektov. . This package contains the BOINC core client program that is required to participate in any project that uses BOINC. A central server distributes work units and collects results via this client. When attaching a local machine to a project, this client will also dynamically download the scientific data and executables to be then wrapped by the BOINC core client. Package: boinc-dbg Description-md5: 556c78de5f67fef81ed6aed04ee3368e Description-sl: debugging symbols for BOINC binaries Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . This package contains unstripped versions of all binaries included in the BOINC client packages. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. For installations running a BOINC server locally, it may be of interest to also install the boinc-server-dbg package. Package: boinc-manager Description-md5: 18cdf3bcfd01c25a71225cc0291571cd Description-sl: Grafični uporabniški vmesnik za nadziranje osnovnega odjemalca BOINC Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire. . This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available. . Za dejavno sodelovanje v kateremukoli projektu BOINC je priporočeni paket boinc-client, ki je zahtevan za vsako napravo, ki prispeva svoje vire. Package: bombardier Description-md5: df88a58c5d332d4f3c9c45b50c2a53a6 Description-sl: Pripomoček GNU Bombing This game is the same as the old Blitz16 game on Commodore 16/Plus 4, written by Simon Taylor. . The player is driving a plane that moves across the screen. When the plane reaches the right edge of the screen it starts again on the left side, but drops down one line. Below is a cityscape composed of blocks. The player has to drop bombs from the plane, and each bomb which hits a building removes some blocks. As the plane descends it risks hitting any remaining blocks so priority has to be given to bombing the tallest buildings. The level is completed when all blocks are removed and the plane has descended safely to the bottom of the screen. . Info about the original Blitz 16: Package: bomber Description-md5: f7eb190e86fa42fdcccfd1f7656447b4 Description-sl: arcade spaceship game Bomber is a game where you fly a spaceship and attempt to bomb the buildings below you. Each pass the spaceship makes, it gets lower and lower. If you've not destroyed a building in your path, you will crash into it. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: bomberclone Description-md5: 5d7bacb049c8b9522938c9e5c1fe423e Description-sl: Prost klon Bomberman BomberClone je prosta igra podobna igri Bomberman za Linux in Windows. Pravila igre so enostavna: tecite skozi stopnje in razstrelite druge igralce. Vsebuje nadgradnje, ki vam dajejo večjo moč, vam pomagajo hitreje hoditi ali vam pustijo spustiti brez bomb. . BomberClone lahko igrate na večigralski način preko omrežij IPv4 ali IPv6 ali v enoigralskem načinu proti računalniku. Package: bomberclone-data Description-md5: 74c55cd46505235aa5364ffeee7c244d Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za igro bomberclone BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. . This package contains the data files needed to run the game. Package: bootchart Description-md5: 11a29fdbf49a2e95dc09dd3531b75021 Description-sl: Urejanje zagonskega zaporedja bootchart allows you to audit the boot sequence of your computer and generate a pretty chart of the processes run, including how long they took and how much CPU and I/O they used. . The auditing is performed by a tool that runs in your initramfs, or early in your boot sequence, and records system statistics as your computer boots. . Tarballs of this data are left in /var/log/bootchart; from these either PNG or SVG will be generated if pybootchartgui is installed. Package: bootparamd Description-md5: f8a48e5e1f4c8735656e73735d69964d Description-sl: Strežnik zagonskih parametrov bootparamd is a server process that provides information to diskless clients necessary for booting. It consults the /etc/bootparams file to find the information it needs. Package: bootpc Description-md5: 6a2eb49f6d136266a97ce949df0a3cdc Description-sl: Odjemalec bootp This is a boot protocol client used to grab the machines ip number, set up DNS nameservers and other useful information. Package: bosh Description-md5: cd976f65269fcf6d1cd0ab91ebc06460 Description-sl: Brskaj po izhodih opravil bosh stands for browsable output shell. This is a bit of a misnomer because it isn't really a shell. What is does is store the output of a specified program in a buffer, and provides a simple curses interface to browse this buffer. Actions can be configured which can make use of the contents of the currently selected line. . Commands and actions are stored in bosh configuration files. These can include shebang line (#!/usr/bin/bosh) so that the configuration can just be run from the command-line. Package: boswars Description-md5: 4e73ed6461627ce9e52adec77d081117 Description-sl: futuristična realno-časovna strateška igra Bos Wars je futuristična realno-časovna strateška igra. Mogoče je igrati proti človeškim nasprotnikom preko krajevnega omrežja (LAN), na medmrežju ali proti računalniku. . Na voljo je podpora OpenGL kot izvajalna nastavitvena možnost. Package: botan1.10-dbg Description-md5: 71ca7ddd626bb2c26a35c8e1831ebf61 Description-sl: Knjižnica šifriranja, ki deluje na več sistemih (razhroščevanje) Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported, including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: botch-doc Description-md5: b4689f4bc8b4ffb42375d3ffe0ca6506 Description-sl: Bootstrapping helper - documentation Botch stands for bootstrap/build ordering tool chain and allows one to create and analyze bootstrapping dependency graphs, creates suggestions how to break dependency cycles and generates a build order. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: bouncy Description-md5: 25da351b0bb3ad7f4e652314f340ca09 Description-sl: jejte slastno zelenjavo na vrtu - igra namenjena majhnim otrokom Igrate Bouncy, lačnega zajca. Ste na vrtu z dobro zelenjavo in kmetom, ki mu ni všeč, da jih jeste. Skrijete (in premikate) se lahko pod zemljo. . Bouncy je bil napisan za avtorjevo hčerko, ki je bila ob pisanju igre stara 3 leta in za starejše otroke. Zato igra ni nasilna in stopnja "enostavno" je zelo zelo enostavna, "težko" pa vam bo v izziv. Package: bovo Description-md5: b441d750dee643b64630cf13767fc54f Description-sl: gomoku (five in line) board game Bovo is a game where two players take turns placing markers on the board, the winner being the first to complete a line of five markers. . Ta paket je del modula iger KDE Package: bowtie-examples Description-md5: 3566e3a8d3188ffdbd3edb7414cacdda Description-sl: Examples for bowtie, the ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner This package addresses the problem to interpret the results from the latest (2010) DNA sequencing technologies. Those will yield fairly short stretches and those cannot be interpreted directly. It is the challenge for tools like Bowtie to give a chromosomal location to the short stretches of DNA sequenced per run. . Bowtie aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end). . Ta paket vsebuje nekaj podatkov primerov za delo za bowtie. Package: bpython Description-md5: 41fa2ebd2df02ce65f14f471b18cf37b Description-sl: prikupen vmesnik za tolmač Python - začelje Curses bpython je lep vmesnik do tolmača Python in ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * poudarjanje skladnje v vrstici. * samodejno dopolnjevanje podobno readline s predlogi, ki so prikazani medtem ko tipkate, * pričakovani seznam parametrov za katerokoli funkcijo Python. Za poskus razdelitve parametrov za funkcije C uporablja pydoc, * možnost "zavrti nazaj" za pojav zadnje vrstice kode iz pomnilnika in ponovno oceno. Opomba: to je zares uporabno le pri razporejanju razredov in funkcij, ker je prava zmožnost "razveljavi" neuporabna, zato bodite pri uporabi tega previdni. * pošljite vneseno kodo na pastebin in prikaz URL pastebin za kopiranje, itd. * shranjevanje vnesene kode v datoteko. * samodejno zamikanje * način proti sesutju. . Ta paket vsebuje začelje Curses za bpython. Package: bpython-gtk Description-md5: 21e242ee35117f17acac71382733588b Description-sl: fancy interface to the Python interpreter - GTK+ frontend bpython je lep vmesnik do tolmača Python in ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * poudarjanje skladnje v vrstici. * samodejno dopolnjevanje podobno readline s predlogi, ki so prikazani medtem ko tipkate, * pričakovani seznam parametrov za katerokoli funkcijo Python. Za poskus razdelitve parametrov za funkcije C uporablja pydoc, * možnost "zavrti nazaj" za pojav zadnje vrstice kode iz pomnilnika in ponovno oceno. Opomba: to je zares uporabno le pri razporejanju razredov in funkcij, ker je prava zmožnost "razveljavi" neuporabna, zato bodite pri uporabi tega previdni. * pošljite vneseno kodo na pastebin in prikaz URL pastebin za kopiranje, itd. * shranjevanje vnesene kode v datoteko. * samodejno zamikanje * način proti sesutju. . This package contains the GTK+ frontend to bpython. Package: bpython-urwid Description-md5: 846f2538ea5971290ffecd4a6a42b25a Description-sl: fancy interface to the Python interpreter - urwid frontend bpython je lep vmesnik do tolmača Python in ima naslednje zmožnosti: . * poudarjanje skladnje v vrstici. * samodejno dopolnjevanje podobno readline s predlogi, ki so prikazani medtem ko tipkate, * pričakovani seznam parametrov za katerokoli funkcijo Python. Za poskus razdelitve parametrov za funkcije C uporablja pydoc, * možnost "zavrti nazaj" za pojav zadnje vrstice kode iz pomnilnika in ponovno oceno. Opomba: to je zares uporabno le pri razporejanju razredov in funkcij, ker je prava zmožnost "razveljavi" neuporabna, zato bodite pri uporabi tega previdni. * pošljite vneseno kodo na pastebin in prikaz URL pastebin za kopiranje, itd. * shranjevanje vnesene kode v datoteko. * samodejno zamikanje * način proti sesutju. . This package contains the urwid frontend to bpython. Package: bpython3 Description-md5: 68f9d713a1592f549bb6f3c460e8248d Description-sl: fancy interface to the Python3 interpreter - Curses frontend bpython is a fancy interface to the Python3 interpreter, and has the following features: . * poudarjanje skladnje v vrstici. * samodejno dopolnjevanje podobno readline s predlogi, ki so prikazani medtem ko tipkate, * pričakovani seznam parametrov za katerokoli funkcijo Python. Za poskus razdelitve parametrov za funkcije C uporablja pydoc, * možnost "zavrti nazaj" za pojav zadnje vrstice kode iz pomnilnika in ponovno oceno. Opomba: to je zares uporabno le pri razporejanju razredov in funkcij, ker je prava zmožnost "razveljavi" neuporabna, zato bodite pri uporabi tega previdni. * pošljite vneseno kodo na pastebin in prikaz URL pastebin za kopiranje, itd. * shranjevanje vnesene kode v datoteko. * samodejno zamikanje * način proti sesutju. . This package contains the Curses frontend to bpython for Python 3. Package: brandy Description-md5: 87052efb62063bde1423433f8602c5be Description-sl: BBC tolmač BASIC V Brandy is an interpreter for BBC Basic. It is source code compatible with the BASIC V interpreter in RISC OS and runs under a number of different operating systems. . Note that it is not possible to make operating system calls from within a program except under RISC OS. Package: breathe-doc Description-md5: 2994dafe44489d596aec226b09b19464 Description-sl: Sphinx autodox support for languages other than Python (documentation) Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and doxygen documentation systems. It enables Sphinx to generate autodoc for languages other than Python with the help of doxygen. It also allows one to embed reStructuredText in doxygen markup. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: breeze Description-md5: b3a6646f0a235f56befa3ba88bf5b826 Description-sl: Default Plasma theme (meta-package). This is the default theme for the KDE Plasma desktop. . This package includes wallpapers, icons, cursors, KWin style and Qt widget style for the Plasma 5 desktop. . Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base. Package: breeze-dbg Description-md5: ced872a30f961ac60e7cbbf46759dcd9 Description-sl: debugging symbols for the Breeze desktop theme The Breeze desktop theme is used by Plasma and other KDE Software. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: brewtarget Description-md5: 68a6c604ae6e3f0cf8d788bc6ed6094c Description-sl: Grafični vmesnik programa za varjenje piva Brewtarget is a calculator for brewing beer. It is a Qt-based program which allows you to create recipes from a database of ingredients. It calculates all the important parameters, helps you with mash temperatures, and just makes the process of recipe formulation much easier. Package: brickos Description-md5: 10cd698b2ec20e7c7087952e4647bc32 Description-sl: alternative OS for LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX. Supports devel. in C/C++ A multitasking operating system with development environment for use as an alternative to the standard LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX firmware. . For posts to/from other users: . (LEGO(r) je blagovna znamka skupine LEGO.) Package: brickos-doc Description-md5: 359d0988f64f96ebb702191a745b1971 Description-sl: documentation for brickOS an Alternative OS for the RCX HOWTO and API Documentation for brickOS an alternative Operating System for the LEGO(r) Mindstorms RCX. . (LEGO(r) je blagovna znamka skupine LEGO.) Package: bristol Description-md5: 5d7c1d7c0cbc76eceb235db1e961d5c2 Description-sl: Posnemovalnik sintetizatorja vintage Bristol is a synthesizer emulator application. Bristol uses the sound card PCM generator and can be MIDI driven, furthermore it can be set to use the low latency scheduling feature of the kernel, reducing audio under runs. It can handle any number of simultaneous synthesizers (they all connect to the same engine). It supports splitting and layering the keyboard with multiple synthesizers on a single midi channel. Currently Bristol emulates the following keyboards: Moog Mini, Moog Voyager (Bristol "Explorer"), Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Roland Juno-6, Yamaha DX-7, Hammond (single manual), Hammond B3 (dual manual). Package: bristol-data Description-md5: fbfcb6d2c07895634614ea70e14e7324 Description-sl: vintage synthesizer emulator (data files) Bristol is a synthesizer emulator application. Bristol uses the sound card PCM generator and can be MIDI driven, furthermore it can be set to use the low latency scheduling feature of the kernel, reducing audio under runs. It can handle any number of simultaneous synthesizers (they all connect to the same engine). It supports splitting and layering the keyboard with multiple synthesizers on a single midi channel. Currently Bristol emulates the following keyboards: Moog Mini, Moog Voyager (Bristol "Explorer"), Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Roland Juno-6, Yamaha DX-7, Hammond (single manual), Hammond B3 (dual manual). . Ta paket podatkovne datoteke programa. Package: browser-plugin-gnash Description-md5: 727797119073fe390fe063960da41646 Description-sl: GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives GNU Gnash je prost predvajalnik GPL-janega SWF. Izvaja se kot samostojen program na namizju ali vstavljenih napravah ali pa ga je mogoče uporabiti kot vstavek za več priljubljenih brskalnikov. Podpira predvajanje predstavnosti iz diska ali pretakanje preko omrežne povezave. . GNU Gnash je osnovan na GameSWF in podpira večino zmožnosti SWF v7 in nekatere zmožnosti SWF v8 in v9. SWF v10 v GNU Gnash ni podprt. . V Gnash je vključen sistem sporočanja, ki je osnovan na XML kot je to določeno v določilu SWF. To animaciji SWF omogoča sporazumevanje preko vtiča TCP/IP in razčlenjevanje dohodnega sporočila XML. To animaciji omogoča biti daljinski upravljalnik za druge naprave ali programe. . This package includes the plugin for Firefox/Mozilla Web Browser. The plugin works best with Firefox 1.0.4 or newer, and should work in any Mozilla based browser. Package: browser-plugin-packagekit Description-md5: c469ffc6294e86f966d4e7fb2d010020 Description-sl: Plugin to install missing plugins using PackageKit PackageKit allows performing simple software management tasks over a DBus interface e.g refreshing the cache, updating, installing and removing software packages or searching for multimedia codecs and file handlers. . Ta paket zagotavlja vstavek brskalnika. Package: browser-plugin-vlc Description-md5: 1dfbd075b62a574a99794b2eb520c80e Description-sl: multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC This plugin adds support for MPEG, MPEG2, DVD, DivX, Ogg/Vorbis and many more formats to any Gecko-based web browser (Firefox, Galeon, etc.). The decoding process is done by VLC and the output window is embedded in a webpage or directly in the browser window. There is also support for fullscreen display and javascript control. . VLC je predvajalnik projekta VideoLAN. Predvaja datoteke MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD-jev, VCD-je, podcaste, in predstavnostne pretoke iz različnih omrežnih virov. Package: brp-pacu-dbg Description-md5: 4e394cbf0bd3caa9ac1253b310acb752 Description-sl: audio analysis tool (debug) Brp-pacu compares the output of the system to the input of the system and allows you to use this data to perform final equalization by matching the results with actual DSP/EQ. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: bsfilter Description-md5: 20718b08c0417fe4025d4172a1e738a6 Description-sl: Bayezianski filter neželene pošte Bsfilter is a spam filter which can distinguish spam mail from other mails. It can read mails by three way: * reads from normal file or stdin. * retrieves and stores from IMAP server. * reads from POP server and passes to POP client. (POP proxy) Bsfilter gives nice support of Japanese. Package: bsnes Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-sl: prehodni preizkusni paket This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: btanks Description-md5: 0919858a4f942da456dacca4bacaea9e Description-sl: Hitra tankovska arkadna igra v 2D z večigralskim načinom in načini z razdeljenim zaslonom Battle Tanks je zabavna igra na vaši mizi, kjer lahko izberete eno od treh vozil in svojega nasprotnika izločite z enim od številnim orožij. Ima izvirno grafiko v slogu risank in dobro glasbo. Je zabavna in dinamična, ima več omrežnih načinov za bitko do smrti in sodelovanja. Package: btanks-data Description-md5: 6f6a8defabfdf86317e4e712b87605be Description-sl: fast 2D tank arcade game -- data Battle Tanks je zabavna igra na vaši mizi, kjer lahko izberete eno od treh vozil in svojega nasprotnika izločite z enim od številnim orožij. Ima izvirno grafiko v slogu risank in dobro glasbo. Je zabavna in dinamična, ima več omrežnih načinov za bitko do smrti in sodelovanja. . This package contains fonts, maps, sounds, music, images and other data for Battle Tanks. Package: btpd Description-md5: 5cfa4c67aed49caa65778c66c9ea1d87 Description-sl: Ozadnji program protokola BitTorrent btpd is a daemon based bittorrent client. The daemon state can be read or changed with appropriate commands. The daemon is capable of running several torrents simultaneously and only uses one tcp port, it's fairly low on resource usage and should be perfect for file distribution sites. . Efficient downloads and ease of use make this client a good choice for the casual user as well. Package: bugz Description-md5: f981c52cb13e3054a077e596ceaecd3a Description-sl: Vmesnik ukazne vrstice do Bugzille PyBugz is a Python and command line interface to Bugzilla, allowing the user to quickly search, isolate and contribute to projects using the Bugzilla bug tracker. Developers can easily extract attachments and close bugs all from the comfort of the command line. . This package provides both a fully-working CLI application as well as a Python module to be reused by other projects. Package: buici-clock Description-md5: 6f6758b59095253b98af93a55ee54c6b Description-sl: Privlačna namizna ura As clocks go, Buici satisfies the basic need of representing the time accurately and attractively. I wrote it when I began to use X as my primary desktop environment and wanted to have a decent looking clock on my desktop. I loathe digital clocks. This release has limited configurability. Package: buildtorrent Description-md5: 83acf29e32cd31820fc84a71fc6f942a Description-sl: Program za ustvarjanje torrentov v ukazni vrstici buildtorrent is a torrent file creation program. Given an announce url and an input file or directory, buildtorrent generates an output .torrent file that can be used by torrent clients. Package: bum Description-md5: 0f8b097911bac7d9bd24934ad91bfb00 Description-sl: Grafični urejevalnik ravni teka Boot-Up Manager je grafično orodje, ki vam omogoča enostavno nastavitev storitev init v ravneh izvajanja uporabnika in sistema ter spreminjanje prednosti Začetka/Zaustavitve storitev. Package: bumprace-data Description-md5: 65638cb4cad4269c68c767b44f096fbd Description-sl: Podatkovne datoteke za bumprace In BumpRacer, 1 player or 2 players (team or competitive) choose among 4 vehicles and race through a multi-level maze. The players must acquire bonuses and avoid traps and enemy fire in a race against the clock. . This package contains sound and image files for bumprace Package: bup-doc Description-md5: 5ad42acda759474a6eb6718235c7e8f0 Description-sl: highly efficient file backup system based on git (documentation) bup is a backup tool which stores the backups in a system based around the packfile format from git. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: burgerspace Description-md5: 0d3983db8ee492cdb119420cb5861185 Description-sl: Izognite se hudobnim živilom in izdelujte hamburgerje This is a clone of the classic game "BurgerTime". In it, you play the part of a chef who must create burgers by stepping repeatedly on the ingredients until they fall into place. And to make things more complicated, you also must avoid evil animate food items while performing this task, with nothing but your trusty pepper shaker to protect you. Package: bustle Description-md5: d2cf0fe9d67d298feec0ef0cdbb1e463 Description-sl: Predočilnik dejavnosti D-Bus Bustle is a tool to chart and provide timing information of D-Bus calls for profiling and debugging purposes. It is intended to replace reading the cryptic output of dbus-monitor. . Calls are displayed using Message Sequence Charts, a succinct way of representing entities and interactions over time. It can also output data in Graphviz format. . This package contains the graphical visualizer for traces generated with the bustle-pcap tool in the bustle-pcap package. Package: buxon Description-md5: 8d3696c169e7c0a9212e23d5ca7300fc Description-sl: Brskalnik forumov SIOC Buxon, ki je bil ustvarjen kot del projekta SWAML zagotavlja grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki vam pomaga pri brskanju po forumih SIOC. . This GUI only needs a URL to an RDF file storing SIOC forums information to start browsing and searching into it. Package: buzztard Description-md5: a88aa23b85c3d554bf593509742bc813 Description-sl: Modularni sestavljalnik glasbe The Buzztard project aims to provide a modular, free, open source music studio that is conceptually based on the proprietary Windows software called Buzz. The Buzztard project itself has no direct link to Buzz apart from its concepts that we build upon and is no 1:1 Buzz copy. To allow migration for Buzz users, Buzztard provides song-file import and buzz- machine reuse. Package: bvi Description-md5: 82e028998d9812c24a56e1a511b425cd Description-sl: Binarni urejevalnik datotek The bvi is a display-oriented editor for binary files, based on the vi text editor. If you are familiar with vi, just start the editor and begin to edit! If you never heard about vi, maybe bvi is not the best choice for you. Package: bwbasic Description-md5: a1358f918033e946f62430535dde0cef Description-sl: Bywater tolmač BASIC The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. It also offers shell programming facilities as an extension of BASIC. bwBASIC seeks to be as portable as possible. Package: bzflag-client Description-md5: a0bec377a4308fb604120244d4d7b720 Description-sl: Odjemalec BZFlag BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates and they do not have a team score. . There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. In capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and each team with at least one player has a team flag. The object is to capture an enemy team's flag by bringing it to your team's base. This destroys every player on the captured team, subtracts one from that team's score, and adds one to your team's score. In free-for-all, there are no team flags or team bases. The object is simply to get as high a score as possible. . This package installs the BZFlag client compatible with 2.4.x BZFlag servers. Package: bzflag-data Description-md5: 6dafac45c03293fffa5d504235cd5705 Description-sl: Podatkovna datoteka BZFlag BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game that allows users to play against each other in a network environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue, purple and rogue (rogue tanks are black). Destroying a player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed or destroying a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot teammates and they do not have a team score. . There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. In capture-the-flag, each team (except rogues) has a team base and each team with at least one player has a team flag. The object is to capture an enemy team's flag by bringing it to your team's base. This destroys every player on the captured team, subtracts one from that team's score, and adds one to your team's score. In free-for-all, there are no team flags or team bases. The object is simply to get as high a score as possible. . This package installs the data files needed by the BZFlag client. Package: bzflag-server Description-md5: e997be0b7b303bc9f485ab78477a541b Description-sl: bzfs - strežnik igre BZFlag bzfs is the server for BZFlag, and it must be running to play. It can be run on any system on the network (including a player's system or one without graphics). You need to install this package if you wish to: - play by yourself - play amongst a small group of people on a private network - provide a server so that anyone on the Internet may play with you Package: bzr-explorer Description-md5: 4df0a1fdcc73516ac172bf944c596c52 Description-sl: program grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za uporabo Bazaarja Bazaar Explorer je namizni program, ki zagotavlja enostaven vmesnik do sistema za nadzor različic Bazaar. Zasnovan je, da bi bil dovolj enostaven za občasne uporabe nadzora različic, a dovolj uporaben za visoko storilnost strokovnjakov. . It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality. Package: bzr-pipeline Description-md5: 2099a8424acd294f7495de86f43ff8cc Description-sl: Bazaar plugin for managing a pipeline of changes A Bazaar plugin helps you organize your changes into sections called "pipes" . Cevi vam lahko pomagajo: . * focus on each set of changes as a coherent piece, without being distracted by other sets of changes. * respect diff size limits when submitting changes * avoid reviewer fatigue when submitting changes for code review * maintain a set of patches against an upstream branch Package: bzr-search Description-md5: aa397f968be3618936865a43794781ec Description-sl: Vstavek iskanja za Bazaar This is a plugin for Bazaar that can index and search local and remote branches. . It adds a "index" and a "search" command to the Bazaar command-line UI. Package: bzr-stats Description-md5: 5bdc0e92c660d7ed0df9172f7a672fc2 Description-sl: Vstavek statistike za Bazaar This is a simple plugin for Bazaar that can list the contributors to a branch and what they worked on. . It adds two extra subcommands to Bazaar to list the committers by number of commits and by their type of contribution. Package: c++-annotations-contrib Description-md5: 7f1734b0cecf469d384228ea507517fc Description-sl: Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - contributed files The C++ Annotations offer an extensive tutorial about the C++ programming language. It can be used as a textbook for C/C++ programming courses. See the c++-annotations package for more information about the tutorial . Ta paket vsebuje zunanje prispevke. Package: c++-annotations-pdf Description-md5: 41067929df9514495043413896c65437 Description-sl: Extensive tutorial and documentation about C++ - PDF output The C++ Annotations offer an extensive tutorial about the C++ programming language. It can be used as a textbook for C/C++ programming courses. . This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transition to, C++. This document is the main textbook for Frank's C++ programming courses, which are yearly organized at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. . The C++ Annotations do not cover all aspects of C++, though. In particular, C++'s basic grammar, which is, for all practical purposes, equal to C's grammar, is not covered. For this part of the C++ language, the reader should consult other texts, like a book covering the C programming language. . Ta paket ponuja zabeležke C++ v obliki PDF. Package: c-cpp-reference Description-md5: 4c62d0e81134f37bb23091b8d7601beb Description-sl: Programski sklic C in C++ A reference for C and C++ primarily created to be used with KDevelop. As it is in HTML format, it can also be used without KDevelop using your favorite browser. Package: c-icap Description-md5: 2594eb234a2232bbabc15b43d9e6900f Description-sl: Podpora strežnika ICAP C-ICAP is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol to implement content adaptation and filtering services. . Most of the commercial HTTP proxies must support the ICAP protocol. The open source Squid 3.x proxy server supports it. . This Package contains the core ICAP daemon Package: c-sig Description-md5: 4d302e09376ca6266ae333536379a497 Description-sl: Orodje podpisa za GNU Emacs C-sig is a signature insertion tool for GNU Emacs. Features in c-sig include: - registering signatures interactively - learning facility - expanding signatures dynamically - modifying signatures through elisp functions Package: c2hs Description-md5: 2289ad79b89c4f005ff817a92b9e52f0 Description-sl: Ustvarjalnik vmesnika C->Haskell C->Haskell is an interface generator that simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries. The tool processes existing C header files that determine data layout and function signatures on the C side in conjunction with Haskell modules that specify Haskell-side type signatures and marshaling details. Hooks embedded in the Haskell code signal access to C structures and functions -- they are expanded by the interfacing tool in dependence on information from the corresponding C header file. . Haskell 98 is "the" standard lazy functional programming language. More info plus the language definition is at . Ta paket vsebuje razčlenjevalnik c2hs. Package: c2hs-doc Description-md5: 335f608de21cf792d6ac16a0171b67a9 Description-sl: C->Haskell Interface Generator -- Documentation package C->Haskell is an interface generator that simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries. The tool processes existing C header files that determine data layout and function signatures on the C side in conjunction with Haskell modules that specify Haskell-side type signatures and marshaling details. Hooks embedded in the Haskell code signal access to C structures and functions -- they are expanded by the interfacing tool in dependence on information from the corresponding C header file. . Haskell 98 is "the" standard lazy functional programming language. More info plus the language definition is at . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za c2hs. Package: caca-utils Description-md5: 44b5211535e8c3f0c83253e20bd8fb3e Description-sl: Grafični pripomočki besedilnega načina This package contains utilities and demonstration programs for libcaca, the Colour AsCii Art library. . cacaview is a simple image viewer for the terminal. It opens most image formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF etc. and renders them on the terminal using ASCII art. The user can zoom and scroll the image, set the dithering method or enable anti-aliasing. . cacafire is a port of AALib's aafire and displays burning ASCII art flames. . cacademo is a tiny graphic program that renders animated ASCII metaballs, matrix effects, colourful moiré circles and old school plasma effects. Package: cadaver Description-md5: 9c20a9a01d12d5f262352b6d0ca23917 Description-sl: Odjemalec WebDAV ukazne vrstice cadaver supports file upload, download, on-screen display, in-place editing, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, property manipulation, and resource locking. . Its operation is similar to the standard BSD ftp(1) client and the Samba Project's smbclient(1). . This package includes GnuTLS (HTTPS) support. . WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allow users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Package: cairo-clock Description-md5: dffe1cb26fae0a26156536d3ba7911a5 Description-sl: Analog clock drawn with vector-graphics To je analogna ura za prikaz sistemskega časa. Uporabi nove vidne učinke, ki jih ponujajo Xorg 7.0 skupaj z upravljalnikom sestavljanja (na primer xcompmgr ali compiz), gtk+ 2.10.0, cairo 1.2.0, libglade 2.6.0 in librsvg 2.14.0 za proizvajanje prikaz časa z lepimi točkami. Package: cairo-dock Description-md5: 4c707269e06a6ed8eddfb58f5dc4dd1b Description-sl: Lahko in lepo sidrišče za zagon programov (metapaket) Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop, able to replace advantageously your system panel! It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily customized at your convenience. It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU. . Na voljo je nekaj zaslonskih posnetkov: Razvojno spletišče: . Ta metapaket zagotavlja sestavne dele, ki so zahtevani za izvajanje Cairo- Dock. Zagotavlja jedro Cairo-Doc, zbirko običajnih vstavkov in datoteke, ki so zahtevane za vključitev Cairo-Dock v vaše namizno okolje. Package: cairo-dock-core Description-md5: 15c0d399e24571ee984dfc4a14c0ab99 Description-sl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (core package) Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop, able to replace advantageously your system panel! It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily customized at your convenience. It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU. . Na voljo je nekaj zaslonskih posnetkov: Razvojno spletišče: . Ta paket je osnova paketa Cario-Dock. Package: cairo-dock-data Description-md5: 98b1a6b7d0b471603fb58dce904f6dad Description-sl: Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (common files) Cairo-Dock is a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop, able to replace advantageously your system panel! It features multi-docks, taskbar, launchers and a lot of useful applets. Applets can be detached from the dock to act as desktop widgets. Numerous ready-to-use themes are downloadable in 1 click, and can be easily customized at your convenience. It can use hardware acceleration to be very fast and low on CPU. . Na voljo je nekaj zaslonskih posnetkov: Razvojno spletišče: . This package contains default icons and themes for Cairo-Dock. Package: caja-common Description-md5: 55bae4b9e8ba103c0bf9e5acf7ac9c3c Description-sl: file manager for the MATE desktop (common files) Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: calcoo Description-md5: ea7643e4452d9ac675a3cec6f2818c43 Description-sl: Znanstveno računalo (GTK+) Calcoo is a scientific calculator designed to provide maximum usability. The features that make Calcoo better than (at least some) other calculator programs are: . - bitmapped button labels and display digits to improve readability - no double-function buttons - you need to click only one button for any operation (except for arc-hyp trigonometric functions) - undo/redo buttons - both RPN (reverse Polish notation) and algebraic modes - copy/paste interaction with X clipboard - display tick marks to separate thousands - two memory registers with displays - displays for Y, Z, and T registers Package: calibre Description-md5: d2fa17779dda310ae0888e4e718f5ba6 Description-sl: Upravljanje knjižnica in pretvornik knjige Calibre je mišljen kot celotna rešitev e-knjižnice. Vključuje upravljanje knjižnice, pretvorbo oblik, pretvorbo virov novic v e-knjige kot tudi zmožnosti usklajevanja bralnika e-knjig. . Calibre je program ustvarjanja katalogov e-knjig. Za vas upravlja z zbirko e-knjig. Zasnovan je okoli koncepta logične knjige, enega vnosa v podatkovno zbirko, ki lahko ustreza e-knjigam v več vrstah. Podpira tudi pretvorbo iz številnih vrst e-knjig v LRF in EPUB. Do grafičnega vmesnika do programa pretvorbe lahko dostopate s klikom na gumb "Pretvori e-knjige". . Podprte vhodne vrste datotek so: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF in LRS. . Calibe ima zasnovo modularnega gonilnika naprav, ki naredi dodajanje podpore za različne naprave-ebralnika enostavno. Trenutno ima podporo za SONY PRS 500/505/700 in iPhone (s programom bralnika stanza). Usklajevanje podpira posodabljanje metapodatkov na napravi iz metapodatkov v knjižnici in ustvarjanje zbirk na napravi na osnovi oznak, ki so določne v pogledu knjižnice. V primeru da ima knjiga na voljo več kot eno vrsto, bo calibre pri pošiljanju na napravo samodejno izbral najboljšo vrsto. . Calibre lahko samodejno pridobi novice iz številnih spletišč/virov RSS, oblikuje novice v e-knjigo in jih pošlje na povezano napravo. Obstaja podpora za ustvarjanje e-knjig LRF/EPUB. e-knjige vključujejo *polne* različice člankov, ne le povzetke. . Calibre ima vgrajen pregledovalnik e-knjig, ki lahko prikazuje vse glavne vrste e-knjig. Package: calibre-bin Description-md5: 7cdeb75ac5751b72c9a6ac650d2fde30 Description-sl: Upravljanje knjižnica in pretvornik knjige Calibre je mišljen kot celotna rešitev e-knjižnice. Vključuje upravljanje knjižnice, pretvorbo oblik, pretvorbo virov novic v e-knjige kot tudi zmožnosti usklajevanja bralnika e-knjig. . Calibre je program ustvarjanja katalogov e-knjig. Za vas upravlja z zbirko e-knjig. Zasnovan je okoli koncepta logične knjige, enega vnosa v podatkovno zbirko, ki lahko ustreza e-knjigam v več vrstah. Podpira tudi pretvorbo iz številnih vrst e-knjig v LRF in EPUB. Do grafičnega vmesnika do programa pretvorbe lahko dostopate s klikom na gumb "Pretvori e-knjige". . Podprte vhodne vrste datotek so: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF in LRS. . Calibe ima zasnovo modularnega gonilnika naprav, ki naredi dodajanje podpore za različne naprave-ebralnika enostavno. Trenutno ima podporo za SONY PRS 500/505/700 in iPhone (s programom bralnika stanza). Usklajevanje podpira posodabljanje metapodatkov na napravi iz metapodatkov v knjižnici in ustvarjanje zbirk na napravi na osnovi oznak, ki so določne v pogledu knjižnice. V primeru da ima knjiga na voljo več kot eno vrsto, bo calibre pri pošiljanju na napravo samodejno izbral najboljšo vrsto. . Calibre lahko samodejno pridobi novice iz številnih spletišč/virov RSS, oblikuje novice v e-knjigo in jih pošlje na povezano napravo. Obstaja podpora za ustvarjanje e-knjig LRF/EPUB. e-knjige vključujejo *polne* različice člankov, ne le povzetke. . Calibre ima vgrajen pregledovalnik e-knjig, ki lahko prikazuje vse glavne vrste e-knjig. . Ta paket vsebuje kodno prevedene od arhitekture odvisne vstavke. Package: Description-md5: 5e510235f3067c292509902009635013 Description-sl: Program GNUstep za digitalne fotoaparate Camera prejme datoteke z vašega digitalnega fotoaparata. Osnovana je na GNUstep. Package: cameramonitor Description-md5: 5509e63e5d0ec0b83dd8cbef99d860f2 Description-sl: Nadziranje spletne kamere v sistemski vrstici Camera Monitor je majhna ikona sistemske vrstice, ki se pojavi, ko je spletna kamera vklopljena. Zasnovana je za namizje GNOME, vendar bi morala delovati tudi na KDE in Xfce. Package: camlidl Description-md5: 8b59e7135e390b690206f2e5dcbf12c5 Description-sl: Stub code generator for Objective Caml CamlIDL generates stub code for interfacing Caml with C from an IDL description of the C functions. Thus, CamlIDL automates the most tedious task in interfacing C libraries with Caml programs. . It can also be used to interface Caml programs with other languages, as long as those languages have a well-defined C interface. . Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko CamlIDL. Package: camorama Description-md5: e735984db83769816a53e3bcf5e70a8c Description-sl: Pripomoček gnome za ogled in shranjevanje slik s spletne kamere Camorama je majhen pripomoček za ogled in shranjevanje slik s spletne kamere ali katerekoli drugi naprave Video4Linux. Uveljavi lahko številne filtre slik in izvede oddaljena zajemanja. Package: canna-shion Description-md5: 5ac763bb3ead9d6a3bd51f379646330e Description-sl: Podporne mape za Canna Shion is a set of dictionaries supporting Canna. It has much more words than original dictionaries of Canna and it makes Canna more intelligent. Package: cantor Description-md5: 9869e5cab6ba551741e9d6d9321e2afd Description-sl: interface for mathematical applications Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python2 and cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-kalgebra Description-md5: 3d6acd13cef4f51ad5f962eb834fef3e Description-sl: KAlgebra backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using KAlgebra ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-lua Description-md5: eff00455c8353f36f6c04f0f0515c450 Description-sl: Lua backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Lua language ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-maxima Description-md5: f6ae06ebc930de49c27db235585f4e1a Description-sl: Zalednje Maxima za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Maxima Computer Algebra System ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-octave Description-md5: 40dfa2a010cfe976780f818f4eeaeb12 Description-sl: Zalednje Octave za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the GNU Octave language for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-python2 Description-md5: 340e4b276e4bc240f71bcfcde834537a Description-sl: Python2 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python2 language ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-python3 Description-md5: 500d040cc04dd59aa6367fba86b086fe Description-sl: Python3 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python3 language ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-qalculate Description-md5: 30b638392ffa6da855f2ed423a2ff7bb Description-sl: Qalculate! backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Qalculate! calculator ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-r Description-md5: 2fa1544de18d3f3786194a81d7260399 Description-sl: R backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the R Project for Statistical Computing ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-sage Description-md5: fe638cffae7bdab7f243c10fb0fab724 Description-sl: Zalednje Sage za Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Sage Mathematics Software ( in Cantor. . Please note that sagemath is not available in Debian, so you need to manually install it for this package to work. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-backend-scilab Description-md5: 4e8c6150e69901f7b71822bf1e400e46 Description-sl: Scilab backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Scilab scientific software package for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-dbg Description-md5: 0caf730cc817e02dff53dc08585e2086 Description-sl: debugging symbols for cantor This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with binaries included in cantor. . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. Package: cantor-dev Description-md5: 662922b950c724c8abcd49d045a29a18 Description-sl: interface for mathematical applications - development files Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python2 and cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . Ta paket je del modula izobražavanja KDE. . This package contains development files for cantor. Package: caps Description-md5: ddb688967998d935b755c502de987778 Description-sl: C* zbirka zvočnih vstavkov caps comprises a range of classic sound effects and a few more basic audio DSP units, signal and noise generators. The suite's aim is to provide impeccable sound quality, computational efficiency and no perceptible latency. . Documentation: Package: carmetal Description-md5: fd40e6a6ff4e3029fe3f4e4ab98e52a6 Description-sl: Dinamičen program geometrije z visoko ergonomičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Osnovan je na projektu C.a.R. (Compass and Ruler) ter vključuje skoraj vse njegove zmožnosti. Predlaga drugačen pristop iz vidika grafičnega vmesnika. . - Ruler and compass constructions can be changed by dragging one of the basic construction points. The construction follows immediately. The student can check the correctness of the construction and gain new insight. - Tracks of points and animated constructions can help to understand geometric relations. Tracks can be used as new objects to explore. - With the macros of C.a.R. very complicated constructions become possible. Macros are also a way to organize the geometric thinking. - Hiding construction details and using colors make constructions clearer to read. In C.a.R. lines and circles can also be reduced to the relevant points. - Arithmetic computations, numerical solutions, curves and functions go beyond classical constructions. It is even possible to construct in 3D using advanced macros. - Other geometries, hyperbolic or elliptic, can be explored. - Scripting (javascript based) of figures. Package: caspar-doc Description-md5: b4d0af6863bd65c41ebb6d661937ead8 Description-sl: dokumentacija za caspar Caspar offers Makefile snippets for common tasks, like installing (system configuration) files or typesetting documentation. . This package contains the caspar manpages in HTML and PostScript format as well as some other documentation. Package: castle-game-engine-doc Description-md5: 7834bd380d993d05d01dc35610eb04df Description-sl: Castle Game Engine - Developer's Documentation Castle Game Engine is a set of LGPL licenced libraries that are intended to ease developing 3D games with FreePascal / Lazarus. . It provides an excellent support for the VRML / X3D 3D data format. Other 3D formats are also supported. . It features many advanced graphic effects and easy to use API on top of OpenGL. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo. Package: cauchy-dev Description-md5: 642d9e5331f6aa220658fb1742d73e15 Description-sl: library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ (with Eigen) and Matlab. . Razvojne datoteke. Package: cba Description-md5: 4bcfd4a22ba4f2f729a4f2728fed1975 Description-sl: Preučevanje stalnih žarkov A small engineering tool that calculates member forces and support reactions of a continuous beam. A material and section database is included to set elasticity and moment of inertia. Boundary conditions can be set differently at each support. Package: cbflib-doc Description-md5: b812fdfc937951e1a03fd864a6a21385 Description-sl: dokumentacija za CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . Ta paket vsebuje dokumentacijo za CBFlib. Package: cbrpager Description-md5: bf343860e5e12d9d276cfa35c32d3389 Description-sl: pregledovalnik za CBR, CBZ IN CB7 (arhivi stripov) datoteke cbrPager je preprost za uporabo, majhen pregledovalnik za cbr, cbz in cb7 (arhivi stripov) datoteke. Ker je napisan v C, je izvedljiva datoteka majhna in hitra. Prikazuje slike jpeg, gif in png, ki jih lahko približate ali oddaljite. Package: ccal Description-md5: 4904bb59ec61bbf54db035923198950b Description-sl: Obarvan pripomoček koledarja CCAL is a drop in replacement for the standard unix calendar program. It includes support for color and daily, weekly, and yearly reminders/appointments. Package: ccontrol Description-md5: 09f82e79f863c65ab9d5d3c0cffd8d78 Description-sl: Nadzornik kodnega prevajanja The ccontrol program takes over the roles of the compiler, linker and make, and reads a configuration file to decide what to do before invoking them. This is particularly useful for centralized control over commands and options, such as enabling distcc and ccache. It is also great for controlling parallelism and which compiler versions to use, based on the directory and make targets. Package: cd-circleprint Description-md5: 51a4ae39167501ed72dce961877ad4cd Description-sl: Natisne okrogle cd oznake cd-circleprint is a program to create round cd-labels written in perl, using perl-tk to produce a graphical frontend. The labels have four lines of nice curved text and an additional four fields with normal text. Each field has selectable text-size, font and colour. The background colour is also selectable. The label may also have a background image. You can squeeze the whole page if your printer doesn't generate correct circles and you can move the two labels on the sheet to accommodate different types of label sheets. The output is postscript to make it as portable as possible. Package: cd-discid Description-md5: 5e36cbcb6bf4b1b7273d65c78305914d Description-sl: Pripomoček CDDB DiscID In order to do CDDB queries over the Internet, you must know the DiscID of the CD you are querying. cd-discid provides you with that information. It outputs the discid, the number of tracks, the frame offset of all of the tracks, and the total length of the CD in seconds, on one line in a space- delimited format. cd-discid was designed as a backend tool for cdgrab (now abcde) but will work independently of it. Package: cdargs Description-md5: 489a6b4331ab58c7452276c03f95150f Description-sl: bookmarks and browsing for the cd command CDargs is a tool which enhances the navigation of the common unix file- system inside the shell. It plugs into the shell built-in cd-command (via a shell function or an alias) and adds bookmarks and a browser to it. . Omogoča vam premik na zelo oddaljeno mesto na datotečnem sistemu z le nekaj pritiski na tipke. Package: cdbackup Description-md5: ab61b14fa607299af9f957daaa4df69d Description-sl: Pripomoček varnostnih kopij CD-R(W) cdbackup and cdrestore are a pair of utilities designed to facilitate streaming backup to and from CD-R(W) disks. Specifically, they were designed to work with dump/restore, but tar/cpio/whatever you want should work, so long as it writes to stdout for backups and reads from stdin for restores. Package: cdcat Description-md5: 5353b1b588d4eee654b0f720e28782fd Description-sl: Program večpredstavnostnega kataloga CDCat is a graphical, multiplatform media catalog program which scans the directories/drives you specify and makes a list of the filesystem contents (including the tags of MP3 files) and stores the result in a gzipped XML file. Package: cdcd-dbg Description-md5: 99cde580e3070f580b2513d117db475b Description-sl: command line or console based CD player (debug) cdcd works in two ways, accepting commands directly off the command line or in a query mode similar to other UNIX programs. To pass a command to cdcd, simply run cdcd with the command as the argument (e.g. cdcd play). This is great for using cron and cdcd together to make a CD alarm clock. Or you can run cdcd without arguments and you will be given the cdcd command prompt. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: cdcover Description-md5: ef9fb8e66100d268103281471af25a1b Description-sl: Ustvarjanje ovojnic podatkovnih CD-jev cdcover is a little commandline tool which creates user-defined data-cd covers. Package: cdde Description-md5: 72a9d0bc4a3b8d2c7015b48ff53da747 Description-sl: Pripomoček zaznavanja in izvajanja CD-jev CDDE is a program that detects when a CD/DVD-ROM drive has a disc inserted. When it finds a disc inserted in the drive it will attempt to determine the type of the disc, and execute a specified command. This means a DVD can be inserted and your favorite DVD software will start, or a data CD can be automatically mounted, etc. The commands are defined in a configuration file that has simple XML syntax. Package: cdebootstrap Description-md5: 485427068050df8db0fa5d43537509b8 Description-sl: Ustvarite začetni nalagalni sistem Debian cdebootstrap generates systems from scratch for Debian and derivates. . This is implementation is different from debootstrap. It features a different package selection. The package selection is done according to the flavour. Package: cdo Description-md5: a3706a835a1fd31e6223c556a174dc28 Description-sl: Opraratorji podnebnih podatkov Climate Data Operators are a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. There are more than 400 operators available. Package: ceferino Description-md5: 0b1a78bf0c83fea665bf2bacc703441f Description-sl: akcijska igra podobna Super Pang A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed. Package: ceferino-data Description-md5: 45046c487f430401286178a2dc28022c Description-sl: akcijska igra podobna Super Pang A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed. . Ta paket vsebuje podatke igre. Package: celestia Description-md5: 78a66b90f7212c67593df5af3f1e5a09 Description-sl: Realno časovna vidna simulacija vesolja Celestia je prost 3D astronomski program. Osnovan je na hipparokovemu katalogu in uporabnikom omogoča prikaz predmetov, od umetnih satelitov do celotnih galaksij, v treh dimenzijah z uporabo OpenGL. Za razliko od ostalih programov lahko uporabnik prosto potuje po vesolju. . This is a dummy package that selects at least one frontend for Celestia. Package: celestia-common Description-md5: cf94db829e3d5a0c325f6bfbbd4edb06 Description-sl: datafiles for Celestia, a real-time visual space simulation Celestia je prost 3D astronomski program. Osnovan je na hipparokovemu katalogu in uporabnikom omogoča prikaz predmetov, od umetnih satelitov do celotnih galaksij, v treh dimenzijah z uporabo OpenGL. Za razliko od ostalih programov lahko uporabnik prosto potuje po vesolju. . Ta paket vsebuje podatkovne datoteke za Celestia. Package: celestia-glut Description-md5: b2da7a2953f378cd64e14571f7f37e63 Description-sl: realno-časovna vidna vesoljska simulacija (začelje GLUT) Celestia je prost 3D astronomski program. Osnovan je na hipparokovemu katalogu in uporabnikom omogoča prikaz predmetov, od umetnih satelitov do celotnih galaksij, v treh dimenzijah z uporabo OpenGL. Za razliko od ostalih programov lahko uporabnik prosto potuje po vesolju. . Ta paket vsebuje najmanjše začelje za program Celestia. To je ločen paket, ki zagotavlja začelje, ki se vključi v GNOME. Package: celestia-gnome Description-md5: 6bdf63b021d6ded9f54ba752c3084ba6 Description-sl: Realnočasovna vidna simulacija vesolja (začelje GNOME) Celestia je prost 3D astronomski program. Osnovan je na hipparokovemu katalogu in uporabnikom omogoča prikaz predmetov, od umetnih satelitov do celotnih galaksij, v treh dimenzijah z uporabo OpenGL. Za razliko od ostalih programov lahko uporabnik prosto potuje po vesolju. . Ta paket vsebuje začelje GTK+ za program Celestia, ki se vključi v GNOME. Package: cellwriter Description-md5: 8e8ed407f93fe036cf7ba99236e0abc1 Description-sl: pult za vnos pisave v mrežo CellWriter je vnosni pult naravnega pisanja. Ko vnašate znake v celice, je vaše pisanje hipno prepoznano na nivoju znakov. Ko pritisnete 'Enter' na pultu, je vaš vnos poslan programu, ki je trenutno v žarišču kot da bi bil vnesen na tipkovnici. . * odvisen od pisca, naučite se vaše pisave za učinkovito prepoznavo * algoritmi popravljanja predopravilnika za šum digitizirnika, različen red potez, smer in število potez * podora Unicode vam omogoča pisanje v vašem lastnem jeziku Package: Description-md5: f1b3a118ef345779554e4e15967de2d6 Description-sl: Orodje vektorske grafike za GNUstep Cenon je grafično orodje posebne vrste. Izgrajeno je na modularnem grafičnem jedru in ponuja številne možnosti in uporabe - ne le namizno založništvo. Cenon je prost program, na voljo s polno izvorno kodo, ki je doma na več računalniških sistemih. . Pretvori, uvozi in izvozi DXF, PostScript, Adobe Illustrator, vrste DIN, HPGL, Gerber in PDF. Package: cfengine2-dbg Description-md5: e44bd6e94f195cf7390e59f8ff477214 Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za cfengine2 The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to create a single central file which will define how every host on a network should be configured. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za cfengine2. Package: cfengine3-dbg Description-md5: 59dbc8979a3f94dab6c95ca89282b370 Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za cfengine3 The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to create a single central file which will define how every host on a network should be configured. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole za cfengine3. Package: cfingerd Description-md5: c59ae5f8fe9f252bf9fbf651bcf214b8 Description-sl: Nastavljiv ozadnji program finger This is a free replacement for standard finger daemons such as GNU fingerd and MIT fingerd. Cfingerd can enable/disable finger services to individual users, rather than to all users on a given host. It is able to respond to a finger request to a specified user by running a shell script (e.g., finger doorbell@mysite.mydomain might cause a sound file to be sent) rather than just a plain text file. Package: cgi-mapserver Description-md5: 84edf36c492ddf586b6901d8fd342142 Description-sl: Izvedljiva datoteka CGI za MapServer This package contains the mapserv CGI program. It provides the MapServer template language, and can be used to implement Web Map Service applications. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: cgilib Description-md5: e6858716f1a5fe470806506faabdaf40 Description-sl: Enostavna knjižnica CGI This library provides a simple programming API to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). It features HTTP Redirect, provides read access to FORM variables, sets HTTP Cookies and reads them. Package: cgoban Description-md5: fd9a7d9c5e397cc593474ca68e0d71a5 Description-sl: Celotna plošča Go CGoban (celoten Goban) je računalniška plošča na kateri lahko igrate igro Go proti drugem igralcu, si ogledate in uredite datoteke smart-go in se povežete s strežniki Go na internetu. Je tudi vmesnik do računalniških programov Go kot je GNU Go, ki podpirajo protokol modem Go. V primeru da želite uporabiti pripomoček za zajemanje "zaslonskih posnetkov" igre CGoban boste potrebovali pretvornik slike. Domačo stran CGoban lahko najdete na . Go je starodavna igra, ki izvira s Kitajske in ima zgodovino preko 3000 let, nekateri zgodovinarji pa trdijo, da je bila igra izumljena več kot 4000 let nazaj. Kitajci igro imenujejo Weiqi, druga imena za Go vključujejo Baduk (korejsko), Igo (japonsko) in Goe (tajvansko). . V tej igri igralci poskušajo na območje izvajati več vpliva kot nasprotnik z uporabo groženj smrti, zajema ali izolacije. Zato je simbolična predstavitev razmerij med narodi. Go postaja čedalje bolj priljubljen, predvsem v Aziji, Evropi in Ameriki, kjer prirejajo veliko število tekmovanj. . Igra Go se igra na plošči. Niz Go je sestavljen iz plošče skupaj s 181 črnimi in 180 belimi kamni. Običajna plošča ima 19 krat 19 vrstic, vendar pa je mogoče uporabiti tudi plošči 9x9 in 13x13. Vendar so plošče 9x9 in 13x13 običajno za začetnike. Napredni igralci imajo rajši običajno ploščo 19x19. . V primerjavi z mednarodnim in kitajskim šahom ima Go precej manj pravil. Vendar to omogoča igranje vseh vrst potez, zato je lahko Go bolj intelektualno zahtevna igra kot drugi dve vrsti šaha. Vseeno se igre Go ni težko naučiti, zato se zabavajte pri igranju igre s prijatelji. . (podatki s strani Package: chaksem Description-md5: 2a20f02adbf4e6f313226447dbeffb09 Description-sl: Razred LaTeX za predstavitve chaksem is a LaTeX2e class for slides. Based on seminar, it adds support for running footers as well as itemised and numbered lists, with a layout that fits nicely to the sans serif font used for text. There is support for overlays, which includes the ability to accumulate text and images on the slides for online presentations. Printable lecture notes with collapsed overlays are also able to be generated from this class. Package: changetrack Description-md5: e4c28f2dd24ee835fb66598b52d5990c Description-sl: Nadziranje sprememb (nastavitvenih) datotek A program to automatically monitor changes to a set of files. If files are modified one day, and the machine stops working correctly some days later, changetrack provides information on which files were modified, and thus helps locate the problem. If you tell changetrack to use either the line editor ed (the default) or The Revision Control System (RCS), you can recover files to any previous stage. If you do not want to install Perl, try out the filetraq or diffmon package. Another similar program is etckeeper. Package: Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d Description-sl: Preglednica znakov za GNUstep To je preglednica znakov. Uporablja jo razvojno orodje GNUstep ( in je mišljena kot prispevek obljubi GNUstep proti namiznem okolju. . Charmap ponuja izbiro pisav, ki omogoča enostaven ogled vseh pismenk, ki jih ponuja določena pisava. Package: Description-md5: bd80fd4e79b2fa8cbe031939d26a0af1 Description-sl: Character map for GNUstep (arch-independent files) Charmap is a character map for GNUstep. It offers font selection, allowing one to easily see all the glyphs which a particular font provides. . Ta paket vsebuje od arhitekture neodvisne datoteke. Package: check-postgres Description-md5: 70e0f8840b281fd43a4e56d4d6a1cfed Description-sl: Skript za nadziranje podatkovnih zbirk PostgreSQL check_postgres is a Perl script that runs many different tests against one or more Postgres databases. It uses the psql program to gather the information, and outputs the results in one of three formats: Nagios, MRTG, or simple. Package: checkbot Description-md5: 8ca966a28523ef22aff1bf9086f333f1 Description-sl: Program za potrjevanje veljavnosti povezav WWW Checkbot verifies links within a region of the World Wide Web. It checks all pages within an identified region, and all links within that region. After checking all links within the region, it will also check all links which point outside of the region, and then stop. Package: checkgmail Description-md5: f8448cb98b8ccbcfe4d6d135f378e29b Description-sl: Nadomestni obvestilnik Gmail za Linux preko virov Atom CheckGmail je nadomesti obvestilnik Gmail za Linux in druge sisteme *nix. Je hiter, varen in uporablja najmanjšo pasovno širino preko uporabe virov Atom. . CheckGmail je program sistemske vrstice, ki preveri račun Gmail za novo pošto. Ko prispe nova pošta, se ikona sistemske vrstice spremeni, prikaže se izbirno animirano pojavno okno in orodni namig prikaže število in podrobnosti novih sporočil. Nastavitev je osnovana na graifčnem uporabniškem vmesniku in program je zasnovan, da bi bil enostaven, eleganten in nemoteč. Package: checkinstall Description-md5: 65a8e9c4837c96312620e0e3daa0cd3f Description-sl: Sledilnik namestitev CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's standard package management utilities. Package: checkpolicy Description-md5: 863da67d6724107de7579bcd3c30b3db Description-sl: Kodni prevajalnik pravil SELinux Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . This package contains checkpolicy, the SELinux policy compiler. Only required for building policies. It uses libsepol to generate the binary policy. checkpolicy uses the static libsepol since it deals with low level details of the policy that have not been encapsulated/abstracted by a proper shared library interface. Package: checkpw Description-md5: 31447975786615161e84f9a118474060 Description-sl: checks password which is stored in ~/Maildir/.password checkpw is an implementation of the checkpassword interface that checks a password against a ``.password'' file in the user's Maildir. The password file has read and write permissions to the user only. . Koda je v javni domeni. . The original checkpassword program and interface specification is written by D. J. Bernstein: Package: checkstyle-doc Description-md5: bab49bc473fefc35dcd1bbd91b098568 Description-sl: Dokumentacija za Checkstyle Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard. . Checkstyle is highly configurable and can be made to support almost any coding standard. An example configuration file is supplied supporting the Sun Code Conventions. . Ta paket vsebuje datoteke Javadoc in nekaj primerov prikaza uporabe orodja Checkstyle. Package: chemtool Description-md5: 4490e1127341a59e01b51d1311ab82a8 Description-sl: chemical structures drawing program Chemtool je na GTK+ osnovan urejevalnik 2D kemijskih struktur za X11. Podpira veliko slogov vezi, večino oblik besedila za kemijsko oblikovanje besedila in razdeljene/ukrivljene puščice. . Risbe lahko izvozite v vrsti MOL in PDB, vrsto SVG ali XFig za nadaljnje zabeležke, kot risbo PiCTeX kot bitno sliko ali kot datoteke Postscript (več od teh z uporabo programa transfig). . Paket vsebuje tudi program pomočnika cht za izračun formule vsote in (natančno) molekulsko maso iz datoteke risbe chemtool. Cht lahko pokličete neposredno s programom Chemtool ali iz konzole. Package: chiark-scripts Description-md5: 28faeeddd0612b7a4cf747f93e9dcb4c Description-sl: Skripti skrbništva sistema chiark This package contains a number of small administration scripts used by and other systems belonging to the Sinister Greenend Organisation. Featuring: . chiark-named-conf: a tool for managing nameserver configurations and checking for suspected DNS problems. Its main functions are to check that delegations are appropriate and working, that secondary zones are slaved from the right places, and to generate a configuration for BIND, from its own input file. . sync-accounts: a simple but flexible account info synchroniser. sync- accounts is a tool for copying un*x account data from remote systems and installing it locally. It is flexible and reasonably straightforward, but lacks integration with other distributed databases such as NIS. . cvs-repomove and cvs-adjustroot: tools for moving CVS repositories and adjusting working trees. . palm-datebook-reminders: a program which emails mails you reminders about the appointments in your Palm's Datebook. . cvsweb-list: cgi program to list ucgi (userv-utils) cvsweb repos . expire-iso8601: keep or expire backup trees named after their dates . gnucap2genspic, ngspice2genspic, genspic2gnuplot: pretvori datoteke gnucap in datoteke izhoda ngspice v datoteke genspic in genspic v vhod gnuplot zato da jih je mogoče izrisati. . hexterm: connects to serial port and allows the user interact in ASCII and hex. Ie, a hex "terminal" program which lets you speak a serial port protocol directly. (Needs tcl8.4 to be installed.) . random-word, remountresizereiserfs, summarise-mailbox-preserving-privacy Package: chiark-utils-bin Description-md5: 17282aa928b91066de14305a7396e417 Description-sl: Pripomočki skrbništva sistema chiark This package contains a number of small administration scripts used by and other systems belonging to the Sinister Greenend Organisation. Currently featuring only: . with-lock-ex: a simple tool for acquiring a lockfile before running another program or script. . summer: a tool for reporting complete details about a filesystem tree in a parseable format, including checksums. . xbatmon-simple: a very simple X client for displaying battery charge status. . xduplic-copier: a very simple X client for typing into multiple windows at once. . watershed: a utility for saving on superfluous executions of an idempotent command. (This is the same utility as shipped separately in Ubuntu's udev, but with slightly different defaults and a different install location.) . rcopy-repeatedly: a utility for repeatedly copying a file from one host to another, to keep a copy constantly up to date. . acctdump: for reading process accounting files. . summer and watershed require the installation of the Recommended crypto libraries; xbatmon-simple needs the Suggested X libraries. Package: chicken-bin Description-md5: a2b8f17a423d7f435cd562848391bee4 Description-sl: Practical and portable Scheme system - compiler CHICKEN is a Scheme compiler which compiles a subset of R5RS into C. It uses the ideas presented in Baker's paper "Cheney on the MTA", and has a small core and is easily extendable. . Ta paket vsebuje kodni prevajalnik. Package: childsplay Description-md5: 533ca128a3e56e3c9a4bdc02cc6fc64e Description-sl: Paket izobraževalnih iger za majhne otroke Childsplay zagotavlja dejavnosti spomina, ki so zabavne in hkrati omogočijo učenje zvokov, slik, številk in črk, dejavnosti, ki otroke naučijo uporabe miške in tipkovnice in igre kot so uganke, pong, pacman in biljard. Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-bg Description-md5: 2aeba071d1857da6dde21e6c9041ab94 Description-sl: Bolgarske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ca Description-md5: 1ab15e0b611c3fffec3c89984cc67abe Description-sl: Katalonske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-de Description-md5: 4af86cd5b3bad3a9417cc548c15a29ad Description-sl: Nemške zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-el Description-md5: fa4938661f8827b08deb34d6ed00a09e Description-sl: Grške zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-en-gb Description-md5: b18b2ca9aafe4244d1e5ff30e525a48a Description-sl: Britanske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-es Description-md5: 0e41215da4b79ba001b4b25f8bf37ec4 Description-sl: Španske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr Description-md5: 9c16d25ac653c2afb929e42893b74dc2 Description-sl: Francoske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it Description-md5: d6802d2cf52d34f215b4c2c29743fc5a Description-sl: Italijanske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nb Description-md5: ef602570215efe48e5220bd01145ec34 Description-sl: Bokmål sound files for childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl Description-md5: 30deed121695da4744503b9d94739aa9 Description-sl: Nizozemske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt Description-md5: 0b90eda40af66f0629539bce92a79f12 Description-sl: Portugalske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ro Description-md5: c8645ea4267128aa6f352037bd16f778 Description-sl: Romunske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru Description-md5: e19388782cb89cc5690b73a4f11c6fa6 Description-sl: Ruske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sl Description-md5: 305c5970d7692d3fe58730bc6d7e0c2a Description-sl: Slovenske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv Description-md5: c411913397d961190b4f06c9c501f21e Description-sl: Švedske zvočne datoteke za childsplay Prevedene zvočne datoteke za childsplay Package: chimera2 Description-md5: 688a3b9d45720794a6b7452300b96a17 Description-sl: Spletni brskalnik za X Simple, fast, free web browser. . This is an alpha-test version; some of the rendering routines are buggy. Package: chipmunk-dev Description-md5: 3961251694fe4e672502876ff2815c7a Description-sl: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library - devel Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. . Ta paket vsebuje razvojne knjižnice in glave. Package: chntpw Description-md5: 5caff50ce5da87721dc20b3c911d2784 Description-sl: Pripomoček za obnavljanje gesel NT SAM This little program provides a way to view information and change user passwords in a Windows NT/2000 user database file. Old passwords need not be known since they are overwritten. In addition it also contains a simple registry editor (same size data writes) and an hex-editor which enables you to fiddle around with bits and bytes in the file as you wish. . If you want GNU/Linux bootdisks for offline password recovery you can add this utility to custom image disks or use those provided at the tools homepage. Package: choreonoid-dbg Description-md5: b67b61a005a393618b643c648930da42 Description-sl: Choreonoid debugging symbols Choreonoid is an integrated robotics GUI environment, which allows users to add their own functions on the basis of various basic robotics functions. . Ta paket vsebuje razhroščevalne simbole. Package: chromium-browser-dbg Description-md5: 15b3c7e55558d7ef27690042e85c8e5c Description-sl: Razhroščevalni simboli za chromium-browser Razhroščevalni simboli za brskalnik Chromium Package: chromium-bsu Description-md5: bf03f80034119dd57df5e05f79692a37 Description-sl: hitra vesoljska strelska igra v slogu arkade Chromium je hitra visoko akcijska strelska igra s pogledom od zgoraj navzdol. . V tej igri ste kapitan tovorne ladje Chromium B.S.U in ste odgovorni za dostavljanje zalog enotam na bojni liniji. Vaša ladja ima majhno enoto robotskih borcev, ki jih lahko nadzirate z ladje Chromium. Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg Description-md5: 5da9721609191455cf39f508a8dbbcc2 Description-sl: Prosti kodeki ffmpeg za brskalnik Chromium An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. . This package contains the multi-threaded ffmpeg codecs needed for the HTML5